#Oda 新着一覧
The survey of  Fire situation in Nairobi, Kenya  ODA / TICAD  【SK laboratory】阪本研究所
The survey of fire fighting situation in Wagatoku, Burkina Faso ODA / TICAD 【SK laboratory】阪本研究所
The survey of fire fighting situation in Abidjan, CÔTE D'IVOIRE  ODA / TICAD【SK laboratory】阪本研究所
The survey of fire fighting situation in Rabat,  Morocco  ODA / TICAD【SK laboratory】阪本研究所
The survey of fire fighting situation & Waste disposal site in Tanzania (3/3)ODA / TICAD 
The survey of fire fighting situation & Waste disposal site in Tanzania (2/3)ODA / TICAD
The survey of fire fighting situation & Waste disposal site in Tanzania (1/3)ODA / TICAD
The survey of fire fighting situation in  Pretoria, Republic of South Africa  / TICAD