(Berlin, December 20, 2022) – The failure of the Kazakh authorities to effectively investigate the serious loss of life and other grave human rights violations during and immediately after protests in early January 2022 is a damaging legacy for the year, Human Rights Watch said today. The government has taken no good faith steps to identify the law enforcement officers responsible and hold them to account.
(ベルリン、2022年12月20日) カザフスタン当局が2022年1月初旬の抗議の際とその直後に起きた、生命損失他の重大な人権侵害に効果的な捜査を行わなかったのは、本年の憂慮すべき汚点だ、とヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ(以下HRW)は述べた。政府は責任を負うべき法執行官の身元を特定し裁判に掛けるための、誠意ある措置を一切執らなかった。
The authorities’ investigation into the events has been one-sided, leading to over 1,000 convictions of protesters and others in recent months, including on charges of “participating in mass riots.” In contrast, only one military officer has been prosecuted in connection with a man’s death. He was convicted for abuse of power. One other case related to three deaths is pending, while, of the hundreds of allegations of ill-treatment and torture, only a handful have resulted in any criminal prosecutions with no convictions.
事件への当局の捜査は偏っていた。最近数ヶ月で抗議者1000人超を "大規模暴動参加 "罪などで有罪にしたが、対照的に軍人で有罪にしたのは、男性1人が死亡した事件に関連して職権乱用罪に問われた1人だけ、3人の死亡に関連する他1件は係争中で、虐待や拷問を受けたという数百の申立の内、刑事訴追に至ったのは数件で、有罪判決はない。
“Nearly a year after the January events, families of those who were killed and the hundreds of people wounded or tortured are still waiting for justice,” said Mihra Rittmann, senior Central Asia researcher at Human Rights Watch. “Kazakhstan’s partners should urgently renew their calls for an independent and effective investigation into the January events.”
According to official figures, 238 people were killed in the protests. Human Rights Watch documented that security forces used excessive force on at least four occasions, including lethal force such as shooting at protesters and rioters, during the protest and subsequent civil unrest, with at least 10 people killed. The authorities have acknowledged that six people died in custody from torture in the aftermath of the protests.
In mid-August, the Prosecutor General’s Office published a list of the people who died and announced that law enforcement bodies had opened over 200 criminal investigations into the deaths. In early November, a spokesperson for the Prosecutor General’s Office said about the ongoing investigations that “the main volume of work is carried out on [charges of] mass riots and terrorism.” He stated in the briefing that courts had convicted 1,113 people, with 453 convicted on charges of “participating in mass riots.”
8月中旬に、検察庁は死者のリストを公表、法執行機関は死者について200以上の犯罪捜査を開始したと発表した。11月初旬、検察庁報道官は継続中の捜査について、「主な作業は大規模暴動とテロ(容疑)に関して行われている 」と述べ、ブリーフィングでは、裁判所が1,113人を有罪とし、内453人が "大規模暴動への参加罪 "で有罪にされたと述べた。
On November 16, a military court found Mark Zlunyaev, an army officer, guilty of “abuse of power” resulting in the death of Ernazar Krykbaev, a 24-year-old shepherd who was shot to death near an army facility the day after protests in Taldykorgan, and sentenced Zlunyaev to six years in prison. Another army officer in Taldykorgan has been indicted for the deaths of three people who were shot and killed, but his trial has not yet begun.
On November 29, a Kyzylorda court sentenced 34-year-old Kazybek Kudaibergenov, to 17 years in prison for “participating in mass riots,” “encroachment on the life of an army officer,” and “violent actions against a representative of the authorities,” resulting in the death of Madiyar Kaisarov, an army officer. However, in multiple Facebook posts and in comments to the media, Kudaibergenov’s wife has raised concern about the integrity of the trial and reported that her husband said he had been beaten, suffocated, and threatened into confessing.
11月29日にクズロルダ裁判所は、陸軍将校マディヤル・カイサロフを死亡させる結果となった、「大規模暴動への参加」、「陸軍将校の生命侵害」、「当局代表者への暴力行為」などの罪でカジベク・クダイベルゲノフ(34歳)に懲役17年の刑を言い渡した。しかし複数のフェイスブック投稿やメディアへのコメントで、裁判の完全性に懸念を示したクダイベルゲノフの妻の報告によれば、夫は暴行を受け、窒息させられ、脅されて自白させられたと話したそうだ。Bakhytzhan Toregozhina, a human rights defender in Almaty who is closely monitoring investigations and trials related to the January events, informed Human Rights Watch that authorities in the cities of Taraz, Kyzylorda, and Shymkent, have closed investigations into the deaths of people killed in those cities during the January events, on grounds that the actions of law enforcement officers did not constitute a crime.
In Kyzylorda, authorities on March 10 closed the investigation into the deaths of 24 people on grounds that there was no criminal conduct in the use of lethal force by law enforcement. On April 11, authorities in Shymkent issued a similar decision in the deaths of 20 people. Toregozhina said that they briefly reconsidered their decision after relatives complained, but in September again closed the investigation. In Taraz, where 15 people were killed in January, the Prosecutor’s Office on June 5 closed the investigation on grounds that in the actions of law enforcement officers, “there was no criminal violation.” Human Rights Watch has copies of the decisions on file.
クズロルダ市では当局が3月10日、法執行機関による致死力を伴う武力の行使に犯罪行為はなかったという理由で、24人の死亡に関する捜査を打ち切った。シムケント市当局も11日、20人の死者に関して同様の決定を下した。親族から苦情を受けた当局は一時考え直したが、9月に再び捜査を打ち切った、と前出のトレゴジナは語った。1月に15人が殺害されたタラズ市では、検察庁が6月5日に法執行官の行為に 「犯罪的違反はなかった」という理由で、捜査を打ち切った。HRWは、それらの決定書のコピーを保管している。
Prosecutors in Taraz and Kyzylorda are persisting in prosecuting some of the deceased on charges of “participating in mass riots,” Toregozhina said.
In Almaty, Kazakhstan’s largest city and where the largest protests took place, local independent human rights monitors have gathered information from lawyers and relatives of the deceased, suggesting that the authorities have closed at least 32 cases into the deaths of 139 people.
The Kazakh authorities’ decisions to close these investigations show their disregard and contempt for justice, Human Rights Watch said. It also heightens concerns about the effectiveness and impartiality of other ongoing investigations.
When it comes to accountability for torture, Kazakh authorities have similarly failed to ensure that those responsible are brought to justice.
Hundreds of people in multiple cities in Kazakhstan alleged ill-treatment and torture in the aftermath of the protests, including allegations that police in the town of Taldykorgan used irons to burn detainees. Yet, according to the Prosecutor General’s Office, as of November 7, only two torture cases, involving a total of eight police officers, were in court. No one has yet been prosecuted for the deaths of the six people who died in custody.
This is not the first time Kazakh authorities have sought to punish protesters and whitewash the actions of law enforcement, including for torture, Human Rights Watch said. This abusive response fits a pattern observed following the Zhanaozen oil workers’ strike in December 2011 and nationwide protests in May 2016.
As the one-year anniversary of the January events approaches, Kazakhstan’s partners should renew efforts to press the Kazakh government to commit to a fully independent, transparent investigation. They should urge the Kazakh government to invite accountability experts from the United Nations Human Rights Office and from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe to assess whether the steps taken by the Kazakh authorities correspond to an independent human rights investigation in line with international standards.
“Kazakh authorities are responsible for bringing to justice those responsible for the deaths and serious injuries of protesters, and crimes of torture in connection with the January events, but a year on, it’s clear that has not been their focus,” Rittmann said. “Kazakhstan should not try to whitewash the actions of law enforcement but ensure that justice is served.”