The beauty of the members waiting for their comeback (IVE)
The beauty of the members waiting for their comeback (IVE)カムバックを待つメンバーたちの美しさ(IVE)IVE's first comebac

KARA sings new song
KARA sings new songKARAが新曲を歌うKARA's albums released in Japan and Korea are do...

Received an enthusiastic welcome in Manila (Apink)
Received an enthusiastic welcome in Manila (Apink) マニラで熱狂の歓迎受けた(Apink)Apink appears on "MT...

To the T-ARA Three Strong Fronts
To the T-ARA Three Strong FrontsT-ARA三強戦線へT-ARA's first Japanese album is No....

Molting of T-ARA
Molting of T-ARAT-ARAの脱皮Like Girls' Generation? T-ARA will also reorganize into...

"NewJeans" in between "Min Heejin VS HYBE"
"NewJeans" in between "Min Heejin VS HYBE"”ミン・ヒジン VS HYBE”狭間の「NewJeans(ニュージーンズ)」"M...

Bomi and Namjoo enjoy karaoke (?) (Apink)
Bomi and Namjoo enjoy karaoke (?) (Apink)ボミとナムジュがカラオケ(?)を楽しむ(Apink)...

Because of the close relationship between Red Velvet's Joy and Lay (IVE)
Because of the close relationship between Red Velvet's Joy and Lay (IVE)Red Velvetジョ...

The new "T-ARA" is a big family
The new "T-ARA" is a big family新生「T-ARA」は大所帯でT-ARA member change? "There ...

Bomi (Apink)'s "King of Masked Singer"
Bomi (Apink)'s "King of Masked Singer"ボミ(Apink)の『覆面歌王』Apink Yoon Bomi appears...

From the promotional video rap song (IVE)
From the promotional video rap song (IVE)プロモーション映像のラップ曲から(IVE)IVE Gaul &...