Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings

The man thought to become a bird.
My workes are here.

Lovely flowers

2005-04-19 11:02:07 | Weblog

This flower's name is KIJIMUSHIRO, Potenrila fragarioides L. maybe.
Scientific name in this sketch was wrong.

I drew and painted this picture last night.
And the treatment of background was used by computer effect.
Therefor this picture was made good feeling.

No, this is Duchesnea chrysantha, HEBIICHIGO too. It does not make a mistake.


3 コメント

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Good morning! (ya421)
2005-04-20 10:55:55

The flower of this picture is very cute and the drawing is very nice!

I didn't know the name of it till now though I often see them in the field.

By the way, are the pink petals in the picture fallen cherry blossoms?
Thanks (Nickelbird)
2005-04-20 13:47:33
Hi! ya421

I give you a hearty wellcome for my blog.

Yes, it's right. Pink petals are fallen cherry blossams, species is "SOMEI-OSHINO".

And yellow flowers are HEBIITIGO, Douchesnea Chrysantha.
mistake! (Nickelbird)
2005-04-20 13:56:03
It's mistake that "I give you a hearty wellcome for my blog.".

It's right "Thank you for your comment in my blog."
