(Bangkok, January 16, 2025) – Prabowo S. Djojohadikusumo took office as Indonesia’s president in October 2024 after winning the February election, raising human rights concerns because of his abusive record in the military, Human Rights Watch said in its World Report 2025. President Prabowo, 73, who was dismissed from the army in 1998 after being implicated in grave rights violations, has appointed several people with concerning rights records to his unusually large 109-member cabinet.
(バンコク、2025年1月16日) プラボウォ・スビアント・ジョヨハディクスモは2024年2月の選挙に勝利した後の10月にインドネシア大統領に就任した。しかし彼には軍にいた際に人権侵害を行った経歴があるので、人権上の懸念を生じさせた、とヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ(以下HRW)は世界人権年鑑2025内で本日述べた。プラボウォ大統領(73歳)は、重大な人権侵害に関与した後の1998年に陸軍から解雇されていて、109人という多数の閣僚に懸念を生じさせる人権上の経歴を有す人物を数人指名している。
For the 546-page world report, in its 35th edition, Human Rights Watch reviewed human rights practices in more than 100 countries. In much of the world, Executive Director Tirana Hassan writes in her introductory essay, governments cracked down and wrongfully arrested and imprisoned political opponents, activists, and journalists. Armed groups and government forces unlawfully killed civilians, drove many from their homes, and blocked access to humanitarian aid. In many of the more than 70 national elections in 2024, authoritarian leaders gained ground with their discriminatory rhetoric and policies.
“President Prabowo needs to overcome his abusive past to address the huge human rights challenges that Indonesia faces today,” said Elaine Pearson, Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “Prabowo should put an end to discriminatory laws and regulations and abusive government policies targeting women and girls, and religious minorities.”
- In August, street protests erupted in at least 16 cities in Indonesia, after the ruling coalition of the outgoing president, Joko “Jokowi” Widodo attempted to tamper with the election law. Protesters accused Jokowi of nepotism.
- 退任間近の大統領、ジョコ・“ジョコウィ”・ウィドドの与党連合が選挙法を変更しようとした後8月に、インドネシア国内少なくとも16の都市で街頭抗議が発生した。抗議者はジョコウィを縁故主義として批判した。
- In March, a video on social media showed three Indonesian soldiers brutally beating Definus Kogoya, a young Papuan man, and taunting him with racial slurs. The army responded to public outrage by promising an investigation, but there have yet to be any prosecutions. The authorities have failed to address longstanding racial discrimination against Indigenous Papuans.
- インドネシア兵士3人が若いパプア人男性デフィナス・コゴヤを、人種差別的な誹謗中傷でなじり、残忍な暴行を加えている様子が映っているビデオがソーシャルメディアに投稿された。陸軍は市民からの怒りに応えて捜査を約束したが、これまでに何の訴追も行われていない。当局はパプア先住民に対する長年に渡る民族差別に対処を怠って来た。
- Several laws place Indonesia’s religious minorities at risk of blasphemy allegations. A 2006 regulation empowered religious majorities to veto community activities by minority religions or to stop them from constructing houses of worship. Girls and women, many of them non-Muslims, who refused to comply with mandatory hijab regulations, faced expulsion or pressure to withdraw from school, or have believed their employment was threatened.
- 幾つかの法律がインドネシアの宗教的少数派に、冒涜容疑を掛けられる危険に晒している。2006年規則は宗教的多数派に、少数派宗教によるコミュニティ活動を拒否する、または少数派宗教による礼拝所建設を差し止める、権限を与えた。多くが非イスラム教徒である成人女性と少女が、義務であるヒジャブ規則に従うことを拒否し、強制退学させられ又は自主退学に追い込まれ、又は雇用関係が危険に晒されたと感じている。
- In October, Hashim Djojohadikusumo, President Prabowo’s brother, said that the government had identified 300 palm oil companies that are operating illegally, while the agriculture minister said that 537 companies cultivating 2.5 million hectares for palm oil did not have land titles. Land disputes have plagued the industry, which has often forcibly displaced Indigenous peoples, and remains the largest driver of deforestation in the country.
- 10月にプラボウォ大統領の弟ハシム・ジョヨハディクスモは、違法操業しているヤシ油企業300社を、政府が特定したと述べ、農業大臣は、250万haをヤシ油採取のために使っている537社が、土地の所有権を有していないと述べた。土地を巡る紛争はヤシ油産業を悩ましてきており、頻繁に先住民の強制移動を引き起こし、インドネシアにおける森林破壊推進の最大要因であり続けている。
The Prabowo administration should promptly and publicly demonstrate its intention to protect and promote human rights in Indonesia and throughout the region, Human Rights Watch said.