(Jerusalem, January 16, 2025) – The Israeli military killed, wounded, starved, and forcibly displaced Palestinian civilians in Gaza in 2024, and destroyed their homes, schools, hospitals, and infrastructure at a scale unprecedented in recent history, Human Rights Watch said today in its World Report 2025. Tens of thousands of civilians in Gaza were killed and wounded. The military forcibly displaced Palestinians from their homes, a crime against humanity, and Israeli authorities deliberately deprived civilians of food, water, and other objects necessary for survival in Gaza, comprising atrocity crimes, acts of genocide, and mounting evidence of genocidal intent.
(エルサレム、2025年1月16日) イスラエル軍は2024年中、ガザのパレスチナ民間人(文民)を殺害し・負傷させ・飢えさせ・強制移動させて、住民の家・学校・病院・インフラを近年の歴史で前例がない程に破壊した、とヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ(以下HRW)は世界人権年鑑2025内で本日述べた。ガザ内では数万の民間人(文民)が殺され傷を負わされた。イスラエル軍はパレスチナを自宅から強制移動させて人道に対する犯罪を行い、イスラエル当局は故意に民間人(文民)から食糧・水・その他ガザで生存するために不可欠な物資を剥奪したが、それは残虐な犯罪、集団殺害(ジェノサイド)行為を構成する。イスラエル当局に集団殺害を行う意図あったことを示す証拠は、極めて多数ある。
For the 546-page world report, in its 35th edition, Human Rights Watch reviewed human rights practices in more than 100 countries. In much of the world, Executive Director Tirana Hassan writes in her introductory essay, governments cracked down and wrongfully arrested and imprisoned political opponents, activists, and journalists. Armed groups and government forces unlawfully killed civilians, drove many from their homes, and blocked access to humanitarian aid. In many of the more than 70 national elections in 2024, authoritarian leaders gained ground with their discriminatory rhetoric and policies.
“Israel’s decades-long systematic repression of Palestinians worsened dramatically and plunged civilians in Gaza into a horrifying abyss, but possibilities for international justice are emerging,” said Lama Fakih, Middle East and North Africa director at Human Rights Watch. “Continued weapons sales to Israel by its partners despite vast evidence of its unchecked atrocity crimes are putting those countries and officials at risk of direct complicity.”
- In November, the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, for war crimes and crimes against humanity in Gaza, and the leader of Hamas’s military wing, Mohammed Deif, for the attacks in Israel on October 7, 2023, that included war crimes and crimes against humanity.
- 国際刑事裁判所(以下ICC)は11月、イスラエル首相ベンヤミン・ネタニヤフと元国防大臣ヨアヴ・ガラントに対して、ガザにおける戦争犯罪容疑と人道に対する犯罪容疑で、更にハマス軍事部門指導者ムハンマド・ディフに対して、2023年10月7日のイスラエルにおける襲撃に関する戦争犯罪と人道に対する犯罪容疑で、それぞれ逮捕状を発行した。
- The Israeli authorities continued to commit the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution through their repression of Palestinians. In July, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued an advisory opinion finding that Israel’s presence in the occupied Palestinian territory is unlawful and that all illegal settlements should be evacuated and dismantled.
- イスラエル当局はパレスチナ人への弾圧を通して、アパルトヘイトと迫害という人道に対する犯罪を行い続けた。7月に国際司法裁判所は、パレスチナ被占領地にイスラエルが引き続き駐留することは違法であり、全ての違法入植地は明け渡し取り壊されるべきである旨明らかにする勧告的意見を出した。
- In the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, the UN reported that Palestinians killed 6 Israeli settlers and 16 soldiers, while Israelis killed 719 Palestinians, from October 7, 2023, to October 7, 2024, far more than in any other year on record based on UN data available since 2005.
- 2023年10月7日から2024年10月7日にかけて東エルサレムを含むヨルダン川西岸地区では、パレスチナ人がイスラエル人の入植者6人とイスラエル兵16人を殺害し、一方イスラエル人がパレスチナ人を719人殺害した、と国連は報告した。その数は入手可能な2005年以降の国連データに基づく年間記録内で、如何なる年よりも遥かに多い。
- Evidence emerged throughout 2024 of ill-treatment and torture of Palestinian detainees deported from Gaza to detention facilities in Israel.
- 2024年を通じて、ガザからイスラエル国内の抑留施設に送られたパレスチナ人被拘禁者に対する、虐待と拷問の証拠が明らかになった。
- Armed groups in the Gaza Strip are holding an estimated 100 hostages, including the bodies of over 30 people believed to have died during the hostilities. In August, captors intentionally killed six Israeli hostages, apparently to prevent their rescue by approaching Israeli forces. Human Rights Watch found that Hamas’ military wing—the Qassam Brigades—and at least four Palestinian armed groups committed numerous war crimes and crimes against humanity against civilians during the October 7, 2023 assault on southern Israel.
- ガザ地区内の武装組織は推計で100人の人質を取り続けているが、その中には敵対行為の際に死亡したと考えられる30人超の遺体が含まれている。人質を取っている者たちは8月に、接近するイスラエル軍による救出を防ぐためと思われるが、イスラエル人人質6人を殺害した。ハマス軍事部門のカッサム旅団及び少なくとも4つのパレスチナ人武装組織が、2023年10月7日のイスラエル南部に対する襲撃の際に、多くの戦争犯罪と人道に対する犯罪を行った旨、HRWは明らかにした。
- In October 2024, the Israeli parliament passed legislation aimed at preventing the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) from operating in areas under Israeli sovereignty and banning communication with UNRWA staff , endangering access to humanitarian aid and basic services to Palestinians in the occupied Palestinian territory. The ban will take effect in early 2025.
- 2024年10月にイスラエル国会は、国連パレスチナ難民救済事業機関(以下UNRWA)によるイスラエルの主権が及ぶ地域内での活動を妨げること、及びUNRWA職員とのコミュニケーション禁止を目的とした法律を成立させ、パレスチナ被占領地内のパレスチナ人に対する人道援助と基本的サービスを受けることを危険にした。この禁止措置は、2025年ジャ当初に発効する見込みだ。
All countries which provide weapons to Israel, including the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany, should suspend weapons transfers due to the Israeli military’s repeated, unlawful attacks on civilians. Countries should defend the ICC; execute its arrest warrants; and increase public and private pressure on the Israeli government to stop violating the laws of armed conflict, comply with its obligations as well as the ICJ’s binding orders and advisory opinion, and ensure that aid can be taken into Gaza and safely distributed and that Palestinians in Gaza can access basic services.