『 うさぎの言霊 』 Rabbit's Kotodama 


愛と光のマントラ 2 love and light mantra 2

2024年04月17日 17時07分40秒 | 宇宙意識に目覚めよう!

 Hello everyone, or good evening・・・


If you speak English and are reading this blog for the first time,
we recommend that you start from the article below.
大和民族の憂鬱 1 Melancholy of the Yamato people 1 - 『 うさぎの言霊 』 Rabbit's Kotodama  

  July 4, 2008

Mantra of Light Part 4 『 不動明王真言 』Fudo Myooh Mantra

If I were to borrow Kukai's words about mantras, I would say the following.

``Mantras are mysterious things, and by continuously reciting them, 
you can instantly get rid of your worries and doubts.
Each letter contains a thousand truths, so if you recite the mantra with 
all your heart, a miracle will immediately happen to you."

In the first place, it is said that mantras should not be translated in 
an easy-to-understand manner.

Since it is secretly taught to those who have reached a certain frequency range,
it is called secret teaching = esoteric Buddhism.

The same can be said of ancient texts such as the Emerald Tablet
whose codes cannot be read unless a certain frequency range is reached.

In that sense, updating my blog with articles like the one I covered 
this week is a life and death.

I may be able to introduce a few more, but I would like to
thank you very much for giving me this opportunity.

I can only be grateful for everything.

Among the mantras I have introduced, the one known as the strongest is 
said to be the ``Fudo Myooh Mantra''.

Fudo Myooh is an incarnation of Dainichi Nyorai,

 Buddhism = Christianity = Hinduism

  When applied to each of the

 Fudo Myooh = Archangel Michael = Indra

In terms of whether or not they are the same being, 
it can be said that each being has a similar role.

Fudo Myooh is actually shedding tears.

Google translation doesn't convey the meaning well.
For now, we will post the original Japanese text and the translated text.


To those who are complicit in the existence of darkness, 
such as evil spirits and low-class spirits, you dare to act like a thug with 
tears in your eyes, asking, ``Do you not understand that I have made you look like this ? ''
Like a man of great wrath, he continues to cut off earthly desires and 
crush evil spirits, even putting on an angry face.

If you were to know that in the midst of his intense anger, 
he was shedding tears of mercy, and that he was entrusted with 
such a difficult job, your view of Fudo Myoo would probably change.

I will translate this together with the angels,
including interpretations from the angelic world.

 Namah samanta-vajranam, canda-maharosana
 sphotaya hum trat ham mam

The literal translation of each of these is

Namah のーまく = 帰依する = rely on
samanta さんまんだー = あまねく = All over the place
 ばーざらだん = 諸々の金剛尊 = Various Vajra Venerables
 せんだー = 暴悪者よ = A thug
 まーかろしゃーだー = 大憤怒者よ =  Great wrath person
sphotaya そわたや = 砕破せよ = Destroy it
hum trat 
うんたらたー = 憤怒の聖語 = holy word of wrath
ham mam 
かんまん = 不動尊の種子(菩薩の象徴)= 
             Seed of Fudoson (symbol of Bodhisattva) 

 It seems that it will be.

I believe in and follow all the Vajra Venerables.

to remove all evil spirits
Fudo Myooh, who appears with the appearance of fierce, furious rage.
Destroy all earthly desires, evil spirits, and obstacles.

Khan Maan ( Represents Fudo Myooh as a symbol of Bodhisattva )

I'm very sorry, but `` Mantra of Light Part 5 '' is too long, so I don't recite it when I visit the shrine, but I would like to introduce it to you.
If you are interested in『 観音経 普門品 第二十五 』 
 ``Kannon Sutra Fumon Item No. 25,'' 
please check it out for yourself.

 May 5, 2009

Mantra of Light Part 6  “ Ganesha holy heaven Mantra ”

For the past few days, Ganesha has been coming out and rushing 
me over and over again.

At the end of the day, the word ``Ganesha'' flashed across the TV screen, 
so I decided to write this article.

I'm sure there are people reading this blog who need it.

I believe it was at the beginning of 2007 AD that I had a real and 
clear encounter with Ganesha.

It was a dream, but it was more real than reality.

In the center was Vishnu, and in a circle around him were Lakshmi, Ganesha,
and other celestial maiden-like figures, thought to be Hindu gods.

They seem to be dancing gorgeously around Vishnu, and the scene where they are, 
with colorful plants and flowers blooming and rivers flowing, 
is like watching a moving mandala. did.

I didn't know much about Hinduism then, and I still don't know much about the religion.

Therefore, it was a mystery why it appeared in my dream in such a form.

Since my birth in the universe itself is a mystery, I will say that mystery 
begets mystery, and likeness begets friends.

The color of Ganesha's energy body is pink, and it may be 
said that he is similar to Uka no Mitama no Kami, also known as Inari God.

Although there were many gods in the heavens who were humans in the past,
beings like Ganesha would not be included in these examples.

In other words, they are ascended masters who are essentially elephant-headed beings, 
and they exist in the multidimensional universe, past, present, and future.

Ganesha, of course, has no gender, but if anything, he has a strong sense of being a woman.

I would like to work with the residents of the angelic world to translate 
the mantra that is chanted to Ganesha,
including the interpretation of the angelic world.

おん きりく ぎゃく うん そわか
On Kiriku Gyaku Yeah Sowaka 
Om hrih gah hum svaha

Ohn  ( sacred sound representing the origin of the universe )

He released all earthly desires and perfected the wisdom of the laws of the universe.
Ganesha, the god of happiness and learning

May my wishes come true in peace.

From here on, 『数霊に秘められた宇宙の叡智』  深田剛史/はせくらみゆき 著 
“The wisdom of the universe hidden in the spirits of numbers” 
written by Tsuyoshi Fukada / Miyuki Hasekura
I will refer to it.

I will list the previous page of the table of contents.

1 ひ hi・ふ fu・ 3 み mi・ よ yo・ 5 い i・ 6 む mu・ 7 な na・ 8 や ya・ 9 こ ko・ 10 と to
・・・these are,
It can also be written as 日(霊)sun ( spirit ), wind, 水 water, 土 earth,
草 grass,  虫 insects,  魚 fish,  鳥 birds, 獣 beasts, and 人 humans, 
and represents the order of the earth's creation.
First there was the sun and spirit, and the wind (atmosphere) was born, 
which was divided into water and earth, from the earth grass grew and 
insects were born, and from the water fish were born.

It can also be interpreted that birds and beasts were born in the sky, 
and finally humans were born.

  ( Heaven's number song )Prayer using Hifumi's Shinto ritual prayer

 一二三四五六七八九十、 布留部 由良由良止 布留部
( ひと ふた み よ いつ む なな や ここの たり、
 ふるべ ゆらゆらと ふるべ) 」 
( hito huta mi yo itu mu nana ya kokono tari, furube yurayurato furube )

  ( Hifumi Shinto ritual prayer )recite all the phonemes

ひふみ よいむなや こともちろらね しきる ゆゐつわぬ そをたはくめか 
うおえ にさりへて のますあせゑほれけ(ん)

   Please watch the video below.

“Hifumi Norito” written in Hotsuma script (Jindai script)

Please refer to the video below to learn about the ancient characters.

On my days off from work, I always visit the shrine of my local deity.

At that time, first drop the offering money in, and then move it to a place
beside the shrine where it will not interfere with other worshipers.
Then, I would like to offer a daily prayer of gratitude.

Then, ``Heart Sutra,'' ``Jukku Kannon Sutra,'' ``Komyo Mantra,'' 
``Benzaiten Mantra,'' ``Fudo Myoo Mantra,'' 
``Ganesha Sacred Scripture Mantra,'' as well as ``Hifumi Norito,'' 
and ``Heaven's Song.'' , I am reciting it.

After that, I meditate for about 5 to 10 minutes.

I had quite a bit of trouble memorizing the Heart Sutra, but I had no problems
with the other mantras, so let's start by printing out the mantra part and
chanting it while looking at it.

I think you will gradually learn it.
The important thing is to understand the meaning of each mantra while chanting it.

Also, if you are from a foreign country, there are probably no shrines, 
so it would be best to face the light from the window of your room, 
or pray facing the sun if you are outside.
Meditation is also very important, so please make some time every day to practice it.

Now, let's work together to overcome the approaching X-Day.
Regardless of distance, we are all connected.

No matter what happens, don't be afraid, don't hesitate, 
and keep strong in your heart the " flame of courage and the echo of silence ! "

Furthermore, ``For every 99 % of human effort, God rewards 1 % ! '' 
Please keep this in mind as well.

 Now, it's time for  " Today's Recommended Number ".

    Stevie Wonder - Superwoman

愛と光のマントラ 1 love and light mantra 1

2024年04月16日 21時05分19秒 | 宇宙意識に目覚めよう!

 Hello everyone, or good evening・・・


If you speak English and are reading this blog for the first time,
we recommend that you start from the article below.

Pray every day, read all signs from God, and always strive for improvement.
These are things that go without saying.

I have strongly conveyed the importance of daily prayer in previous articles.

However, I don't think he specifically mentioned mantras,
which are important when praying.

So, I would like to tell you about ``mantra'', which is a collection 
of powerful words that pray to God.

Before that, please refer to my previous article, which describes 
the things you need to know when visiting a shrine.

The following is from an article by K.

  May 28, 2008

「般若心経 hanya shin gyo」 "Heart Sutra" is the law of the universe

Based on the previous article and the one before the previous article, 
I would like to paraphrase the 276 characters of the 
摩訶般若波羅蜜多心経  (Makahanya Haramitta Shingyo) together with the angels.

According to my Pendulum Test, when chanting a mantra, it doesn't have to be in Japanese.
I'm sure it's possible in other languages as well.
If so, check the Buddhist sites in your country's language.
This is not an invitation to Buddhism.
Please understand that my only ideal faith is the sun faith.
Religion does not exist in the universe.

bussetsu  maka  hannya  haramita  shingyo

観自在菩薩 行深般若波羅蜜多時 照見五蘊皆空
kanjizai bosa gyojin hannya hara mitaji syoken goun kaiku
度一切苦厄 舎利子 色不異空 空不異色 色即是空
doissai kuyaku sharishi  shiki fu iku ku fu ishiki shiki soku zeshiki
空即是色 受想行識亦復如是 舎利子 是諸法空相
ku soku zeshiki ju so gyo shiki yaku bu nyoze sharishi ze shoho kuso
不生不滅 不垢不浄 不増不減 是故空中
fusho fumetsu fuku fujo fuzo fugen zeko kuuchu 
無色 無受想行識 無眼耳鼻舌身意 無色声香味触法
mu shiki mu ju sougyo shiki mugen nibi zesshin ni mushiki shouko misokuho
無眼界 乃至無意識界 無無明亦 無無明尽
mu genkai mu ishikikai mu mumyouyaku mu mumyoujin
乃至無老死 亦無老死尽 無苦集滅道 無智亦無得
naishi mu roushi yaku mu roshijin mu kujyuu metsudo mu chi yaku mu toku
以無所得故 菩提薩垂 依般若波羅蜜多故
i musho tokko bodai satta e hannya hara mitako
心無罫礙 無罫礙故 無有恐怖 遠離一切顛倒夢想
shin mu keige mu keige ko mu ukufu onri issai tendo muso 
究竟涅槃 三世諸仏 依般若波羅蜜多故
kukyo nehan sanze shobutsu e hannya hara mitako
得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 故知般若波羅蜜多
toku anokutara sanmyaku sambodai kochi hannya haramita
是大神呪 是大明呪 是無上呪 是無等等呪
ze daijinshu ze daimyoushu ze mujoushu ze mutoudoushu
能除一切苦 真実不虚 故説般若波羅蜜多呪
noujo issai ku shinjitsu fuko ko setsu hannya haramitashu
即説呪日 羯諦 羯諦 波羅羯諦 波羅僧羯諦
soku sesshu watsu gyatei gyatei hara gyatei hara sougyatei
菩提薩婆訶 般若心経
boji sowaka hannya shingyo

 Sutra reading:  松島龍戒 Ryukai Matsushima 
     English:  大來尚順 Shojun Ogi

  Please refer to the video below.

「 夏の終りのハーモニー 」玉置浩二 
 “ Harmony at the End of Summer ”  Koji Tamaki

「 Friend 」安全地帯 Safe area

DNAの謎 DNA mystery

2024年04月11日 14時52分31秒 | 宇宙意識に目覚めよう!

 Hello everyone, or good evening・・・

大和民族の憂鬱 ・・・ - 『 うさぎの言霊 』 Rabbit's Kotodama  

If you speak English and are reading this blog for the first time,
we recommend that you start from the article below.

This time I would like to think about DNA.
First, please take a look at Mr. K's information.

 See article below.

The source of the creation of the life form known as humanity on
Earth is located in the Sirius star system.

In other words, the Sirius star system is the birthplace of humanity on Earth.

After that, in order to prevent the wrong genetic cross-breeding from
occurring and causing Earth humans to self-destruct,
a total of (12) alien species have carried out this genetic
manipulation process since the birth of Earth humans.


In other words, the state of our DNA that humans on earth should have
originally had is 12 articles, 36,000.

In order for us to start as galactic space humans,
we must begin by returning to this state.

 February 23, 2010

DNA is a supercomputer that connects multidimensional realms

The DNA inside the human body is a non-physical supercomputer.

DNA is something that all cosmic beings in the universe and 
all human beings on Earth possess equally.

Eh !  There is no DNA in my body !
I'm sure there are no such people.

The reason why DNA is a supercomputer is that all memories and data 
from the past, present, and future are written in it.

You could say that DNA is the central center of our " inner voice."

From here, you connect to your own lower self and higher self.

And from DNA, we connect to the network of light.

This is a network of "inner voices" that connect people (DNA) to people (DNA).

When you connect to the network of light, conversations with people 
around the world who are already connected to this network, 
and conversations with spiritual guides from the angelic, fairy, 
and natural spirit worlds are available in ultra-real time. 
This allows you to listen as if you were in a three-dimensional chat.

The various languages of the other party are translated into your own native language.

Below are the basics for connecting to the optical network.

★ Keep believing in yourself
★ Always remember to be grateful and remember that you 
  are being kept alive.
★ Don't doubt your intuition or inspiration
★ Imagination, drawing training in image training
★ Training to stay centered within yourself
★ “ Keeping your feet on the ground ” In other words, 
  connecting with the earth and feeling like the earth itself, 
  a shift from individual consciousness to global consciousness.

If any one of these things stands out, the others will gradually make up for it.

Connecting to the network of light can be very overwhelming and surprising at first.
This is because a tremendous amount of information rushes into you all at once.

You can clearly see the faces of the people who make an impression on you,
but it feels like you're making a video call.

When you connect to the network of light and further sharpen your spiritual senses, 
remote viewing becomes possible.

While staying in that location, if you go further, you can see scenes from 
the physical universe as well as the outer universe, 
just as if you were searching on Google Earth.

From DNA, it is also possible to connect to the Akashic Records ( the library of the universe ), 
and everyone should be connected to this in some way through intuition or inspiration.

If you search for the oldest data written in DNA, that is, the first written data, 
it will tell you when the " tree of life " at the origin of the universe was born. 

If we trace this back on the time axis of the earth's material world, 
the current time (as of February 2010) is exactly 319,199,982,371 years ago.

Prior to this, the only data we had was that ``there was light there.''

In other words, before the birth of the "Tree of Life" at the origin of the
universe, there was nothing but light, but furthermore, 
data from before that was written on the "Tree of Life" at the origin of the universe.

It is not easy to reach the "Tree of Life" at the origin of the universe, 
but for your reference, we would like to know in which dimensional region 
that location is located.
I would like to inform you that at present (February 2010 AD),

Material-immaterial dimensional area → 1872.1 dimensional area
Spiritual dimensional area → 3242.1 dimensional area

The Andromeda galaxy, which is chasing after it, 
has reached the area at present (February 2010 AD).

Material-immaterial dimensional area → 874.1 dimensional area
Spiritual dimensional realm → 1091.1 dimensional area

Therefore, it can be seen that it is not easy to receive messages directly 
from the Creator, even for cosmic beings.

If DNA is expressed in terms of human science, it will look like this:

  See article below

God's creation is an amazing theology and art !
Isn't the universe actually expanding inside the human body ?

How on earth did they design the structure of DNA ?
All I can think of is doubts !

Moreover, all kinds of memories and data from the past, present, 
and future are written in DNA...

This is the supercomputer 京 Kyo, which was created by a Japanese person...

So which one is better ?

However, compared to the human brain, humans are inferior when it 
comes to calculation power alone.

In any case, if humans continue as they are, even if we can create 
modified humans or clones through genetic manipulation, 
we won't be able to create a single cell from scratch!

AI technology is essential to building the highly scientifically advanced civilization that God desires, but to humans who cannot control their desires,
it becomes the equivalent of a dangerous weapon.

Fake science is hated by God !
Don't touch the realm of God any further.

The only scientific discoveries made by humans are those obtained from 
the knowledge and wisdom that God has packed into the universe.

However, if a person denies God and shows no gratitude or apology, 
even if he receives the Nobel Prize, God will probably laugh at him.

It's completely disrespectful !

By the way, my future goal or dream is to be able to use ``creation work'' 
and ``alchemy,'' and to create seeds.

It's a miraculous feat of thinking about the designs of beautiful flowers,
insects, and wild birds, packing the necessary information into DNA, 
and making it material...

It's a long road, but I feel a great dream and romance.

Of course, it requires a huge amount of knowledge.
To achieve this, the first step is to raise the realm of 
the soul to the realm of God.

It is said that there are many planets in the vast universe that serve as 
testing grounds for the gods.
Earth has also become a site for various experiments.

What is called evolution is actually divinization.

In this way, a divine system that does not leak water will be built.

What did you all think ?

One thing is certain: unless we climb the steep mountain of God, 
our dreams and hopes will be extinct.

Those souls who do not wish to climb will be isolated in the 
inner worlds of Mars and Jupiter.
Please make the best choice.

I'm praying.

   Now, it's time for  " Today's Recommended Number ".

      Hotei vs Char - Stereocaster
        Herb Alpert -Beyond

宇宙は巡る どこまでも ~~! The universe goes around forever !

2024年04月09日 20時06分59秒 | 宇宙意識に目覚めよう!

 Hello everyone, or good evening・・・

大和民族の憂鬱 ・・・ - 『 うさぎの言霊 』 Rabbit's Kotodama  

If you speak English and are reading this blog for the first time,
we recommend that you start from the article below.

 This time, we will continue to explore the mysteries of the universe.

『 The three articles written on the three pillars of the
  “Tree of Life” at the origin of the universe ! 』

1. Particles of light were crowded together in the endless white space.

2. There is no beginning or end in the universe;
  everything circulates forever and ever.

3. Who is the Creator? It remains dormant in your soul consciousness,
  in your genes, as your eternal task.

The above space information was downloaded by Mr. K 
from the Akashic Records located within the Sunflower Galaxy, 
which is located at the highest peak of the entire universe.

This is absolutely chilling content.

This is an image of the Sunflower Galaxy, which is located at the 
highest point in the entire universe.

★ As of December 2010, the frequency dimension domain of the Sunflower Galaxy

Material / non-material dimensional area → 984.1 dimensional area
Spiritual dimension realm → 1253.1 dimension realm

This is our Milky Way galaxy.

The Milky Way galaxy is said to take 200 million years 
to complete one revolution, waving in waves.

The guardian or supporting deity is 天之常立神 Ame no Toko Tachi no Kami.

By the way, the existence that can be said to be the Earth itself is 
国之常立神 Kuninotokotachi no Kami.

It is said that there is a supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy (the bulge).

Furthermore, at its core is the Akashic Record, which contains records 
of the past, present, and future within the Milky Way Galaxy.

The Akashic Records are made of gigantic crystals.

《Three articles carved on the three pillars of the “Tree of Life” at the origin of the universe ! 》
The second article states,

2. There is no beginning or end in the universe;
  everything circulates forever and ever. 

See article below.

I would like to delve into this riddle from the Creator in a different way.

 ~ everything circulates forever and ever ~

This part ( which circulates forever and ever ) gives an image of rotation.

So what is the force that rotates galaxies ?

Isn't it because the supermassive black hole shown earlier 
produces a strong centripetal force ?

So what about the rotation of the solar system ?

Is it due to the influence of the sun's gravity ?

Well, I can't explain that much due to my lack of scientific knowledge, but...

That's right, in order to solve the mystery, a huge amount of time is required,
and it is necessary to come up with all kinds of hypotheses and 
conduct demonstration experiments.

Scientists then disseminate what they think is the best answer to 
the world as an established theory.

Even established theories are often overturned every time a 
new hypothesis is proven.

However, at the human level, research can only be done until the 
end of the physical lifespan.

Regardless of the body, if we were to continue the same research and pursue the truth, 
it would likely take hundreds of years or more.

Having someone else take over your research is probably the most
unfortunate thing you can do.

However, once you reach the divine level, it becomes possible.

On the other hand, if you are reincarnated on the planet of hell, 
your evolution will be restricted from the animal level, 
so it will be impossible for you to fulfill your dreams of pursuing all kinds of mysteries.

  See article below.

I'm a little off track, but the mystery of  "eternally circulating"...

I would like to think about this mystery using something that feels familiar.

The galaxy moves on a grand scale, but similar phenomena 
are occurring on Earth and underground.


 Some excerpts.

Thermohaline circulation (English: thermohaline circulation) is a term that
refers to the global ocean circulation that occurs mainly in the middle and deep layers (several hundred meters or deeper).
(There is also a theory that it refers to ocean circulation at a depth 
of less than a thousand meters.)


 Some excerpts.

Bénard cells are regularly divided cell-like convection structures that 
occur when a thin layer of fluid is uniformly heated from below.

I hope you have understood that thermohaline circulation and 
atmospheric circulation involve the heating and cooling of seawater, 
and the circulation force created by the temperature difference.

This is the fundamental principle of the universe: 
Fire + Water = 火 水ミ =  カミ God = (The Principle of the Cross) 
(The Principle of Circulation).

It is truly a divine work, an amazing theology of the Creator, and a great art.
It is the very essence of dreams and romance.

So, is there a way to see and feel the great theology and great art 
of the Creator without leaving the comfort of your home ?

There it is. That's easy.

Boil some water and prepare something warm to drink !

The patterns that appear on the surface of miso soup are interesting,
but the patterns on tea and coffee have a different flavor.

This requires that it be piping hot.

Pour dark tea or coffee into a wide cup and wait for a while, 
and a rose-like pattern will appear on the surface.

The way the pattern of minute bubbles cracks and changes dramatically 
in an instant is nothing short of art.

However, it may not be visible in a dark room.
A location near a window that receives sunlight is preferable.

The steam that rises from the water's surface sometimes rises violently,
sometimes gently undulates, and sometimes rotates like a dragon.

The phenomenon that occurs indoors where there is no wind is God's great art !

This dramatic sight can be admired forever.
However, once the temperature drops, most of it disappears...

When you're tired of work, housework, or even studying for entrance exams,
why not enjoy this simple divine art ?

We also recommend that if you look out the window, 
you can feel the art of God as you see the scenery created by
the clouds and wind that spread across the majestic sky.

Thank you to the great gods and apologize...

    Now, it's time for  " Today's Recommended Number ".

      いきものがかり  『 SAKURA 』/  風が吹いている
          『 cherry blossoms 』/  The wind is blowing

江戸時代、驚異の身体能力! Amazing physical ability in the Edo period !

2024年04月07日 21時47分47秒 | 宇宙意識に目覚めよう!

  Hello everyone, or good evening・・・

In this article, I would like to change the theme and focus on the 
people of the Edo period.

First, please watch the video below.

( Numba walk )

At that time, there was no name called Nanba, but in recent years it 
has come to be called Nanba.

The way Japanese people walked in the Edo period surprised foreigners.

Foreigners who came to Japan from the end of the Edo period to 
the beginning of the Meiji period.

Apparently, he was very surprised to see Japanese people walking 
for the first time, and many records remain.

当時の外国人の記録を調査した谷釜尋徳 教授によりますと、
According to Professor Hironori Tanigama, who investigated 
the records of foreigners at the time,
The characteristics of the way Japanese people walked from 
the late Edo period to the early Meiji period as seen from a 
foreigner's perspective are: 
There were four points below.

1.引きずり足 ( 履物を引きずって歩く )
4.小股、内股( 特に女性 )膝を曲げてほとんど開かずに歩く

1. Drag foot (walking while dragging footwear)
2. walking on tiptoe
3. forward leaning posture
4. The stride length is narrow, 
and the inner thighs (especially women) walk with their knees bent and hardly opened.




I've been curious about this way of walking for a long time.
So, I watched some videos, did some research, and tried walking using 
the walking method shown in the video above.

Lean forward, take short strides, don't swing your arms, bend your knees...
I can't walk on my toes, so it feels like my whole sole is touching...

If you keep these in mind and practice them, you will naturally be able 
to walk as shown in the video sample.

It feels like the propulsion is generated naturally, and it's not that tiring.
It feels strange.

The next video is also interesting so please watch it.

Please also watch the next video.









   松任谷由実 - ひこうき雲 / 守ってあげたい
   Yumi Matsutoya - Airplane Cloud  //  I want to protect you

テレパシー能力の開発 Development of telepathic abilities

2024年04月06日 16時07分33秒 | 宇宙意識に目覚めよう!

 Hello everyone, or good evening・・・

大和民族の憂鬱 ・・・ - 『 うさぎの言霊 』 Rabbit's Kotodama  

If you speak English and are reading this blog for the first time,
we recommend that you start from the article below.

This time, let's think about telepathy.
First of all, I will reprint from Mr. K's blog.

  November 13, 2011

 How to sharpen your telepathic abilities

Among the people reading this blog, how many of you are actually
able to do something like ``conversate telepathically'' ? !

``Telepathic conversation'' is not just a simple feeling like being able to
somehow convey your feelings or being aware of something.

It's a more solid super sense.

Every time I have a "telepathic conversation" with someone, 
there is something I always check.

★ How can you hear telepathic conversations ?

The answer that almost always comes back is, 
``I can hear voices loud and clear inside my head.''
Most people seem surprised by their first impressions.

``I never thought I could hear it so clearly,'' he said.

I use remote viewing to see the other person's face, 
so when this happens for the first time,
I'm often surprised and start looking around.

So, at that time, I

“No, there are no surveillance cameras or CCD cameras anywhere, 
and I am not physically close to you, and I am speaking directly into your heart.”

I am answering something like this.

And, according to people who "talk telepathically,"
Even if I don't check the Internet every time, when I update my blog,
a certain signal is sent, and I can tell when a new article has been 
updated on this blog.

Does such a thing really happen ? !  
Isn't it just a delusion in your head ? !

If I were to say that, I would be out of luck...

Things like this actually started happening right after the demon world
disappeared from the earth at the end of 2009 AD.

All I could say was that some kind of miracle had happened.

At that moment, I understood in my heart that the spiritual connections
between these people were a "network of light."

``Telepathic conversation'' is the next stage and the next communication medium, 
such as the Internet and mobile phones.

What would you do if the existing old system of electrical civilization suddenly ended ?

Communication functions such as the Internet and mobile phones 
can suddenly stop working.

Whether or not you can receive "telepathy" at that time is the key to 
whether you are a resident of light or not.

Or is "telepathic conversation" the exclusive patent of wanderers and lightworkers ? !

For example, go to shrines and sacred places and read the colors 
of the energy bodies of the deities and best spiritual guides.

Reading colors like this is also " telepathy."

However, the enshrined deities and the best spiritual guides are not 
just energy bodies, but are living beings that have substance just like us.

Therefore, just like us, they make voices and can make some sounds.
Hearing such voice sounds is also "telepathy."

There are also ``visions'' that we see in our dreams, 
and ``visions'' that we suddenly see in our daily lives.

Reading such images is also "telepathy."

Depending on how far you sharpen these spiritual senses, 
each type of ``telepathy'' will become clearer.

The thing that stands in the way of this is the "darkness of the heart."
It is, so to speak, the dirt and grime of the heart.

“Darkness of the heart” is an aspect that has a rather negative impression,
such as arrogance, not being honest, complaining, badmouthing, jealousy, etc.

Getting rid of this by cleaning it thoroughly is spiritual preparation.


★ Stop bad thoughts and bad emotions
★ Stop the chatter in your head
★ Keep believing in yourself strongly

It is essential to continue practicing this kind of training in your daily life.
At the very least, this must become the norm.

Otherwise, the light signal will not be able to clearly enter into yourself.

May you be spiritually prepared in time...

There were three issues mentioned above, which are difficult for modern people.

I can’t do any of it myself!
I think there are people who think so.
I'm also struggling quite a bit.

I think numbers 1 and 3 are pretty good, but number 2 is difficult.

Even during meditation, if you let your guard down, 
distracting thoughts often arise and it takes a while to notice them.

This amounts to chatter in your head.

This can be said to be the ultimate challenge for people who are 
constantly fiddling with their smartphones or who can't stop having idle thoughts, 
evil thoughts, or delusions.

You can't rely on anyone to solve this problem, 
so you have no choice but to somehow overcome it yourself.

Let's do our best and don't rush.

 Next up is an article by Mr. K.

The Japanese word that best describes "telepathy" is "Ishin denshin."

“Ishindenshin” literally means “to convey with one’s heart.”
 (I don't know if the translation of this part is appropriate. 
  Thank you for your understanding.)

That is to say, what you see with your heart, 
what you understand with your heart, and what resonates with your heart.

There is no room for thoughts to come in, and in fact, 
the thoughts in your head can be said to be a hindrance.

Many people today have become too big-headed.

This is probably because the habit of ``thinking things through in your head''
has become ingrained in you.

At that time, where is your consciousness directed ?

You may notice that your awareness is directed towards your head, 
or that your center of gravity is placed towards your head.

I would like you to know that this state is the exact opposite of 
"conversing telepathically."

"Communicating telepathically" means

★ This is a state in which you place your consciousness in the Tanden
  (approximately 3 cm below the navel, and further back from there).
  丹田 = Tanden / abdomen or point above the navel

 ( The Sacral Chakra is located around here. )

So, let's say you're having a telepathic conversation and you and 
the other person laugh during the conversation.

When you do this, you will notice that the physical sensation of 
``Tanden trembling'' naturally arises.

At that time, a phenomenon occurs in which 
"each other's tanden resonates with each other."

In a direct face-to-face conversation, when you and the other person laugh during the conversation, there is an expression called「Laugh while holding your belly 」.
It's usually above the navel.

Therefore, it is clearly different from the state of normal conversation.

In a previous article, ``How to sharpen your telepathic abilities,'' 
I mentioned that when you have a ``telepathic conversation,'' 
the person on the other end ``reverberates in your head.''

This state of “ringing in your head” means that you are first receiving “telepathy” in your tanden, 
and then the voice of “telepathy” is echoing inside your head.

 Therefore, "conversing telepathically" means

★ Switch your consciousness from head to tanden .
★ Place your center of gravity on your tanden, not your head.

 You need to train yourself to get used to this situation.

You have to remind yourself that it is not something you understand 
with the thoughts in your head, but with your heart.

Telepathic communication is an ``inner voice'' conversation, 
and those of you who have entered the Network of Light have already begun this.

Here, I would like to share with you some practical training in 
telepathic communication through cetaceans and dolphins.

Close your eyes and imagine a whale or dolphin swimming in the vast ocean.

It doesn't matter how many animals there are, 
but try to visualize them as clearly as possible.

I imagine the sound of splashing waves, ripples, 
and the rolling of the ocean near a whale or dolphin swimming.

The sound of the waves can actually be heard.

At first, gradually lower the sensation you feel deep in your ears 
to the lower part of your body.

Start from inside your ears, lower it to your chest, 
and continue lowering it to your tanden area.

Think of this whenever you want, as much as you want, 
and when you get used to it, try to think of these things with your eyes open.

This is a training to cultivate synesthesia and resonate with soul
consciousness, and is like stretching before sports.

By continuing to do this, you will be able to tune in and connect your 
spiritual senses with your physical functions so that you can hear your 
``inner voice'' more clearly.

I the other day
He said, ``The time has passed when we can reduce major tribulations to minor tribulations.''

This is because the energy in the natural world is increasing 
overwhelmingly and powerfully, and we are in a situation where it 
cannot be suppressed by anyone's hands or even by collective prayers. .

Rather, what we can do is tune into or get closer to the energies of nature.

In the future, if we are to move forward with the earth and 
coexist with the natural world, we must tune into that wavelength.

It has been declared that if the natural world does not accept you as one of
its friends, there will be no place for you on this earth.

To achieve this, there is a strong need to spend time valuing 
the physical sensations that ``resonate with the heart.''

The physical sensation of “resonating with your heart” is controlled by 
the heart chakra located in the center of your chest.

This is the part where signals are directly transmitted from the soul consciousness (Tanden).

The signals then echo back to the pineal gland in your head, 
creating a "telepathic conversation."

Even if "telepathic conversation" is difficult at first, 
you can at least somewhat understand the signals that reach your heart chakra.

These are physical sensations such as ``my heart flutters'' or 
``my chest feels hot.''

In order to cultivate this sense of sensation, you must actively increase 
the number of experiences that make you feel moved by something.

What encourages you to do this is “curiosity” and “a sense of adventure” 
in the best sense of the word.

Telepathic communication is an ``inner voice'' conversation, 
and those of you who have entered the Network of Light have already begun this.

 See past articles below.

This article contains information about chakras, so I hope you find it helpful.

Now, I have introduced the training method for mastering telepathy.
What do you think?

Telepathy (nenwaves) is a "universal common language" 
that is common sense throughout the entire universe.

In other words, it is used in everyday conversation as a matter of course.

It is also said that ``God is the Word.''
In other words, the truth is that
 "God is telepathic."

Regardless of any alien race, language, animal or plant, if you utter 
a message called telepathy, it will be automatically translated and
communicated to the other person in a way that they can understand.

It seems that not only words but also sounds, smells, tastes, videos, 
and images as all senses can be conveyed.

It seems to be related to the strength of spiritual power, 
but it is also possible to contact beings far away in the universe.

That's what I can feel from Mr. K's information.

Also, as many Japanese people probably know, there used to be a program 
on Nippon Television called ``Shimura Animal Garden.''

There is a section in which an American woman named Heidi speaks telepathically 
with various animals and solves their owners' worries and questions.

The clients were surprised and moved by Heidi's answers without having much doubt.

Some people may think it's a scam, but if you look at the animals' reactions, 
it's proof that it's not.

Even the animals that don't listen to the client's instructions will become
curious when Heidi arrives, listen to Heidi's telepathic signals, and respond.

This is not something that can be prepared in advance and manipulated.

This is related to the fact that, as shown in ``Creatures as Messengers from the Gods,''
animals are pure and free from evil thoughts and desires, 
so they are easily able to receive God's commands.

In other words, animals can normally receive the telepathy 
called Nenwave from Heidi, a human.

However, what is strange is that there is no scene in which 
she attempts telepathy with humans.

I think this is because the hearts and souls of the recipients are often
so dirty that telepathic communication is almost impossible.

The most important thing about telepathy is the person's receiving ability.

For example, let's say you're playing catch.

First of all, you must be wearing gloves.
Next, you need to recognize the person you are playing catch with.
Next, you must receive the ball thrown by your opponent.

Even if any one of the above is missing, the catch ball will not be successful.

Even with telepathy, if the recipient is not ready or unable to 
sense the telepathic waves, communication will not take place.

Also, people who can communicate telepathically are naturally aware of this,
so they probably don't want to reveal that they have that ability.

People with telepathy or multiple psychic abilities, who are now a minority 
in the world, are seen by the world as unique, 
so they probably live quietly so as not to make a fuss.

Some people may use their abilities to help others.

Or maybe it's being used by a dark organization...
Such people become overconfident in their own abilities and self-destruct.

Heidi is active all over the world with the title "animal communicator."

It is a person's way of life, a free choice.

The moment a human dies and sheds his or her physical body, 
the spiritual being known as the soul can only use telepathy...
Plus, you can fly anywhere you want.

However, this is only for 49 days after death.
From now on, depending on where you reincarnate,
things will be different from before.

While humans have a physical body, the dull object of the flesh obstructs 
the transmission of psychic abilities from the soul, 
making it difficult to use telepathy, remote viewing, and other psychic abilities.

In other words, the body is a restraint for the mind and soul, or conversely, 
I think it is a robot that houses a soul and moves in order to train 
in the 4-dimensional world of this earth.

This robot with divine wisdom may be equipped with the ultimate AI quantum computer.
No, it must be!

When you think about it that way, it can't be helped that it's interesting.

The main reason why humans are no longer able to use telepathy 
and other psychic abilities is that they have polluted their hearts and souls.
However, if he removes the dirt and practices hard, his spiritual abilities will be restored.

In the end, it's your own problem.
Also, whether you have the motivation or not...
Leave those who don't believe alone and work hard on your training !

 Today's cat image.


        Stop laughing for a moment...


    Hey, did you just call me?

    Now, it's time for  " Today's Recommended Number ".
       My Little Lover  /「Man & Woman」・「DESTINY」


神と邪神と人 God, Evil God, and Human

2024年04月03日 15時13分12秒 | 宇宙意識に目覚めよう!

 Hello everyone, or good evening・・・


If you speak English and are reading this blog for the first time,
we recommend that you start from the article below.
大和民族の憂鬱 1 Melancholy of the Yamato people 1 - 『 うさぎの言霊 』 Rabbit's Kotodama  

Regarding the fallen gods and angels, in other words, the Anunnaki, 
what we know from Mr. K's information is as follows.

I will quote and publish his blog.

A part of this article was shown in (The essence of sun worship lies in Sirius),

We will post it again.

 February 9, 2010

★  From the "12" space races involved in the genetic manipulation of Earth humans...

The source of the creation of the life form known as humanity on 
Earth is located in the Sirius star system.

In other words, the Sirius star system is the birthplace of humanity on Earth.

After that, in order to prevent the wrong genetic cross-breeding from 
occurring and causing Earth humans to self-destruct, 
a total of (12) alien species have carried out this genetic 
manipulation process since the birth of Earth humans.

All of these "12" space races,I would like to convey to you that these are
friendly alien species that have been involved in the past history of the earth,
including in super ancient civilizations, and that they are beings that have
watched over us to this day with parental feelings.

Up until now, on this blog, when counting the number of DNA strands,
I have been using 2, 4, 6, etc., but I would like to change the way I say it here.

From now on, when counting the number of DNA strands, we will count DNA
Article 2 , Article 4 , Article 6 , etc.

This is because the spiral strand of DNA is woven into fine strings.

There are 36,000 of these string-like things.

In other words, the state of our DNA that humans on earth should have
originally had is 12 articles, 36,000.

In order for us to start as galactic space humans,
we must begin by returning to this state.

★  From the "12" space races involved in the genetic manipulation of Earth humans...

The Sirius star system, which created Earth's human life forms, 
will be described first, and then in the order in which genetic 
manipulations were carried out.

( Representative:) is a representative star or planet in a star system or 
galaxy that has undergone genetic manipulation.

The estimated time of genetic manipulation is based on the time axis 
of the earth's material world, looking back from 
February 2010 in the Western calendar.

By the way, the primitive earthlings (who did not come from any other 
planet and belong to the ape category) appeared in the ecosystem 
on Earth about 17,045,325,582 years ago.

This type, known as UMA (Unidentified Mysterious Animal), 
is similar to snowmen and yetis, and still lives in the hidden 
depths of the mountains and the inner world of Agartha.

1. Sirius Star System ( Representative: Sirius A. Almera )
 Estimated time of genetic manipulation: 2,767,824,531 years ago

2. Orion star system (representative: Betelgeuse)
 Estimated time of genetic manipulation → 2,767,824,530 years ago

3. Pleiades star system (representative: Alcyone)
 Estimated time of genetic manipulation → 2,767,824,529 years ago

4. Cassiopeia star system (representative: Shedar)
 Estimated time of genetic manipulation → 2,767,824,520 years ago

5. Andromeda Galaxy (Representative: Alferatz)
 Estimated time of genetic manipulation → 2,767,824,519 years ago

6. Lyra star system (representative: Vega)
 Estimated time of genetic manipulation → 2,767,824,512 years ago

7. Bear Minor Star System (Representative: Polaris [North Star])
 Estimated time of genetic manipulation → 2,767,824,510 years ago

8. Cepheus constellation system (representative: Kumos)
 Estimated time of genetic manipulation → 2,767,824,508 years ago

9. Great Bear system (Representative: Megrez [Big Dipper δ “Delta” star])
 Estimated time of genetic manipulation → 2,767,824,507 years ago

10. Leo Star System (Representative: Regulus)
  Estimated time of genetic manipulation → 2,767,824,503 years ago

11. Pegasus Constellation System (Representative: Sheart)
  Estimated time of genetic manipulation → 2,767,824,498 years ago
12. Clarion (Representative: Clarion)
  Estimated time of genetic manipulation: 2,767,824,493 years ago

The so-called Anunnaki are a race that came to Earth after these 
12 genetic manipulations were performed.

The Annunaki were originally a race from the Pleiades star system
They were the negative (dark) beings of that time.
The last major ascension project in the Pleiades star system occurred
approximately 532,431 years ago (as of February 2010 AD) according
to the Earth's physical timeline.
At that time, 
all Annunaki were expelled from the Pleiades star system.

By the way, the ascension of the Pleiades star system and the ascension 
of the Sirius star system took place at the same time.

So, the Annunaki who were expelled from the Pleiades star system 
headed straight for Earth.

Their purpose for coming to Earth was a plan to 
enslave all humanity on Earth.                                                                                          

The Anunnaki are the so-called evil gods, beings who ruled as false gods.
In fact, the true identity of Satan, who wrote the Old Testament, is the Anunnaki.

Therefore, the timing of the Anunnaki coming to Earth was
approximately 532,431 years ago (as of February 2010 AD).

At present, the Anunnaki have all disappeared from the earth.

  End of quotation...

It is hard to believe that the authors of the Old Testament were Anunnaki, 
but there are many parts of the Old Testament that are difficult to believe.

There are various theories about the date of creation in Genesis in 
the Old Testament, but it is believed to be around 5000 BC.

Even human scholars cannot be fooled by this.
Although there are some people who believe...

In other words, it is littered with techniques to deceive short-sighted people.

Their usual method of brainwashing is to use all religious groups, politicians,
the Internet, the mass media, and everything else as a medium.

Humans can be easily manipulated by stirring up fear and greed.

The only way to find out the truth is to read the Akashic Records or 
compare it to many ancient documents !
That is until you are satisfied with your own judgment !

Now, the Annunaki have left Earth, but their subordinates, 
the Illuminati, remain.

Some Anunnaki are bound by the gods and held in cosmic prisons.
The rest of the Anunnaki send powerful malignant negative energy 
from the planet Nibiru to Earth, and control the Illuminati and humans 
who live like slaves to them.

The Anunnaki are said to be beside themselves with anger and will 
not listen to God's repeated attempts to persuade them.

In other words, there is a deep-rooted grudge against the gods.
That's why they keep repeating stupid actions that can be called harassment.

The civilizations of Atlantis and Mu, as well as earlier civilizations, 
were thwarted by the Annunaki and those reincarnated from Mars.
By accumulating filth in their souls, they received scolding from God, 
and each time civilization perished.

There have been six times in the past.

God's seventh judgment is about to take place.

However, from God's perspective, he had no choice but to clean up 
the earth's surface before the troubled children polluted the earth, 
an important common planet in the universe, and destroyed everything. ・・・

The Earth's guardian deity, the「丑寅の金神 = Golden God of Ushitora 」
made this decision with a heart-wrenching heart.

Once we understand the heartache of our parents, the gods, 
we should express deep apologies and gratitude, 
and concentrate on purifying ourselves「 the filth of our hearts and souls 」
and the surrounding area as much as possible.

Otherwise, it would not be a proof of apology and gratitude...

  Now, it's time for  " Today's Recommended Number ".

  『チェンソーマン』オープニング エンディングスペシャルムービー
     CHAINSAW MAN Opening Ending

純粋な動物の死後とは・・・ What happens after the death of a pure animal ?

2024年04月02日 16時35分28秒 | 宇宙意識に目覚めよう!

 Hello everyone, or good evening・・・ 


The pure animal in the title refers to the soul that was originally created
as an animal or insect to maintain the natural world.

When you see a pet animal, it may act like a human or become 
strangely attached to humans.
Pets that behave like humans may be reincarnated humans 
who have fallen to the animal level.

In other words, it is God's mechanism to make people realize their 
own foolishness by reincarnating them into animals.

Most humans today seem to have fallen to the level of animals.
If this continues, we will be reborn in the inner world 
of Mars or Jupiter, which are said to be the planets of hell.
There, the process of reincarnation will continue forever.

See the article below,

Please be aware of the level of your soul and work hard to purify
your heart and soul.

Compared to humans, who unknowingly pollute their souls every day, 
the souls of animals and insects are truly beautiful.

Please read Mr. K's article and deepen your understanding.

August 1, 2009

Let's take a look at species in nature.

We must overcome this period in which we are moving from the 
physical world to the multidimensional realm of the universe.
For that reason, we need someone who can teach us through 
actual experience that ascension is in progress, 
someone who can serve as a role model.

It is important to meet great mentors and teachers.
This is necessary in most cases to walk the path of spiritual advancement.

The reason for this is that for many people, without such 
great mentors and teachers, they would not be able to be 
so strict with themselves.

However, don't we forget that there are people close to us who
can serve as role models for ascension?

They are the inhabitants of the natural world, including plant species, 
animal species, and insect species.

These inhabitants of the natural world are living beings who are
ready and capable of ascension at any time.

They are the inhabitants of two worlds: the physical world (this world) and
the world of 弥勒 Miroku, the visible world and the invisible world.

We human beings, as a whole, are behind in spiritual awakening.

When human consciousness and frequency reach from 
earth consciousness to cosmic consciousness, 
they will be on the same wavelength as the inhabitants of the natural world,
and they will start talking to you in a friendly manner.

However, if you think that just because they are speaking to you, 
it is in Japanese or some other language, it becomes a story in the anime.

Rather than that, I would like you to think of it as speaking to me 
in a telepathic sense through visions such as light, sound, and symbols.

At that time, these inhabitants of the natural world come into 
contact with us quite frequently and actively.

You can clearly see this when you go to worship at a shrine or go into 
nature such as mountains, rivers, and the ocean.

Species such as butterflies, which tend to be the most spiritual mediums,
fly around your body and often try to land on your head or shoulders.

This is especially evident when worshiping at a shrine.

For example, I was called to a shrine and went there.

( You invited me here today ? )

When I say this out loud, a butterfly comes flying towards me from
the grass on my right.

Also, if you try reciting the Kannon Sutra in front of a subsidiary shrine 
that even the locals of the village do not often worship...
Butterflies fly in from the corners and back of the shrine, and they flutter around the body.

Also, if you try reciting the Kannon Sutra in front of a subsidiary shrine
that even the locals of the village do not often worship...
Butterflies fly in from the corners and back of the shrine, 
and they flutter around the body.

Also, although it had been quiet until then, as soon as we started worshiping,
the birds started chirping, and in areas where there were chickens
in the temple grounds, the chickens suddenly started crowing and wouldn't stop...
Crows also suddenly start crows and sometimes continue to crow forever.

In the case of plants, the scent of flowers wafts toward you even though 
they are a little far away.

This is often caused by the wind, like when there was no wind until then, 
but suddenly the wind starts blowing.

I plan to continue covering this topic often in the future as an example 
of being guided by shrines, but if you tune in with the inhabitants 
of the natural world, they will respond to your call.

Of course, behind this is the intervention of the spiritual inhabitants 
of nature: angels, fairies, and spirits.

Why is it important to have contact with nature?
These beings who are ready for ascension reach out to support 
those who are not yet ready.
Those who are spiritually awakened first seek to support those who follow.

When they feel like they are coming to talk to you, they are sending
you a sign that they are ready to help you.

The inhabitants of the natural world are good role models for 
ascension in higher consciousness.
In order to actively interact with them, (touching nature) leads us 
towards the light and gives us power.

Species in the natural world continue to live their lives in the harsh
environment of nature, where only the fittest survive, 
and within the bounds of God's laws.

Therefore, ascension is naturally possible.

The reason humans fail to reach the ascension level and
instead fall is because they become addicted to evil desires.

The main ones include power, money, sexual desire, appetite, 
material desire, possessive desire, etc.

It's extremely foolish to keep making mistakes without knowing how to adjust,
but if you still can't control it, there's nothing you can do about it.

It is the height of foolishness to ask for more than is necessary.
On the contrary, it will accumulate dirt.

Even gods and angels are expelled from heaven if they break the 
rules and indulge in greed.

The so-called evil gods and demons are beings that have fallen
from the normal gods.

They skillfully use their desires against humans to enslave them.

Are you being manipulated?

I've been manipulated quite a lot, but I've managed to control 
my greed and get to where I am today.

Next time, we will focus on the foolish evil god who turned his 
back on God and was chased out of heaven.

  Now, it's time for  " Today's Recommended Number ".

     Earth, Wind & Fire : September /  Fantasy

神々からの遣いとしての生き物 2 Creatures as messengers from the gods 2

2024年04月01日 15時34分32秒 | 宇宙意識に目覚めよう!

 Hello everyone, or good evening・・・

2012年9月のブログ記事一覧-『 うさぎの言霊 』 Rabbit's Kotodama  

If you speak English and are reading this blog for the first time,
we recommend that you start from the article below.

★ 猫 Neko= Cat → Messenger  from 保食神 Ukemochi no Kami

Basically, it is a messenger from the gods of food and fertility, 
so it is possible that it is a messenger from 宇迦之御魂神 Uka no Mitama no Kami.
Inari: You could say it's the same role as the fox. (See fox section)

Sirius ~ If it has a deep connection with ancient Egyptian civilization, 
it may be a messenger from Bastet, the cat-headed god of Sirius.

★ 馬 Uma = Horse → Messenger from the god of food and fertility

They are messengers from Inari-type gods such as 宇迦之御魂神 Uka no Mitama no Kami 
and 保食神 Ukemochi no Kami, or from the sun god.
(For Inari type, please refer to the fox section)

★ 亀 Kame = Turtle → Messenger from 妙見菩薩 Myoken bosatsu

妙見菩薩 Myoken Bosatsu is said to be the same god as 天之御中主神 Ame-no-minakanushi-no kami
and is also enshrined at 秩父神社 Chichibu Shrine.

天之御中主神 Ame-no-minakanushi-no kami is a god who supports the galaxy,
and when he comes down to earth, he becomes the 
国之常立神 Kuni no toko tati no kami.

The 国之常立神 Kuni no toko tati no kami deity of the country is the earth itself,
and the earth is a planet of water, so it can be said that the turtle is a messenger from the god of water.

In other words, 弁財天 Benzaiten sometimes sends it out on errands.

Since it is related to water, it is likely that sea gods will also send it, 
and it is quite possible that Pleiadian gods will also send it.

Sake, especially Japanese sake, is said to be sacred sake; 
it is the sake of the gods, and it is the water of the gods.

In other words, there are cases where it is a messenger from 
大山咋神 Oyama Kui no Kami.

★ 蛙 Kaeru = Frog → Messenger from 伊斯許理度売命 Ishikoridome no Mikoto

伊斯許理度売命 Ishikoridome no Mikoto is the god who created the 
八咫鏡  Yata no Kagami, one of the three sacred treasures.
When she appears, you may hear the sound of bells or chimes.

★ 兎 Usagi = Rabbit  → Messenger from the god of the sun and the god of the moon

The god of the sun here is 天照皇大神 Amaterasu sume Okami
and the god of the moon is 月讀命 Tsukuyomi no Mikoto.

As in Japanese mythology, it is also possible that it is a messenger 
from 大国主命 Okuninushi no Mikoto.

However, sending a rabbit out on a mission would be a very cosmic position.

★ 鯰 Namazu = Catfish → Messenger from the sea god

豊玉毘売神 Toyotama Hime no kami is the daughter of 綿津見神 Watatsumi no Kami
the god of the sea, so she appears as a messenger or incarnation of the sea god.

She is also a god via the Pleiades, so her energy body is blue or light blue.

★ 鯉 Koi = Carp → Messenger from the god of water

Since it is a messenger from the god of water, it can be said that it is 
similar to other messengers from the god of water.

Also, there are cases where the messenger is from 素盞嗚尊 Susano ono mokoto
and when he ascends to earth consciousness, 
he becomes the Eternal God of the country, 
so it is a messenger from the planet of water, the god of water. .

★ 鼠 Nezumi = Mouse →  messenger from the god of fertility

He is a messenger from 大黒天 Daikokuten, one of the Seven Lucky Gods,
and is also an incarnation of the Hindu god Shiva.

It may also be a messenger from 大国主命 Okuninushi no Mikoto.

★ 鹿 Sika = Deer → Messenger from 天迦久神 Ame no Kaku no kami

天迦久神 Ame no Kaku no kami is the same god as 天香山命 Amenokaguyama no Mikoto. 
The deer is well-known at 鹿島神宮 Kashima Jingu and 春日大社 Kasuga Taisha
but 天迦久神 Ame no Kaku no kami, who also appears as an incarnation 
of the deer, is said to be a messenger from 天照皇大神 Amaterasu sume Okami.
In other words, it is a messenger from the sun god.

It may even be a messenger from 寿老人 Jurojin, one of the Seven Lucky Gods.

★ 鶴 Turu = Tsuru → A message from 福禄寿 Fukurokuju, 
            one of the Seven Lucky Gods

★ 鯛 Tai = Sea bream → A message from 恵比寿 Ebisu, 
            one of the Seven Lucky Gods

★ 猪 Inosisi = Boar → Messenger from the god of fire, 
           火之迦具土神  Hinokagutsuchinokami

Another example is Ebisu, one of the Seven Lucky Gods.
Or, it may be a messenger from 摩利支天 Marishiten.

Marishiten is also an incarnation of 観世音菩薩 Kanzeon Bosatu
so it can be said that he is a messenger from the sun god.

★ 虎 Tora = Tiger → A messenger from the Hindu god 
  毘沙門天 Bishamonten ( Vaishravana ), one of the Seven Lucky Gods

★ 百足 Mukade = Centipede → One of the Seven Lucky Gods, 
     a messenger from the Hindu god 毘沙門天 Bishamonten.

★ Other insects include butterflies, spiders, praying mantises, 
and grasshoppers.
These are basically sent out by guardian deities, guardian angels, 
other angels, fairies, etc. of the area where we live.

★ Life forms such as whales and dolphins are used by the 
Sirius system and the Pleiades system, as well as by residents of
the Earth's inner world "Agartha".

Fur seals are living creatures on Venus, so residents inside Venus may 
send them out on missions. In other words, it will pass through Venus, 
the gateway to our physical universe, and connect to Sirius, 
the gateway to the outer universe.

The messengers of the living things listed below can be said to be the 
kind of messengers that we see with our spiritual eyes rather than
with our physical eyes.

★ 蛇 Hebi = Snake → Messenger from the god of water

The most common name is 弁財天 Benzaiten, which also refers to the Hindu god Saraswati.
Benzaiten is a snake god and a water god.
Similarly, 市杵島姫命 Ichikishima Hime no Mikoto is a snake god and a water god.

大物主命 Omononushi no Mikoto = 大国主命 Okuninushi no Mikoto = 
大巳貴 Onamuchi no Mikoto is the incarnation of a snake and the god of water.

The snake god as a nature spirit may be the dragon god when 
reincarnated in a future world.

★ 龍 Ryu = Dragon → Messenger from the god of water

Sometimes it is 弁財天 Benzaiten, and sometimes it appears as a messenger 
or incarnation of 綿津見神 Watatsumi no kami, the sea god, or the three 住吉三神 Sumiyoshi Sanshin.

In other words, they are messengers from gods known as water gods or sea gods,
but in many cases they are the dragon gods themselves as nature spirits.

★ 狐 Kitsune = Fox → Messenger from 宇迦之御魂神 Uka no Mitama no Kami

The fox, known as Inari, is the messenger of the gods of food and agriculture.
In addition, 豊宇気毘売神 Toyoukebime no kami,
保食神 Ukemochi no Kami,
大宣都比売神 Ogetsuhime no kami,
若宇迦売神 Wakaukame no kami,
御饌津神 Miketsukami,

There are also cases.

It is also well known that she is the messenger of 荼枳尼天 Dakiniten, a Hindu goddess.

The true identity of 飯縄大権現 Izuna Daigongen, 猿田毘古神 Sarutahiko no kami
sometimes appears riding on a fox, and the Hindu goddess, Dakuniten, sometimes appears riding a wolf.
There is a high possibility that crows, tengu, foxes,
and wolves are all messengers from the same lineage, 
which means that they end up being messengers
from the sun god or from the god Sirius.

★ 河童 Kappa → Messenger from the god of water

Whether viewed as a nature spirit or as a physical animal, 
the person who sends out kappa is probably the god of water.
Maybe Seoritsuhime, Benzaiten, or some god from the Sirius lineage will send it to you.

( 葛飾北斎『北斎漫画』「河童」/  “Kappa” included in Katsushika Hokusai’s
  “Hokusai Manga” Volume 3, page 72 )

★ 獅子 Shishi = Lion → Messenger from the sun god

Shishi = lion, but it may be rare to see a lion.
Basically, he is a divine messenger from Sirius and ancient Egyptian civilization, 
and has a deep connection with Sekhmet and Ra,
the sun god who serves as a collective consciousness.

It is also possible that it is a messenger from 文殊菩薩 Monjyubbosatsu = Manjushri .

★ 象 Zou = Elephant → Messenger from the Hindu god Ganesha

It is a messenger from Ganesha, the Hindu god with an elephant head,
but it is also possible that it is Ganesha's mother, Parvati.

Parvati is the mountain god.
Other Hindu gods, such as Vishnu and Lakshmi, will also send out elephants.

It may also be a messenger from Samanta Bhadra = 普賢菩薩 Fugen bosatsu.

★ Other spiritual animals such as the Kirin and the Phoenix will
 be used by the Bodhisattva lineage.

As mentioned above, God sends out various animals, insects, 
and even spiritual animals.

Through them, God sends signs, prompts enlightenment, or warns of danger.
Of course, humans are also used.

It is the perfect medium for training people, so think that there is
God's will behind a person's words and actions, 
pray to God, think carefully, and come up with the best answer.

『 God's mechanism that guides everything to good.』 This is God's love.

In other words, every phenomenon in this world is a sign of God !
There is no malicious intent whatsoever.

God, the parent, sometimes gives severe trials to train His children.

The same is true when evil gods and demons maliciously plot to 
corrupt humans and enslave them.

The same goes for approaching someone pretending to be a good person...
It is God's test to see through this good and evil.

However, you don't always have to be stoic.
Sometimes you need to enjoy some free time.

It is also important to meditate and go outside to experience the beauty of nature.
Observing plants, flowers, wild birds, insects, etc., studying with specialized books, etc.

The point is that you need to make an active effort to find the answers yourself,
rather than waiting for God to give them to you.

However, even if you are unable to move, it is possible to
read information from outside the window or from the TV, 
the internet, or books.

However, much of the information sent out by humans is fake or fabricated, 
so it is important to have the ability to see through them.

If you are tied up with work and don't have free time,
try to carve out even 5 to 10 minutes to meditate or relax.

Or try to improve your spirituality through any problems that arise at work.

Through ingenuity and ingenuity, humans can raise the level of 
their souls to the level of God・・・

 Let's enjoy our eternal training !

The path down is not to look.
At the end of that road is eternal hell.

 There are dreams and hopes only on the upper path.

   Now, it's time for  " Today's Recommended Number ".

    瑠璃色の地球 松田聖子  / Lazuli Earth   Seiko Matsuda
    ヒーロー 安室奈美恵 / Hero   Namie Amuro

神々からの遣いとしての生き物 1 Creatures as messengers from the gods 1

2024年03月30日 21時51分02秒 | 宇宙意識に目覚めよう!

 Hello everyone, or good evening・・・

2012年9月のブログ記事一覧-『 うさぎの言霊 』 Rabbit's Kotodama  

If you speak English and are reading this blog for the first time,
we recommend that you start from the article below.
大和民族の憂鬱 1 Melancholy of the Yamato people 1 - 『 うさぎの言霊 』 Rabbit's Kotodama  

This time, I would like to think about the relationship between God, 
animals, and humans based on Mr. K's article.

As you may have already realized, the Earth is a living organism, 
and humans call it "Gaia."

However, the reality of the earth is that it is a "common planet for the universe"
and a training ground for the souls of the entire universe.

If we dig deeper, we can see that the earth itself is
 ( 国之常立神 = Kuni no Toko tachi no Kami ).
Centered around this god, two gods (月讀命 = Tsuku yomi no mikoto) and 
( 素戔嗚尊 = Su sano o no mikoto ) are supported.

These three gods are collectively called( 丑寅の金神 = Ushi tora no Kon jin )
  《 3 Articles of Ascension 》

1. Purification of mind and soul has reached 81% out of 100%.
2. DNA Article 12 has been completely lifted.
 (Can be verified with Penduram test)
3. Connected to the network of light and reaching earth consciousness.

 The third part of this,

It is connected to the network of light and has reached Earth consciousness.

Purification of the heart and soul is important, 
but it has been shown that Earth consciousness is also important.

In other words, Earth consciousness cannot be achieved unless you love nature.
Of course, this also includes loving animals and insects.

All things were created by the gods and designed to prosper forever and ever.
For that reason, if you hate animals and insects,
you won't be able to talk about it.

However, I can understand that you might not like it. I also hate cockroaches.
If I find you, I'll immediately gas you to death, but while I say I'm sorry...
Each species has a role to play, so it is important to respect that role.

The gods created all species by manipulating DNA.
I think it required a lot of effort and ingenuity.
That is the truth of evolution.

( The forms of life forms in the entire universe are as follows...

Heteromorphic life forms = 96% (dragons, animals, insects, fish, mermaids, etc.)
Humanoid life form = 4%

However, life forms outside the solar system do not have physical bodies 
and are referred to as ghosts.
See the article below to find out why.

The origin of species was completed by the gods after a vast amount of time,
research, and experimentation.
Of course, it goes without saying that improvements will be made
to suit the environment at the time.

As the gods continued their efforts to improve progress, 
the universe expanded and The Earth is becoming a better place to live.

Original evolution is probably the embodiment of a sublime imagination
that seeks to master God's science and art.

Humans are the ones who pollute and destroy it.
That's completely stupid.
Therefore, the gods have no choice but to cause a great global cleansing.

So please don't be fooled by the far-fetched theories of scholars.

With the above in mind, please take a look at Mr. K's article.

 Creatures as messengers from the gods

( Many of the following content is centered around Japan, 
so it may be difficult for people from other countries to understand.
However, there is always a god who protects your area,
 so please view it with that in mind. )

If the crow is not the messenger of God who informs us of the
ransformation of our DNA, we will briefly list the characteristics of the
main animals known as messengers of the gods, 
so please use them as a reference.

When a messenger from these gods appears, 
it is usually sent by the guardian deity of the land where we live.
I would like you to take this into consideration.

Also, I would like to stress that lower-level animal spirits use
white light to deceive you, so you need to be extremely careful.

If you have a narrow perspective, have delusional beliefs, or are blind, 
you will not be able to think calmly, and you will almost certainly be deceived.

This is because they lack prudence, calmness, and reason.
It is important to make good use of your intuition, inspiration, and imagination.

If you look at how each god uses them, you can see that even if the paths 
of light are different when going back in the network of light,
their roots are common.

Broadly speaking, our roots are in the non-physical nature of fire and water,
which are connected to the origin of the universe.

In other words, as you ascend into the higher realms, 
you will become connected to the Hexagram symbol.

★ 鴉 = Karasu = Crow → Messenger from the sun god

Gods known as sun gods, such as「 猿田毘古神 Saru ta bi ko no kami 」and
「天照皇大神 Ama terasu sume O kami 」mainly send out crows.

In addition, 瀬織津姫 Seoritsuhime, 菊理姫 Kukurihime, 伊耶那美命 IzanaminoMikoto,
伊邪那岐命 IzanaginoMikoto, and others will also be sent as envoys.

In other words, this includes the 白山神社 Sirayama Shrine network and
the 熊野神社 Kumano Shrine network.
Basically, they are sent out by the gods of the Sirius family.

 鶏  Niwatori = Chicken  → Messenger from the sun god

The chickens are mainly sent by 天宇受売命 Ameno Uzume no Mikoto
the wife of 猿田毘古神 Saru ta bi ko no kami 
but Saru ta bi ko no kami may also send them.

Since it is a messenger from the sun god, 
天照皇大神 Ama terasu sume O kami  will also be sent as a messenger.

経津主神 Futsunushi no Kami, who is known for the network of 
石上神宮 Isonokami Shrine, 香取神社 Katori Shrine, probably also sends chickens.

★ 鳩  Hato = Pigeon →   Hachiman Okami's messenger

The network of  宇佐神宮 Usa Shrine and 八幡神社 Hachiman Shrine
corresponds to themessengers of 八幡大神 Hachiman Okami.
It can also be said that it has the aspect of being a messenger from the sun god.

★ 雉  Kiji = Pheasant →   The messenger of  素盞嗚尊 Susano ono Mikoto

Susano ono Mikoto's network includes 氷川神社 Hikawa Shrine, 
須佐神社 Susa Shrine, 須賀神社 Suga Shrine, and 八坂神社 Yasaka Shrine.

★ 牛  Usi = Cow → The messenger of  素盞嗚尊 Susano ono Mikoto

It can be said that it is similar to a pheasant.
It may also be a messenger from 虚空蔵菩薩 Kokuzo Bodhisattva.

★ 狼 Okami = Wolf → Messenger from the mountain god

Wolves are basically messengers of the mountain gods.
In this sense, it is generally said to be a messenger from 
大山祇神 Oyamatumi no Kami, a god via the Pleiades.

However, if there is a deep connection between Sirius and ancient Egyptian civilization, 
it may be a messenger from Anubis, the god of Sirius.

★ 犬 Inu= Dog → Messenger from the mountain god

Like wolves, both the Sirian gods and the Pleiadian gods send out dogs.
不動明王 Fudo myo oh will probably send his dog out as well.
This means that there is an aspect of him being sent by the god of 
mountains and the god of water.

★ 鷲 Wasi= Eagle → Messenger from 天穂日命 Amenohohi no Mikoto

天穂日命 Amenohohi no Mikoto has the appearance of an eagle itself, and the
network of 大鳥神社 Otori Shrine and 鷲神社 Washi Shrine corresponds to this.
It is also possible that it was a messenger from 日本武尊 Yamato Takeru.

★ 梟 Hukorou = Owl → Messenger from 天日鷲命 Amenohiwashi no Mikoto

Since it is the same god as 天穂日命 Amenohohi no Mikoto 
it can be said that it is the same as the messenger of the eagle.

★ 鳶 Tobi = Kite → Messenger from 鳥之石楠船神 Torinoiwakusufunenokami

Torinoishi Kusufunenokami is also known as 
天鳥船命 AmenoTorifuneno Mikoto, 
but she has the appearance of a ship itself.

This person has a very memorable story, 
so I would like to include one example.

Last December, when I visited 鹿島神宮 Kashima Shrine and 
香取神宮 Katori Shrine, I went to 息栖神社 Ikisu Shrine,
 where 天鳥船命 AmenotorifunenoMikoto  is enshrined as the deity, 
with a map in hand. However, it was difficult to find the location.

At that moment, several kites flew overhead, forming a circle in the sky, 
as if pointing in the direction of Ikisu Shrine.

Then, in the sky above Ikusu Shrine, three kites flew in a circle
 and showed me the location.

As soon as I realized that I had clearly confirmed the location of Ikusu Shrine,
the kites flew off somewhere, and not a single one of them was left.

★ 木菟 Mimizuku = horned owl → Messenger from 五十猛神 Isotakerunokami

五十猛神 Isotakerunokami is the son of 素盞嗚尊 Susano ono Mikoto
but it is the same god as 大屋毘古神 Oyabikonokami
and I think it would be fair to say that he is the god of forests and trees.

This is the 杉山神社 Sugiyama Shrine network.

★ 猿 Saru = Monkey → Messenger from 大山咋神 Oyamakui no Kami

大山咋神 Oyama kui no Kami is the god of mountains or the god of sake.
大山咋神 Oyama kui no Kami has often said that alcohol can be 
poisonous if drunk in excess,
but if consumed in small quantities it can be a medicine that soothes the soul.

木花咲耶姫 Princess Konohana Sakuya, the goddess of the Pleiades, 
may sometimes send out monkeys.

Therefore, it is possible that the fathers, 大山祇神 Oyamatumi no Kami 
and 石長比売 Iwanagahime, also sent monkeys as messengers.

The monkey is 庚申 Kanoesaru, so it may be a messenger from 
猿田毘古神 Saru ta bi ko no kami or 天宇受売命 Amenouzume no mikoto. 
In other words, it is also a messenger from the sun god.

 This time it will be split into two parts.

 Now, it's time for  " Today's Recommended Number ".

 These are two songs from the「Attack on Titan」 theme songs.

  神聖かまってちゃん「僕の戦争」Holy Kamatte-chan 「My War」
  SiM – The Rumbling