Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings

The man thought to become a bird.
My workes are here.

Birdwatching in Vancouver Nov.2003 No.4

2005-10-08 12:50:55 | Landscape
This is wetlands in Iona Reagional Park.
A makeup of the opposite bank will be a building of an airport.
Probably, the tree which turned red, Meaple tree was beautiful.
I was able to observe an Amari Kayama cicada here.

It is Tswwassen here.
There is a pier of a ferry going to Victoria in this side of this picture.
I watched Black Oystercatcher(くろみやこどり) and Black Turnstone(クロキョウジョシギ)here.


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Oystercatcher ()
2005-10-16 06:21:29
Good morning.

