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食品のDNAテスト DNA test for food

2016-05-31 18:14:56 | ビジネス

DNA test for food
DNA Test für Lebensmittel
ADN test pour l'alimentation

Portable and disposable DNA authentication test:

Horse meat? GMO? Fake Oregano? Salmonella? Fish? Parmesan cheese? Cheddar? Mozzarella cheese from buffalo’s milk or cow’s milk? Wine? Coffee? etc. etc.

Food fraud causes 49 Billon Dollars losses per year.
Recalls destroy brands, careers and consumer trust.
Laboratories give results in days, whereas fresh food has a premium value.

SwissDeCode Sàrl offers to certification & brand protection bodies a disposable front-line test to verify food on-site. With DNAFoil, food inspectors can take immediate action.

+ disposable test kit
+ anytime and anywhere
+ spot unwanted ingredients
+ answers in minutes
+ improving the global testing infrastructure

The database from SwissDeCode includes 150,000+ meat or 60,000+ vegetable varieties à la carte.

SwissDeCode Sàrl is a spinoff of the University of Geneva.



Sepp Faessler

Implementing your ideas for the future, fascinates us!

+ Business development.
+ Global dedication.
+ Swissness.
+ Do business in Europe.
+ High quality services.
+ Free 1/2 hour Phone - Skype Consultation.
+ コンサルタント・EU スイス 素晴らしい情報、答えと結果!
+ 30分間 の電話 - スカイプ コンサルティングは無料。

