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Why Are Native Speakers Hard to Understand? (どうしてネイティブスピーカーの英語はわかりにくいの?)

2013-03-26 | 講師達からのメッセージ

  By Alison


English learners usually find it hard to understand native speakers.
Understanding the reasons behind this would help speed up the learning process.

例えば、"They are here." becomes "They're here."
英語学習者がこのような音や文法の構造にあまり馴染みがない場合、 "their", "there", or "they're" の区別がつかないと思います。

例えば "than" vs. "then"



First of all, natives link shounds together when they speak.
As a result, the sentence gets shortened.

For example, "They are here." becomes "They're here."

If a non-native learner is unfamiliar with the grammar structures and hears this, he may wonder if the native is saying "their", "there", or "they're". Because when a native speaks fast enough, these 3 sound the same.

The second main reason English learners find natives hard to understand is the large number of vowels. Some English vowels sound similar, yet changing the vowel changes the meaning of a word.

For example, "than" vs. "then".

Thirdly, some English sounds do not exist in other languages.

For instance, there are no such sounds as "F", "V", or "R" in Japanese.
So it's very difficult for Japanese people to make these sounds.
If a person cannot produce the sound, it becomes difficult for him to pick up that sound when listening.

Last but not the least, natives use slangs and idioms in their speech.
If a non-native hasn't learned the expression, he won't understand it when he hears it in a conversation.

I'll get should be I'll have or can I have?

2013-03-18 | 講師達からのメッセージ

    Jone 先生

I'll get should be I'll have or can I have?

ファーストフード店やレストランでよく聞くこの言い方 "I'll get the.........". 少しうんざりします。

I'll have, or can I have.

"I'll get the.........".  このような言い方はをするのは、この辺り(カナダ西部)だけなのでしょうか?

I live in western Canada.

One thing I get so tired of hearing at fast food order counters and restaurants is  "I'll get the.........". It's like an epidemic.
Everywhere I go, fast food, convenience, restaurants, I hear I'll get the Big Mac etc.

Until 10 years ago people use the correct request,

I'll have, or can I have.

What happened? If they say, I'll get, it means that they will get what they want themselves.

If I was the waiter I would say, “no you can't get it but I can get it for you and you can have it"! 


A: Can I help you sir?

B: Yes I'll get the Big Mac...

It should be I'll have a Big Mac!

 Is this a problem only in Western Canada?

Food for thought (考えるべきこと)

2013-03-13 | Idiom

よく使うこのフレーズ "Food for thought"

でもFood は食べ物を意味します。食べることは思考力や感情に影響するからです。
"Food for thought" is a common phrase what many people use.
 Most of the time it is used when giving advice or trying to make them ponder over a decision.
 But what many don't realizes is that the food you eat effects your mood and the way you think.

We know that eating fruits and vegetable is always a good idea but often time knowing how they operate to make our bodies function properly is lost.

For instance, berries and chocolate help a person concentrate. Raw nuts help you stay alert and can improve learning skills. Beans, increase memory and avacado increase blood flow to the brain.
One of the most important part of and diet should be water intake. After all the human body is 70% water.
Water provides the needed nutrients for the brain to function properly.

As with anything, proper balance is necessary. Bodies usual don't fare well if we over do it with any food choice.

For more information check out these sites

Let's talk with us   By Nadia   


Oren(オーレン)先生 レッスンオープンしました

2013-03-11 | お知らせ

Hi,my name is Oren.


USA出身ですが、いろいろな国にすんでいました。趣味は旅行、言語を学ぶこと、いろいろな人に会うのもすきです。 あなたに会えることを楽しみにしています。スピーキング、文法、発音などのレッスンをオープンしています。楽しく勉強しましょう。

Originally I am from California in the United States,but I have lived in many places around the world . I love traveling ,meeting new people and specially learning new languages . I have many hobbies , but actually I would like to get to know a little bit about you. I would like to know what interests you ,What you passions are ,and what you really enjoy doing . I can help you with accent Reduction ,fixing grammar,and pronunciation...
