#Obama 新着一覧
Get Your Facts Straight Obama. 🖕🤨🤮😡😠🤬👿
Barack Obama Has Screwed Up Priorities. 🖕🤨🤮😡😠🤬👿Connect with Superdavebeast and other m

He was a shining example of conceptualization, communication, and diplomacy.
The following is from an interview with Shinsuke Sugiyama, Former Ambassador to the Uni...

The Japanese people must continue to watch Kishida and Biden closely.
For Xi Jinping, the U.S. president is Biden, and the Japanese prime minister, Kishida, ...
おば ま さんの横顔・・
おば ま さんの横顔 から始まるこの記事おば ま さん 久司道夫さんという方の 講演で...
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