
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ コートジボアール:西部で犯罪行為、性暴力がまん延



(Dakar, October 22, 2010) – Well-armed criminal gangs in western Côte d’Ivoire subject local residents to a relentless stream of abuses, including assault, robbery, and sexual violence, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The Ivorian authorities, who have failed to prevent or respond to the violence, should undertake patrols in hard-hit areas, investigate and prosecute crimes, and punish members of security forces who have failed to protect the population.


The 72-page report, “Afraid and Forgotten: Lawlessness, Rape, and Impunity in Western Côte d’Ivoire,” documents the often brutal physical and sexual violence in the western administrative regions of Moyen Cavally and Dix-Huit Montagnes. The widespread criminality has been fueled by the disintegration of legal institutions, a failed disarmament process that has left the region awash with arms, and state officials’ refusal to respond to attacks.

72ページのレポート、「恐怖に加えて見放され:コートジボワールにおける無法・レイプ・不処罰」は、モイェン・キャバリー(Moyen Cavally)とディックス-ヒューイット・モンテイニャス(Dix-Huit Montagnes)の西部行政地方で頻繁に起きている、残虐な身体的暴力と性暴力を取りまとめている。法制度の崩壊、地方が武器であふれかえる結果に終わった武装解除事業の失敗、国当局者の襲撃を野放しにする姿勢などが伴に、まん延する犯罪行為に拍車をかけている。

After repeated postponements in organizing presidential elections over the last five years, Ivorians are finally scheduled to go to the polls on October 31, 2010. Presidential candidates should address how they will respond to these human rights issues and re-establish functioning judicial institutions throughout the country, Human Rights Watch said.


“While politicians and foreign diplomats have wrangled over election preparations, residents in western Côte d’Ivoire are consumed by fear of violent robbery or of being pulled from a bus and raped,” said Corinne Dufka, senior West Africa researcher for Human Rights Watch. “Improving this shameful state of affairs should be an urgent priority for whoever wins the election.”


The report is based on interviews with more than 80 victims and witnesses of violence and extortion, as well as government officials, law enforcement and military personnel, rebel soldiers, representatives from the United Nations and nongovernmental organizations, and diplomats.


An armed conflict in 2002 and 2003 pitted government forces and government-supported militia – 25,000 in Moyen Cavally alone – against the Forces Nouvelles, or New Forces, an alliance of rebel factions from the north and west. Due to the proliferation of both arms and irregular combatants in the region, the west was the hardest hit area by the conflict.

2002年と2003年の武装紛争は、政府軍と政府が支援する民兵(モイェン・キャバリーだけで25,000名)と、北部と西部出身の反乱軍連合であるニューフォース(New Forces)の間で闘われた。武器と非正規軍戦闘員のまん延のため、西部地方は紛争で最もヒドイ被害を受けた。

A ceasefire in May 2003 marked the formal end of hostilities, followed by several peace agreements spearheaded by France, the regional body ECOWAS, the African Union, and the United Nations. The country remains divided, however, with the government largely failing to re-establish control in areas across the country or to rebuild institutions. The UN Operation in Côte d’Ivoire (UNOCI) remains in the country with 8,400 personnel, while a UN arms embargo, a French peacekeeping force, and other measures are still in place to help keep the peace.


Daily Existence Marked by Fear

Criminal gangs in western Côte d’Ivoire regularly attack residents in their homes, as they work their fields, and as they walk to market or travel between their villages and the main regional towns. The attacks peak on weekly market days, when village women converge to buy and sell goods, and during the cocoa harvest, November through March.



Bandit groups, known as coupeurs de route, establish makeshift roadblocks and then surround their victims as they walk to market or travel on transport vehicles. Almost always masked, these gangs are armed with Kalashnikov rifles, hunting rifles, long knives, and machetes. Attackers work meticulously, often stripping their victims to find every last coin, inflict physical abuse and, at times, kill those who refuse to relinquish money or who try to identify the attackers.

coupeurs de routeとして知られる強盗集団は、仮設の検問所を設置した後、市場に歩いてくる若しくは輸送自動車に乗って移動してくる獲物を取り囲む。殆どいつもマスクをしたギャングは、カラシニコフ自動小銃・狩猟用ライフル・長い刃のナイフ・ナタなどで武装している。襲撃者は、多くの場合最後の小銭まで奪い取るため獲物の衣服をはぎ取るなど、きめ細かく行動し、身体的虐待を加え、時に金を手放さなかったり襲撃者の正体を暴こうとした者を殺害する。

Human Rights Watch interviewed 10 drivers of public transport vehicles in the west who had, among them, been victims of 17 attacks on the road between November 2009 and July 2010. They provided examples of dozens of similar attacks on other drivers.


In the course of these attacks, hundreds of women and girls have been sexually assaulted, raped, or gang raped. In interviews with victims and witnesses, Human Rights Watch documented 109 cases of rape in Moyen Cavally and Dix-Huit Montagnes since January 2009, and the total number of victims is most likely much higher.

こうした襲撃の過程で数百名の女性や少女たちが性的暴行に遭い、レイプ或いは集団レイプされている。犠牲者や目撃者への聞き取り調査で、ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは、2009年以上モイェン・キャバリー(Moyen Cavally)とディックス-ヒューイット・モンテイニャス(Dix-Huit Montagnes)において起きた、109件のレイプ事件を取りまとめている。犠牲者の総数はこれをはるかに上回る可能性が非常に高い。

The assailants routinely pull women and girls off of trucks, one by one, march them into the bush, and rape them while other bandits stand guard. Human Rights Watch documented several attacks in which armed men raped more than a dozen women and girls whom they had forcefully removed from transport vehicles. In one single episode in January, at least 20 women and girls were raped. During home attacks, criminal gangs tie up husbands and force them to watch the attackers rape wives, daughters, and other female family members. The bandits have also targeted very young children, including babies, and women over 70.


A 32-year-old woman described one such attack as she and four other women returned from market in January:


“We were far from my house in the forest; I was with my baby when [the bandit] stopped us in the middle of the road. They caught me and they said, ‘Take off the baby,’ and they took my baby and threw him on the ground. They beat me and beat me with the end of the Kalash [Kalashnikov rifle]. My baby was in the bushes and they raped me…. After they finished I went to pick up my baby. They beat me, and again my baby fell down.”


Residents inhabit a world of fear because of the frequency of these attacks; for many, this fear has severely undermined their livelihood and led to significant lifestyle changes. Others simply live with the dread that an attack may occur the next time they or a loved one walks to market or travels to sell cocoa. Travel at night is impossible in most areas, but the daytime is scarcely better. Terrified of repercussions for speaking about the attacks, victims and witnesses interviewed for the report often refused to divulge even their first names, while others looked around repeatedly during interviews, saying that “nowhere is safe.”


“The cocoa harvest, the most important economic activity for many Ivorian families, starts soon,” Dufka said. “Ivorian authorities, along with the UN peacekeeping force, should take urgent measures to step up their patrolling to prevent a five-month nightmare for the people of the far west.”


Inaction and Abusive Behavior by Ivorian Authorities

The government of Côte d’Ivoire has failed to protect people in the west, despite residents’ pleas for help. Victims’ requests for protection from immediate danger and reports of crimes to the police or gendarmes are met with inaction or, in many cases, attempts at extortion.



Dozens of victims, including drivers, passengers, and women and girls who had been raped on transport vehicles, described going to police and gendarme checkpoints – ostensibly established by the government to provide security in high-crime areas – immediately after an attack and asking police and gendarmes to pursue the attackers. Victims universally described being met with scant interest or dismissive responses and, in almost every case, the police or gendarmes refused to move from their checkpoints or to call or radio in for reinforcements.

輸送用車両に乗っていてレイプされた女性や少女、運転手、乗客など数十人の犠牲者が、襲撃された直後、表向き犯罪が多く発生するエリアの治安維持のため政府が設置した、警察や憲兵の検問所に駆け込み、襲撃者を追跡するよう頼んだ時の様子を説明しくれている。犠牲者は例外なく薄い関心或いは無視するような態度に遭ったと話していた。 また殆どの全てのケースで警察若しくは憲兵は、自分たちのいる検問所からの出動或いは増援要請の電話や無線を拒んでいる。

In one case, a group of five women who had escaped on foot from an attack by armed men and made it to a checkpoint reported to gendarmes that four other women were still being held. The women pleaded with authorities to rescue their friends, but said the police told them, “It’s not our job; our job is only to guard the checkpoint.”


In another case, a driver told Human Rights Watch that he implored security forces to pursue bandits who had just attacked his vehicle carrying 20 passengers a few kilometers away. The gendarmes never moved, and, in front of a young girl who had just been raped, said dismissively, “You’re lucky there aren’t any dead among you.”


Compounding the lack of access to justice, in dozens of cases documented by Human Rights Watch, victims of violence in both Moyen Cavally and Dix-Huit Montagnes said that the police or gendarmes demanded money when victims filed complaints. Those who openly engage in extortion rarely face punishment and, in some cases, their superiors are directly implicated in profiting from this racket.


The rare investigated case is adjudicated in a system fraught with deficiencies, including inaccessible courts, corrupt and absent judicial officials, and nonexistent witness protection programs. Meanwhile, striking deficiencies in the prison system, including corruption and insufficient facilities and guards, have led to the premature or illegal release of alleged perpetrators who are on remand or even convicted criminals. Once released, these individuals are free to take revenge on their victims for reporting them.


Moreover, Ivorian security forces and Forces Nouvelles rebels in the north are implicated in widespread extortion, small- and large-scale racketeering, and other human rights abuses. In the government-controlled region of Moyen Cavally, police and gendarmes use their checkpoints to demand bribes for passing through, crippling the livelihoods of drivers, merchants, and market women. Perceived immigrants are targeted for particularly severe extortion and are often taunted, robbed, and physically assaulted if they refuse to pay.


In Dix-Huit Montagnes, a region still largely under the de facto control of the Forces Nouvelles, rebel soldiers fan out to checkpoints, businesses, and market stalls and demand money, using intimidation and violence to enforce their demands. Human Rights Watch found that in Dix-Huit Montagnes alone, the Forces Nouvelles extort the equivalent of tens of millions of US dollars each year, largely from those involved in all chains of the cocoa and timber industries.


“Police and security forces have utterly failed to protect the population of western Cote d’Ivoire from the horrific banditry of these criminal gangs,” Dufka said. “The government urgently needs to improve its response to this utter lawlessness, which is wreaking havoc on the lives of the local population.”


The Human Rights Watch report, “Afraid and Forgotten: Lawlessness, Rape, and Impunity in Western Côte d’Ivoire,” is available at:


For more Human Rights Watch reporting on Côte d’Ivoire, please visit:


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