(Brussels, January 16, 2025) – The Kremlin intensified its crackdown on any form of dissent inside Russia in the third year of its abusive full-scale war against Ukraine, Human Rights Watch said today in its World Report 2025. Russian authorities continued their harmful “traditional values” crusade, further expanded the toxic legislation on “foreign agents” and “undesirable organizations,” and actively used their vast arsenal of repressive tools, including war censorship laws, to stifle critics, including those in exile.
(ブリュッセル、2025年1月16日) ロシア政府は、ウクライナへの人権侵害を伴った全面戦争3年目となった2024年中、国内の如何なる形の反対派に対しても弾圧を強化した、とヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ(以下HRW)は世界人権年鑑2025内で本日述べた。ロシア当局は、有害な「伝統的価値観」運動を続け、「外国工作員」と「望ましくない組織」に関する有害な法律を更に拡大し、戦争検閲法を含む膨大な数の抑圧手段を積極的に利用して、亡命者などの批判者を沈黙させた。
For the 546-page world report, in its 35th edition, Human Rights Watch reviewed human rights practices in more than 100 countries. In much of the world, Executive Director Tirana Hassan writes in her introductory essay, governments cracked down and wrongfully arrested and imprisoned political opponents, activists, and journalists. Armed groups and government forces unlawfully killed civilians, drove many from their homes, and blocked access to humanitarian aid. In many of the more than 70 national elections in 2024, authoritarian leaders gained ground with their discriminatory rhetoric and policies.
“The Kremlin has doubled down to require public support for the war against Ukraine and so-called “Russian traditional values” and adopted more repressive laws to make it even easier to penalize anyone who doesn’t fall in line,” said Hugh Williamson, Europe and Central Asia director at Human Rights Watch.
- In Ukraine, Russian forces have indiscriminately bombed and shelled civilian infrastructure, killing civilians and causing massive destruction. Targeted attacks on Ukraine’s energy grid, caused countrywide blackouts. Russian authorities held incommunicado and tortured or ill-treated thousands of Ukrainian prisoners of war and civilians. In areas of Ukraine that they occupy, Russian authorities imposed the Russian state curriculum in schools, suppressed the Ukrainian language, and threatened parents whose children learn the Ukrainian state curriculum online.
- ウクライナでロシア軍は民用インフラを無差別に砲爆撃して民間人(文民)を殺害し、大規模な破壊を引き起こしている。ウクライナのエネルギー施設を狙った攻撃は、同国全域に停電を生じさせた。ロシア当局は数千のウクライナ人捕虜と民間人(文民)を、隔離拘禁して拷問または虐待を加えた。占領しているウクライナ地域の学校でロシア当局は、ロシア国家のカリキュラムを押し付け、ウクライナ語を使うのを止めさせ、子供がオンラインでウクライナ国家のカリキュラムを学んでいる親を脅迫した。
- The list of political prisoners, now at 804 according to the rights group Memorial, continued growing, even after Russia freed 15 people in a prisoner swap. The exchange included Russian political and civic activists whose imprisonment was politically motivated.
- 人権団体メモリアルによれば、ロシアは囚人交換で15人を解放した後でも、政治犯のリストには現在804人が記載され、その数は増え続けている。交換にはロシア人の政治活動家や市民活動家が含まれており、その投獄は政治的動機に基づいていた。
- A March law prohibited advertising in “foreign agent” media to deprive these groups of revenue. A May law banned individuals labeled “foreign agents” from running for public office and serving on election commissions. Prosecutors opened at least 25 criminal cases over alleged violations of “foreign agents” legislation.
- 3月に制定した法律は「外国工作員」メディアでの広告を禁じ、それらの団体から収入減を奪った。5月に制定した法律は、「外国工作員」と分類した個人が、公職に立候補すること及び選挙管理委員会に勤めることを禁じた。検察官は、「外国工作員」法に違反したという容疑で、少なくとも25件の刑事訴追を起こした。
- Authorities censored content that included depictions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people and fined bookstores, streaming services, and individuals for showing such content. Following the Supreme Court’s designation of the LGBT movement as “extremist,” prosecutors brought criminal cases against workers at an LGBT-friendly bar, and judges imposed fines and administrative detention for displaying the rainbow flag.
- 当局はレズビアン・ゲイ・バイセクシャル・トランスジェンダー(LGBT)者の表現を含むコンテンツを検閲し、そのようなコンテンツを閲覧させたとして書店・ストリーミング・サービス・個人に罰金を科した。最高裁判所がLGBT運動を「過激派」と指定した後、検察官はLGBTシンパのバー労働者を刑事訴追し、裁判官は虹の旗を掲げる行為に罰金と行政拘禁を科した。
Russia should release all political prisoners and foster an environment in which civil society can operate freely, Human Rights Watch said. Russian authorities should rescind all laws incompatible with fundamental human rights, including the laws regarding war censorship, “foreign agents,” “undesirable” foreign organizations, “gay propaganda,” and “propaganda of child-free lifestyle.” The authorities should end indiscriminate attacks on civilians, torture and ill-treatment of Ukrainian civilian detainees and prisoners of war, abide by the law of occupation, and hold accountable forces responsible for war crimes and other violations of international humanitarian law.