PTFE Plastic Tube Extrusion Machine Top


Fluorosint Teflon - PTFE Molded Rod 1.75" diameter x 12" long

2016-11-08 16:06:53 | 日記
PTFE Molded Rod

Fluorosint Teflon - PTFE Molded Rod has nine times greater resistance to deformation under load than unfilled PTFE. Its coefficient of linear thermal expansion approaches the expansion rate of aluminum, and is 1/5 that of PTFE — often eliminating fit and clearance problems. It is 1/3 harder than PTFE, has better wear characteristics and maintains low frictional properties. PTFE Molded Rod is also non-abrasive to most mating materials.

PTFE Rod Features:Usage temperature range is very broad (Celsius from - 200 degrees to +260 degrees); Anti-majority chemical substance's corrosiveness, except some fluorides and alkalinity moltenmetal;Excellent mechanical properties, aging resistance;Excellent flame resistance(Conforms to ASTM-D635 and D470 test step),in the air to be regulated as a flame retardant material;Very low water absorption......

