Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings

The man thought to become a bird.
My workes are here.

My works by etching No.11

2005-11-07 20:07:46 | Weblog
Good evening, everybody.

I went to Awaji-shima. The class meeting of Tasmania university studying was done in this island.

By the way, I introduce a work of private exhibition exhibition again.
This is Porto. A town of the Portugal northern part.
A name of this town is the origin Portugal.
A man of a mantle of this side is a signboard of The House of Sandeman company which is a winery.


2 コメント

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Thank you. (Nickelbird)
2005-11-08 09:04:20
Hi! ya421

Thank you for your coming to my blog.

I will be to go in Tasmania again.

It is January, next year.


Good evening ! (ya421)
2005-11-07 22:41:50
Welcome home !

Did you have a good time in Awaji-shima?

By the way, this picture is very nice !

