
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ スーダン:ダルフールで新たな集団民族虐殺と略奪(前半)



  • The Rapid Support Forces killed hundreds of civilians in West Darfur in early November 2023.
  • The Rapid Support Forces’ latest episode of ethnically targeted killings in West Darfur, has the hallmarks of an organized campaign of atrocities against Massalit civilians.
  • The United Nations Security Council should urgently strengthen the UN’s presence in Sudan to prevent further atrocities and better protect civilians in Darfur.
  •  RSFが2023年11月初旬に西ダルフール州で民間人数百人を殺害した
  •  RSFが西ダルフール州で最近行った民族を狙った虐殺は、マサリット族民間人に対する残虐行為が組織的活動である顕著な特徴を備えている
  •  国連安全保障理事会はダルフールでの更なる残虐行為を防ぐと共に民間人保護を強化するべく、スーダンにおける国連の存在感を大至急高めなければならない

(Nairobi, November 26, 2023) – The Rapid Support Forces and their allied militias killed hundreds of civilians in West Darfur in early November 2023, Human Rights Watch said today. The forces also looted, assaulted, and unlawfully detained scores of members of the predominantly Massalit community in Ardamata, a suburb of West Darfur’s El Geneina.

(ナイロビ、2023年11月26日) 即応支援部隊(以下RSF)とその同盟民兵組織が2023年11月初旬に西ダルフール州で民間人数百人を殺害した、と本日ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ(以下HRW)は述べた。RSFはまた西ダルフール州ジェネイナ郊外のアルダマタで、マサリット族が大半を占めるコミュニティ構成員多数に略奪・暴行を加え、違法に抑留した。

Given the pending closure of the UN mission in Sudan, and replacement by a special envoy, the United Nations Security Council should urgently consider ways to strengthen the UN’s presence in Sudan that could deter further atrocities and better protect civilians in Darfur. It should support monitoring of human rights abuses there and expand the existing arms embargo to cover the entire country and all parties to the ongoing armed conflict. African members of the Security Council, the United Arab Emirates, and other governments on the council should support these and other measures to ensure the UN’s most powerful body is able to fulfill its responsibility to protect civilians in West Darfur and the rest of Sudan.


“The Rapid Support Forces’ latest episode of ethnically targeted killings in West Darfur, has the hallmarks of an organized campaign of atrocities against Massalit civilians,” said Mohamed Osman, Sudan researcher at Human Rights Watch. “The UN Security Council needs to stop ignoring the desperate need to protect Darfur civilians.”


According to the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), an estimated 800 people were killed during the early November attacks in Ardamata. Local rights monitors interviewed survivors arriving in Chad and estimated the death toll of mainly civilians at between 1,300 and 2,000, including dozens killed on the road to Chad. At least 8,000 people have fled into Chad, joining around 450,000, mostly women and children, displaced by attacks in West Darfur notably between April and June.


Human Rights Watch interviewed 20 Massalit people who fled Ardamata to eastern Chad between November 1-10, including 3 Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) soldiers, who described a spree of killings, shelling, unlawful detentions, sexual violence, ill-treatment, and looting. All interviewees are identified by pseudonyms for their protection. Human Rights Watch also analyzed 8 videos and images posted on social media that show the Rapid Support Forces detaining over 200 men and boys in Ardamata. One video shows the fighters beating a group of men.


Human Rights Watch shared a letter with the Rapid Support Forces, sharing findings and questions, but received no response before the date of publishing.


Satellite imagery taken the first week of November shows the impact of the shelling on civilian and military infrastructure as well as looting and arson in and around the Ardamata displaced people’s camp. Satellite imagery also shows possible new graves and bodies in the street.


Conflict broke out on April 15 in Sudan between the country’s two military forces, the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces. Between April and June, the Rapid Support Forces and allied militia led waves of assaults against majority-Massalit neighborhoods of El Geneina, as well as other towns and villages in the region, targeting civilians on a large scale.


Ongoing Human Rights Watch research and media reports indicate that they killed civilians by the thousands, burned whole neighborhoods and sites where displaced people had found refuge in El Geneina, looted on a grand scale, and raped women and girls. These attacks forcibly displaced hundreds of thousands of civilians, with thousands seeking refuge in Ardamata. Ardamata hosts both a Sudanese Armed Forces base and an internally displaced people’s camp.


Survivors and local monitors said that on November 1, fighting broke out again between the Rapid Support Forces and the Sudanese Armed Forces. During the two days of heavy fighting that followed, both parties shelled the suburb, in some cases affecting civilians. Residents said that some Massalit fighters joined the fight alongside the Sudanese Armed Forces. From November 4, after the Rapid Support Forces and militia gained control of the Sudanese Armed Forces base, they went on a rampage through the camp for displaced people, and other residential areas, all largely inhabited by Massalit and other non-Arab groups.


Survivors said that the Rapid Support Forces and allied forces shot at civilians as they fled and executed people in their homes, shelters, and in the streets. Survivors said attackers insulted the Massalit, and in some instances said they wanted to “kill Massalit.” The assailants killed primarily Massalit men, but two people interviewed said that people from non-Arab groups, notably ethnic Tama and Eringa, were also killed and injured.


On November 7, a 45-year-old Massalit farmer said, Arab militiamen accompanied by Rapid Support Forces vehicles entered the house where he was sheltering in Ardamata camp. The attackers brought seven men to the front of the house:


“They [the assailants] told me to come out of the house,” the man said. “The moment I came out, one or two of the Arabs shot at the seven men from close range. They immediately executed them. All of them lay there on the ground. One of the [assailants] said to me: ‘See how many we killed?’ They told me then to leave the town.”


As in the waves of violence in El Geneina just five months ago, the Rapid Support Forces and their allies targeted prominent Massalit community members. Among them was Mohamed Arbab, 85, a tribal leader from Misterei town who was reportedly killed alongside his son and seven grandchildren on November 4.


Videos and images posted on social media in early November, verified and analyzed by Human Rights Watch show Rapid Support Forces and Arab militiamen detaining more than 200 men and boys in 3 locations in Ardamata.


A series of 5 videos uploaded to Telegram and Facebook between November 4 and 5 also show a group of at least 125 men and boys being forced to run toward El Geneina airport, east of Ardamata. Several of the men are visibly wounded, including some who are limping, while one person is seen being carried by four other men. Human Rights Watch was not able to determine what happened to any members of these groups.


The attackers looted houses and robbed people as they fled, beating, and otherwise ill-treating them. Signs of looting and arson damage are visible in satellite imagery taken of Ardamata camp from November 5 to 7, with fire visible around the camp’s cemetery.


Videos dated November 4 from the Rapid Support Forces’ official X (formerly known as Twitter) account and geolocated by Human Rights Watch show Abdel Raheem Hamdan Dagalo, the Rapid Support Forces deputy commander and brother of Rapid Support Forces leader Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo “Hemedti,” in Ardamata celebrating with his forces the takeover of the Sudanese Armed Forces base, alongside General Abdel Rahman Joma’a, the Rapid Support Forces’ West Darfur Commander. Following the takeover of the base, Abdel Raheem announced that Joma’a was appointed commander of the 15th military division.


Under international law, deliberate attacks on the civilian population, including extrajudicial killings, mistreatment of civilians and all those not participating in combat such as detainees and the wounded; and forcible displacement, violate the laws of war, and may be prosecuted as war crimes. Acts of murder, rape, torture, deportations, persecution, and other offenses committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population based on a government or organizational policy constitute crimes against humanity.


On November 16, Sudan asked the UN to end the mandate of its country’s political mission. The next day, the UN Secretary-General appointed a personal envoy on Sudan, which would significantly reduce UN scrutiny over the situation. UN Security Council and other critical stakeholders should be considering all options to prevent further atrocities and protect civilian populations. As a first step, UN Security Council members should organize a council visit to eastern Chad to meet with survivors of current atrocities in Darfur, Human Rights Watch said.


In addition, UN Security Council members and other concerned governments should sanction anyone violating the Security Council’s arms embargo on Darfur, imposed since 2004. The Security Council should expand the embargo to cover the entire country, Human Rights Watch said. They should also support the ongoing International Criminal Court (ICC) investigation into crimes in Darfur and the UN’s Independent International Fact-Finding Mechanism on Sudan, including by reaching out to these bodies to see what assistance they could provide.


The United Kingdom, European Union, African Union, Intergovernmental Authority for Development, and other concerned governments should immediately impose targeted sanctions on Abdel Raheem and Abdel Rahman, the most senior Rapid Support Forces commanders apparently present during the Ardamata attacks. They, as well as the United States, should also sanction Hemedti, the Rapid Support Forces leader, for grave abuses by forces under his command.


“Regional and international actors have ignored the alarms that survivors have raised for months on the risks of further atrocities in West Darfur,” Osman said. “The Security Council needs to take concrete measures to address the gravity of the situation, roll out sanctions against key commanders, seek the release of those unlawfully detained, and support accountability efforts in the region.”


Repeated attacks by the Rapid Support Forces and allied militias against civilians throughout West Darfur since the start of the conflict in Sudan in April 2023, have forced thousands of displaced people to seek refuge in Ardamata, a northeastern suburb of El Geneina hosting the Sudan military’s 15th Infantry Division and a camp for displaced people. Many arrived there following the mass killings of civilians in El Geneina on June 15.


Some of these displaced were Massalit fighters, including members of the Sudanese Alliance Forces, a Juba Peace Agreement signatory group composed of ethnic Massalit community members. Several people from El Geneina interviewed by Human Rights Watch in the camps of eastern Chad in late July, indicated their intention of returning to fight in El Geneina.


Many of those living in these camps were victims of the Sudan government’s successive waves of ethnic cleansing campaigns that started in the early 2000s. Even before April 2023, Chad was already home to 450,000 Sudanese refugees, many of whom had fled over years of abuses.


The Rapid Support Forces and allied militias had also jointly attacked the predominantly Massalit town of Misterei on May 28, destroying the town and executing at least 28 ethnic Massalit men, and killing and injuring dozens of civilians that day.


West Darfur was the epicenter of attacks by Rapid Support Forces and allied militias between 2019 and 2022, during which Human Rights Watch documented similar patterns of abuses, including deliberate attacks on chiefly Massalit but also other non-Arab groups, and destruction, notably through arson, of internally displaced people’s camps in urban areas in the state. Following a large-scale attack in El Geneina in 2019, some Massalit members began to mobilize, including within the camps.


The latest waves of abuses took place after the Rapid Support Forces launched offensives against Sudanese Armed Forces bases across Darfur, including taking control in late October of Nyala, the capital of South Darfur, and Zalingei, the capital of Central Darfur.


Negotiations before November 1 and again on November 3 – between some Massalit elders from Ardamata camp and al-Tijani Karshoum, a politician from the local Arab community who became West Darfur governor in June – reportedly sought to negotiate a peaceful surrender of military to the Rapid Support Forces, and guaranteed that the latter would avoid attacking civilians in the area.


Karshoum became governor following the June 14 killing of Khamis Abbakar, the former governor and leader of the Sudanese Alliance Forces.


Samira, a 24-year-old woman interviewed, said that Massalit elders from the Ardamata camp gathered community members on November 3 and told those fearing attacks and considering fleeing to stay put; stating that Karshoum had provided guarantees that the Rapid Support Forces would not harm civilians. The Rapid Support Forces and Arab militiamen attacked the camp the following day.


In September, the United States imposed targeted sanctions, including an asset freeze and a travel ban, respectively against Abdel Raheem and Abdel Rahman for ethnically motivated crimes committed in West Darfur. In July, the ICC prosecutor, Karim Khan ,told the UN Security Council that current crimes committed in Darfur are encompassed in his office’s ongoing investigation into the situation in Darfur, which opened in 2005 following a UN Security Council referral. The UN Human Rights Council established the Independent International Fact-Finding Mechanism on Sudan during its session that ended in October, though it has yet to be staffed.


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