
Spring shearling blouse
Hello, this is the kimono remake and kimono reform service in Yokohama Aobadai.『galler...

From furisode (kimono) to wedding dress
Hello, this is the kimono remake and kimono reform service in Yokohama Aobadai.『galler...

Spring's new collection of cut-and-sew tops
Hello, this is the kimono remake and kimono reform service in Yokohama Aobadai.『galler...

Handwoven Kurume Kasuri (traditional Japanese ikat) long vest
Hello, this is the kimono remake and kimono reform service in Yokohama Aobadai.『galler...

What to wear after Setsubun... it's troubling
Hello, this is the kimono remake and kimono reform service in Yokohama Aobadai.『galler...

ショートにしてみたの♥松田聖子 お尻フリフリ♡ Kimono Beat HAPPY 30th ANNIVERSARY COUNT DOWN LIVE より
おはようございまつだです 今朝のの妄想 ゆうちゃん髪の毛思いきって短く切ってみたの どう? 可...

1月31日(金)より、5点で半額 SALE 開催します!
毎年この時期に開催している”5点で半額 SALE”今年も1月31日(金)より開催致します。...

Spring's new line of cut-and-sew tops
Hello, this is the kimono remake and kimono reform service in Yokohama Aobadai.『galler...

ウールの長ゴート。Long goat of wool.
ウールの長ゴート。Long goat of wool.防寒用のコートとしてウール千鳥格子ベージュ、イエロ...

Remake a wedding dress from a houmongi (formal visiting kimono)
Hello, this is the kimono remake and kimono reform service in Yokohama Aobadai.『galler...