Japanese translation quality is, according to a groundbreaking 15 year old translation industry study, the most important criteria for clients' translation needs ranking in at 98%.
Free Guide to Professional Japanese Translation Services
Quality is defined as a product or service free of deficiencies. In translation quality is measured by accuracy i.e. the (lack of) number of errors.
This translation guide has been designed and created by professional Japanese translators to help you get high quality English Japanese translation that guarantees the success of your translation projects, every single time.
However, you should be aware that quality translation is only one aspect of quality translation service. What does this mean? Well, suppose the translation you received was perfect having no errors, however the service that delivered that quality translation was crappy with, for example, the project being delivered behind schedual. Now, this may not seem like a big deal; but, if the release of a product was dependant on delivery of that project, heads would roll!
It is, therefore, important to understand that quality of translation product and quality of translation service go hand-in-hand (to produce Professional Translation Services).
This is the real goal in ordering professional translations. Therefore, I strongly recommend reading the complete guide -- Professional Japanese Translation Guide Overview The guide is modular which makes for easy & fast reading. Enjoy and profit!