Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings

The man thought to become a bird.
My workes are here.

Birding in CANADA No.22

2005-06-07 22:22:53 | Weblog
I'm backhome from Karuizawa now.

This time is the end of Series of "Birding in CANADA"

It is the down gathered by Northwest Beach.
I believe also in now that this owner is Scarlet Tanager.

This red bird is Scarlet Tanager, AKAFUUKINTYOU.

2005. 05.14. It is the bus terminal in 18:25 Narita.


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Hi ! (ya421)
2005-06-08 11:01:32
Good morning, Mr.Nickelbird!!

This red bird is so beautiful.

I have never seen it before.

You must have enjoyed the trip of bird watching

very much.
