Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings

The man thought to become a bird.
My workes are here.

Thatched House

2005-06-13 22:24:46 | Landscape
I was traveling in Britain early in June, last year.
The old Thatched house in Cotswalds looked warm and was very impressive.
The flower of Gigitalis fitted Anne Hathaway cottage in Stratford-upon-Avon.

The birth of Mrs. Thatcher of former Prime Minister Britain will surely be the Thatch craftsman. Because, it is since it is Thatcher.


2 コメント

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THANK YOU! (mikitan)
2005-06-14 19:56:47
今遠くの仕事の帰り道。電車に揺られながら、少々かさかさした気持ちで、疲れたーと思ってたたのですが、携帯で、遊びにきたら!かわいいお家の絵に 美しいネイビーブルーの花に癒されました。 ありがとうございます(^_^)/~
Thanks (Nickelbird)
2005-06-14 21:30:02
Hello! mikitan

I am happy that my picture gave you something.

Thank you so much!

Plese come in my blog again.

See you,

