It’s very hard for me to finish tasks to exchange Pokémon with friends. I failed to ask one of the friends to exchange this morning whose task was left from yesterday.
I have no idea to delete this task or leave until tomorrow when I can meet other friends.
Some people have two IDs to manage two smartphones. I can’t deal such complicated works even I’m doing tough with a single smartphone to play Pokémon.
If you have two more IDs you can exchange Pokémon tasks easily.
I won’t make double score because I’m not so good at making Pokémon strong nor fighting well.
It’s okay I can play and enjoy as well as possible.
Today I didn’t get any good results but I’ll try tomorrow.
“Tomorrow is another day.”
I just make Rukario mega evolution as my mate. He’s very nice and gentle to me.🥰
I really expect your support as well as my Rucario.
You are bad at shooting.
Rukario is help to missshooting.
You like rukaio as well as I like nekurozuma.
Nekurozuma is very very strong!!