

spirituality and prejudices | Identify and get rid of prejudices for spirituality

2021-10-09 21:19:37 | 日記

#spiritualawakening #spiritualreality #spiritualsign #spirituality आध्यात्मिक प्रकाश के लिए पूर्वाग्रहों से कैसे छुटकारा पाएं |Get rid of prejudice for spiritual light मूर्ति पूजा और जातिवाद के बारे में पूर्वाग्रहों और गलत धारणाओं का उपयोग करके आध्यात्मिकता को प्रतिबंधित कर दिया गया था। Spirituality had been restricted by using prejudices and misconceptions regarding idol worship and casteism. This is the Thirteenth episode of a spiritual headstart and this part explicitly answers the prevailing misconception and prejudices in Indian society which are considered a hindrance in the path of spirituality. Before watching this video don't forget to watch the 12th episode at Spiritual Head Start 13 is the continuity of 12th episode Question What is the sign of spiritual Awakening? प्रश्न आध्यात्मिक जागृति का संकेत क्या है ? The video is made to help the seekers to work upon the following things The video clearly identifies 1. What is the spiritual awakening 2. How our mind is prejudiced with wrong materials 3. How we can remove all untrue thoughts and prejudices 4. Where our Motherland Bharat rests in Spirituality in current time and ancient time. 5. why a seeker is required to ask this question

spirituality and prejudices | Identify and get rid of prejudices for spirituality

Sex and Spirituality | Spiritual discourse and Hurdles |untold truth -a must every seeker

2021-10-01 20:45:56 | 日記

#nofap #spiritualityandsex #spirituality #semenretention

This is the new version of Spiritual Headstart Episode 18 with a clear voice and interactive presentation. Spiritual Headstart 18 The question: Why does my semen gets lost in dreams when I want to save it for spiritual progress? प्रश्न जब मैं आध्यात्मिक प्रगति के लिए इसे सहेजना चाहता हूं तो मेरा वीर्य सपनों में क्यों खो जाता है? The reply is told in the context of

1. Huge promotion of masturbation or hastmaithun in youth via various channels including media and online accessibility.

2. The impact of western views plays an important role in deciding or establishing anything true or lie in India. And these matters are no exception to the rule.

3. Various scientific researches were conducted to support or against these sexual practices leading to more lethal complications in society.

4. The presentation of males or females as sexual objects to lure, instigate, provoke, or the way to excite youth towards this end. 5. Social situation in the country is rapidly changing leaving spiritualism an alien. 

6. In the absence of spiritual guides and mentors for life, you are changing their tracks much time. We call this illusioned youth. The whole process is ignorance. 7. The reply is based on the holy text Srimad Bhagwad Gita, Puranas, and Ayurvedic references. 8. Modern research is also considered. Sex and Spirituality | Spiritual discourse and Hurdles |untold truth -a must every seeker