Helsinger (Norway )6304/ノルエーの港町
私は名所旧跡を巡るよりも、ありふれた街の様子をスケッチするのを好みます。I prefer to sketch ordinary city scenes rather than visiting fam

Inlet (Kashikojima, Wakayama Prefecture)5293/入江 (賢島)
賢島は真珠の養殖でも有名なところである。Kashikojima is also famous for pearl farming.

Man taking a walk 6244/散歩する人
好みの散歩コースを今日も歩いて行く。He walks along his favorite walking route again today.
Walk on the beach at sunset
The path leading to the beach at sunset feels like a hidden escape, with the soft, sand...
Summer is over.
The warm days and long sunsets have come to an end, leaving behind a sense of nostalgia...

Street view 6225/信号待ち
待ち時間も退屈しないスマホ人生。A smartphone life where waiting times never get boring.
Transparent emerald green sea
Sailing over the crystal clear emerald waters feels like a gentle escape from the hustl...
The purple sky is fantastic
At sunset by the sea, the purple-hued sky casts a silhouette of palm trees, creating a ...

A is living in this town 6224/Aの住む町
この町は平穏なうちに1日が暮れていくように見える。The day seems to end peacefully in th...

Man sitting on a cliff 5313/断崖に座る人
通常、人生では時々孤独を感じるものであるIt is normal to feel lonely at times in life.

Imaginary Landscape (Chuo Line, toward Mitaka Station / 1968) 6205/心象風景(中央線三鷹駅方向/1968年)
故郷は遠くに在りて想うものHometown is something we think of when it's far away