Shinichiro Matsuda


Original Music " Song for Gibraltar "

2022-11-22 12:02:18 | 音楽



It belongs to England but streets have African feeling

Tropical palm trees Exoticism are flowing

Red colour telephone box Double - decker red bus

Several cultures are mingled in this place !

Gibraltar !

The Botanic Garden makes you feel as if you were in the southern country

Gibraltar !

Just 13 km to African continent

A melting point An unique city !

オリジナルソング " Love is Blue in many ways "

2022-11-11 12:36:22 | 音楽


a colour or a feeling of blue , sometimes as happiness , sometimes as gloom


Ah ! Love is Blue !

We were in the park . My hands got dirt for cleaning a bench so washed them at the water fountain As

I was going to dry wet by rubbing my shirt She picked up her handkerchief and said joyfully

" I bet you never bring a handkerchief for dating women ! " Handed me with a smile like some amusement

Ah Love is blue As the colour of autumn sky soothing me utterly

We were on the jet coaster rising She asked me about my dreams in the future

Talked some plans when the coaster at the top then it plunged with super speed , I felt thrown in the air

Some screamed in the upside-down world I myself shouted in confusion "

Besides plans , I love you so much ! " She said " Good ! "

Ah Love is blue ! Yeah ! The colour of a Persian sea as endless summer

But sooner or later everyone would know life is not perfect neither are relationships ...

Ah Love is blu ----------------------- e

Sometimes the colour of the bottom of the ocean But you'll love somebody again !