Crazy Dol-Fan Diary


From Mike Westhoff

2020-03-29 | Weblog
Glad to hear that you are fine. I am also, by myself a lot. working on my book. riding my bike. working out. fishing by myself. caught a Hammerhead today. Out in the sun often
Take care.


From Larry Izzo

2020-03-29 | Weblog
Hi Shinichi. Good to hear from you. Glad to hear you are doing well. We r fine. Just working from home and spending a lot of time with the family which is nice. Trying to stay away from people as much as we can. Hope this passes soon so wecan get back to normal. Take care of yourself and thanks for checking in. Izzo


From Zach Thomas 2

2020-03-29 | Weblog
I will try that. Thanks for this information Shinichi. Stay safe friend
