(Beirut, January 16, 2025) – Iranian authorities have continued their brutal, targeted repression even though the new Iranian president has promised change, Human Rights Watch said today in its World Report 2025. The authorities have targeted human rights defenders, women, ethnic and religious minorities, and families of those arrested or killed in the 2022 protests.
(ベイルート、2025年1月16日) 新大統領は改革を公約したが、イラン当局は残酷で対象を絞った弾圧を続けた、とヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ(以下HRW)は世界人権年鑑2025内で本日述べた。当局は、人権擁護者・女性・少数派民族と少数派宗教、2022年抗議運動の過程で逮捕または殺害された者の家族を狙って攻撃した。
For the 546-page world report, in its 35th edition, Human Rights Watch reviewed human rights practices in more than 100 countries. In much of the world, Executive Director Tirana Hassan writes in her introductory essay, governments cracked down and wrongfully arrested and imprisoned political opponents, activists, and journalists. Armed groups and government forces unlawfully killed civilians, drove many from their homes, and blocked access to humanitarian aid. In many of the more than 70 national elections in 2024, authoritarian leaders gained ground with their discriminatory rhetoric and policies.
Iran was among the five countries with the highest number of executions in 2023, according to Amnesty International, and this trend has continued in 2024 with more than 400 people executed in the first half of the year, according to the United Nations. The authorities also issued scores of new death sentences for political prisoners, ethnic minorities, and foreign nationals.
“The Iranian authorities’ ongoing repression exemplifies an assault on rights that disproportionately targets women and minorities,” said Nahid Naghshbandi, acting Iran researcher at Human Rights Watch. “Yet, unchecked government oppression is deepening public defiance rather than silencing opposition.”
- Iranian authorities severely restricted freedoms of assembly and expression. In 2024, security forces arrested dozens of activists, lawyers, and students. The authorities also targeted outspoken family members of those killed or executed during the 2022-2023 protests who have demanded accountability for violations against their loved ones.
- イラン当局は集会と表現の自由を極めて厳しく制約した。2024年中、治安部隊は活動家・弁護士・学生を数十人逮捕し、2022年~2023年の抗議運動の際に殺害または処刑された者の家族で、愛する者への人権侵害に対して説明責任を果たすよう求めてハッキリ意見を言う者を狙って攻撃した。
- Scores of human rights defenders, journalists, minorities, and dissidents in Iran face long sentences after unfair trials. Many are denied basic services in prison. The deliberate denial of medical care to political prisoners, a longstanding practice, has worsened.
- イランにおける多数の人権擁護者・ジャーナリスト.少数派・反体制派が、不公正裁判の挙句に長期の懲役刑に服している。その多くは刑務所内で、基本的なサービスを受けられない。政治犯への医療を故意に許さない、長年の慣行が悪化した。
- Iranian authorities have imposed harsher restrictions and punishments for violating compulsory dress laws under the “Protection of the Family through Promoting the Culture of Hijab and Chastity” law. The law, ratified by the Guardian Council in September, carries severe penalties, including fines, longer prison sentences, and restrictions on employment and education.
- イラン当局は、「ヒジャブと貞節の文化促進による家族保護法」のもと義務であるドレスコードの違反に対して、より厳しい制約と刑罰を科した。2024年9月に監督者評議会で承認された同法は、罰金・長期の懲役刑・就職と教育に関する制約など厳しいペナルティーを与える。
- The authorities have intensified their crackdown on the Baha’is religious minority, with women being disproportionately targeted. Dozens of Baha’is were arrested, tried, and sentenced to prison in 2024. The cumulative impact of authorities’ decades-long systematic repression against Baha’is is an intentional and severe deprivation of their fundamental rights and amounts to the crime against humanity of persecution.
- 当局は、少数派宗教であるバハーイー教の信者に対する弾圧を強めると共に、女性を不均衡に狙って攻撃した。2024年中にバハーイー教徒数十人が、逮捕され・裁判に掛けられ・懲役刑を言い渡された。当局が数十年続けてきたバハーイー教徒に対する組織的な弾圧の累積した影響は、彼らの基本的人権を故意に大きく剥奪してきており、迫害という人道に対する犯罪(ローマ規定第7条第1項(h))に該当する。
- The authorities also have used excessive and lethal force against predominantly Kurdish border couriers, known as Kulbars, who transport goods between Iran and Iraq over rugged terrain. Driven by poverty, border couriers confront constant dangers. The couriers have limited access to justice or remedy for these violations, and Iranian authorities have mistreated those they have detained.
- 当局は、イランとイラクの間にある荒涼とした地形を超えて物資を運搬する人々(大部分はクルド人でクルバールと呼ばれている)に対して、過度で致死力を伴う武力を行使してきた。貧困に駆られた国境の物資運搬人は、常に危険に直面しているが、当局による人権侵害に対しては、法の正義や救済措置を殆ど受けられず、イラン当局は抑留した物資運搬人を虐待してきた。
“The international community should address the escalating repression in Iran and hold Iranian authorities accountable,” Naghshbandi said.