Japanese Translation Company | 英語翻訳会社

Professional. Translation. Since. 2004 – Experienced!

Japanese Document Translation Services – Avoiding Worst-Case Scenarios

2024-02-07 | translation articles

Are you aware of how a poorly translated document Japanese-to-English to can adversely affect you?




The consequences can be frightening, ranging from lost business opportunities and hefty non-compliance fines to potential litigation and the rejection of crucial application documents. It's a scenario no one wants to face.

Ensuring High-Quality Japanese Document Translation

When precision and accuracy are non-negotiable, you'll want to lean on professional Japanese translators who are not just linguistically adept but also are able to ensure the highest quality in translations.

Here's how we stand out in delivering best-in-class Document Translation Services:

  • Full Cycle TEP (Translation, Editing, Proofreading): This process isn't just about translating. It's about refining and ensuring that every word conveys the intended message without any room for error. It's our formula for delivering the best possible quality in document translation Japanese to English and vice versa.
  • Exclusively Professional Human Translators: We believe in the power of human touch. That's why we rely solely on professional Japanese translators, steering clear of the pitfalls associated with machine translations, translation clouds, crowdsourcing, and the like. This ensures that nuances and subtleties are not lost in translation.
  • Industry-Specific Expertise: Our translators aren't just language experts; they're also knowledgeable in various industry sectors. This means your financial, legal, personal, business documents, or personal legal documents are handled by someone who understands the context, terminology, and importance of accuracy in your field.

A Commitment to Quality

Why do we offer a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee or Your Money Back?

Because we're confident in our methodology and our team's ability to deliver top-notch Japanese Document Translation. With several decades of experience in global document translation, our confidence is well-placed.

Comprehensive Japanese Document Translation Services

We've the experience and expertise to deliver comprehensive solutions:

Need those documents certified? Just let your project manager know. We're here to make the process as smooth and worry-free as possible.

Why Choose Professionalism?

Choosing the right service for your Japanese Document Translation needs is crucial.

With us, you're not just avoiding "scary scenarios"—you're also ensuring that every document reflects the quality, precision, and professionalism you expect and pay for.

Contact us today. We go the extra mile so you won't have to face any frightening surprises down the road - Japanese Document Translation Services


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Translation Clouds: Unmasking a Fatal Flaw

2023-12-18 | translation articles

Discover the skepticism surrounding the translation cloud model, especially among professional translators who value quality.


Learn why seasoned translators hesitate to buy into the promise of machine-assisted translation dominating the cloud.

The 65% Myth: Deconstructing Cloud Translation Promises

The flawed logic of translation cloud companies suggests that professional human translators should only be compensated at 35% of prevailing market rates, or US$0.02~0.03 per word.

What gives?

Well, the cloud companies posit that since computer translation (machine translation & computer assisted translation) promises to deliver 65% accuracy human translators are only required to handle the remaining 35% and, therefore, should be compensated accordingly.

Read on to find out why this is flawed logic and what the implications are for the quality of your Japanese English translation project.

The Real Work: Understanding the Role of Professional Translators

First off, that 65% accuracy figured bandied around by the cloud folks is exactly that – Pie in the sky! Take it from a professional translator with decades of translation experience.

The bigger issue, though, is that remaining 35%. That part expected of human translators is where all the real Japanese translation work takes place. In other words, sorting through all the cr@p that the machines churn out, making sense of it, and presenting it in an intelligent format.

Here’s what you as a client of translation services need to be concerned with:

If professional Japanese translators refuse cloud translation work -and who worth their salt would work at sweatshop rates?- then you’ve just got to be wondering who these cloud translation outfits assign to your project…

This is the fatal flaw.

Professional Translators Aren't Sold on Translation Clouds

And neither should you be!

Ensure your projects are in the capable hands of experienced and professional translators – Contact the Translation Company Tokyo where the Cloud is eschewed for Professional Japanese Translation


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Professional Japanese Translation: What’s a Trusted Recommendation? (Video)

2023-10-13 | translation articles

In an age of online manipulation, the internet is rife with fake reviews and dubious endorsements.

Recommended Professional Translation Service Japan, Tokyo

Why You Should Be Wary of Recommendations

It's a game that unscrupulous businesses have been playing for years, pushing genuine feedback to the shadows. For instance, a company receiving a negative review might resort to hiring individuals at minimum wage from Southeast Asia to flood the web with glowing testimonials. The goal? Bury that one critical review deep in search results.

Research tells us that 91% of people seldom venture beyond the first page of search results, so those negative reviews will never see the light of day

Your Quest for Authentic Recommendations

So, where does that leave you in your pursuit of reliable recommendations? We understand the dilemma you face. That's why we're here to offer you a simple solution - a short, enlightening video.

Real Voices, Real Recommendations

In this video, you'll find genuine testimonials from people just like you and me, sharing their experiences with Japanese translation services. These are real individuals, not anonymous internet personas. They've been through the process and are eager to offer their insights.

You can easily locate them through a straightforward web search, and many are open to answering your questions!

Making Informed Decisions

We believe in the power of authentic recommendations. In a world cluttered with misinformation, it's crucial to have a reliable source guiding you towards the right choice. The video we've curated is a testament to the trustworthiness of professional Japanese translation recommendations.

Let their voices be your compass in navigating this crucial decision.

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Recommended Japanese Translation Service – Who are the Real People That Recommend?

2023-08-30 | translation articles

When you're on the hunt for a recommended professional translation services, it's only natural to feel a tad skeptical about the legitimacy of those endorsements.  

 Let's face it, in a world where anyone can slap on a label of "excellence" without backing it up, how can you separate the genuine from the bogus?  

 This article shares a few industry secrets to you keep you on the straight ‘n narrow!  

Spotting the Real Gems from the Fakes

 You've probably stumbled upon recommendations that look like they were written by robots, not real people. You know the ones – generic praises with nothing substantial to back them up. Take this example for instance:   

 "Excellent translation service – Highly Recommended!"
D.Y., New York.

It's as vague as it gets. But let's be honest, can you really hold these faceless recommendations accountable? The anonymity of the Internet often shields them from any responsibility.  

The Accountability Dilemma

It's frustrating, isn't it?   

You read a glowing review but can't help but wonder if it's authentic. When all you have are a few initials, it's clear that the people -if it’s even a person- behind those recommendations aren't confident enough to put their names out there. And who can blame them? If you weren't entirely satisfied with a service, you wouldn't want your full name attached to that endorsement either. 

This lack of accountability is precisely why it's hard to trust those generic recommendations.  

The Faces Behind Genuine Recommendations

The solution to this conundrum is fairly straight forward. 

We're here to empower you with the knowledge to distinguish between real recommendations and the ones that are merely empty words. Curious about the secret sauce?   

It's simple – real people, flesh ‘n blood folks like you and I!


Those who genuinely believe in a service are willing to put their names on the line to vouch for it. Would you share your private information if you weren't confident about the translation service? Probably not. 

Genuine Recommendations, Professional Japanese Translation

So, what does a genuine recommendation look like? 

“Very professional, prompt and accurate. You can trust this site to complete your translation needs. I will use SAECULII YK again in the future and recommend them.”
R. Seeto (Ibaraki, Japan)


Discover the power of genuine endorsements by watching our short, informative video: Professional Japanese Translation Recommended 



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Translation Services Japan: Unveiling the Secrets of Professional Translation Pricing

2023-06-29 | translation articles

Have you ever wondered why you receive vastly different quotes for the same Japanese-English translation project from different translation services?


The answer lies in the intricacies of translation pricing. In this article, we will demystify the pricing process and provide you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions.

Understanding the Intangible Nature of Translation Services

Unlike purchasing a tangible item like a smartphone, translation is a service that can't be physically examined or compared by simply looking at specifications. This inherent intangibility makes it challenging to measure and compare quotes from different service providers. While some may argue that it's just a "Japanese to English translation project," comparing translations is more like comparing apples to oranges.

The Devil is in the Details: Factors Affecting Translation Pricing

To obtain an accurate price for professional translation services that can be compared across vendors, it's important to consider the following guidelines:

Translation Type: Translation services come in various forms, such as human translation, computer translation, post-editing machine translation, translation crowdsourcing, and translation cloud. Each type varies in quality and cost. Japanese human translation services provide the highest quality but come at a higher price, while computer translation offers lower quality and sometimes even free options (like Google Translate). Other types of translation fall somewhere in between in terms of cost and quality. To ensure an apples-to-apples comparison, use the same type of translation for accurate pricing.

Pricing Structure: Translation services in Japan typically use a standard structure to calculate pricing based on parameters such as language combination (e.g., English to Japanese translation), subject matter (e.g., finance, legal, technical), volume (number of words or pages), turn-around time (higher rates for express jobs), and applicable discounts. To compare prices effectively, ensure that all these parameters are consistent.

Express Jobs: If you require urgent translation services, be prepared for additional costs. Express delivery fees can increase prices by up to 100% above regular rates. To obtain comparable pricing across vendors, keep the turn-around time parameter consistent.

By planning ahead and avoiding rush jobs, you can save significantly.

Value Added Services: Sometimes, translation projects may require more than just translation. For instance, if you need professional web copywriting for your translated Japanese materials, additional costs may apply, similar to hiring a professional copywriter for the original content. Be aware of these additional services and their associated costs.

Putting an End to the Mystery of Translation Pricing

Now that you understand the factors influencing translation pricing, you can confidently request quotes from various Translation Services in Japan. Armed with the knowledge of what to compare, you'll be able to obtain apples-to-apples quotes and choose the best rate for your project.

In conclusion, translation pricing may have seemed like a mystery before, but now it's clear that understanding the specific parameters and types of translation involved is the key to making accurate comparisons. By following these guidelines, you'll be empowered to navigate the world of professional Translation Services Japan, and find the right provider that offers competitive pricing for your translation needs.

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