
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ 焼夷兵器を使用した攻撃が増加



(Geneva December 12, 2016) –The mounting use of incendiary weapons, which cause horrific wounds to civilians, should prompt countries to strengthen the law restricting them, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today at a diplomatic meeting about these and other weapons.


The 30-page report, “Time to Act against Incendiary Weapons,” documents civilian harm from incendiary weapons used in Syria since 2012, focusing on their increased use during the past year’s joint operations by Syrian government and Russian forces.


“Governments that care about protecting civilians should condemn incendiary weapon attacks and call for an end to the use of these exceptionally cruel weapons,” said Bonnie Docherty, senior arms researcher at Human Rights Watch. “Governments should also take action to strengthen international law on the weapons by committing to substantive discussions next year.”


Incendiary weapons produce heat and fire through the chemical reaction of a flammable substance. They can be designed for marking and signaling or to burn materiel, penetrate plate metal, or produce smokescreens. Incendiary weapons cause excruciatingly painful burns that are difficult to treat, and start fires that destroy civilian objects and infrastructure.


Countries that have joined the 1980 Convention on Conventional Weapons are meeting at the treaty’s Fifth Review Conference in Geneva from December 12 to 16, 2016. They should seize the opportunity presented by this major diplomatic gathering, held every five years, to initiate a review of existing legal protections on incendiary weapons.

1980年成立の特定通常兵器使用禁止制限条約(以下CCW) 締約国は、2016年12月12日から16日までジュネーブで開かれる第5回運用検討会議に出席するが、5年毎に開催される重要な外交会議の機会を捉えて、焼夷兵器に関して現存する法的保護の見直しを始めるべきだ。

Protocol III of the Convention on Conventional Weapons governs the use of incendiary weapons, but significant loopholes have undermined the protocol’s effectiveness and failed to deter continued use in Syria and elsewhere.

CCW付属議定書3 は、民間人や民用物、更に人口周密地域にある軍事目標を焼夷兵器で攻撃することを禁止しているが、議定書の効果を損なう大きな抜け穴があり、シリアや各地での焼夷兵器使用の継続を抑えられないのが現状だ。

The protocol applies only to weapons that are “primarily designed” to set fires or cause burns, and thus some countries believe it excludes certain multipurpose munitions with incendiary effects, notably those with white phosphorus. Although white phosphorus can be used for a variety of purposes, the substance causes injuries that are as cruel as those caused by other incendiary weapons. The report documents the use in 2016 of ground-launched white phosphorus munitions by US forces in Iraq and the Saudi Arabia-led coalition in Yemen.

付属議定書3 は、火災や火傷をもたらすことを主な目的とした兵器にのみ適用されるので、白リン弾のような焼夷効果を備えた特定の多目的弾薬は、適用除外されると一部の国は 考えている。白リンは様々な目的で使われるが、他の焼夷兵器と同様に残酷な傷害をもたらす物質だ。今回の報告書は、米軍がイラクで、更にサウジアラビア率いる連合軍がイエメンで、2016年中に地上発射の白リン弾を使用した事実も、検証取りまとめている。

Protocol III illogically contains weaker restrictions for ground-launched incendiary weapons than air-dropped models, even though all of these weapons produce horrific injuries. Although a ban on incendiary weapons would have the greatest impact from a humanitarian perspective, even small changes to the text of Protocol III could significantly enhance its protections and bolster the norm against incendiary weapons.


In addition to documenting the use of incendiary weapons, the new report examines countries’ concerns about incendiary weapons and their positions on strengthening international law. The report is co-published by Harvard Law School’s International Human Rights Clinic, where Docherty is also a lecturer.


There is compelling evidence that Russian government aircraft have delivered incendiary weapons in Syria, or at least have participated in incendiary weapons attacks by the Syrian government. Footage broadcast on Russia Today in June showed incendiary weapons – specifically Soviet-made RBK-500 ZAB-2.5SM bombs – being mounted on a Russian SU-34 fighter-ground attack aircraft at the Russian airbase in Hmeymim, Syria. Only the Russian air force operates this type of aircraft in Syria. Videos and photographs from August 2016 of attacks in Idlib governorate and the remnants left behind show RBK-500 ZAB-2.5SM incendiary bombs, each of which delivers 117 incendiary submunitions. Russia has denied using incendiary weapons.

ロシア政府機がシリア国内で焼夷兵器を投下し、或いは最低でもシリア政府軍による焼夷兵器を使用した空爆に参加している、強力な証拠が存在する。6月にロシア・トゥデイ(モスクワを拠点とする実質国営メディア)で放送された映像には、ロシア製戦闘対地攻撃機SU(スホーイ)34が、シリアのロシア空軍基地フメイミムで、RBK-500 ZAB-2.5SM焼夷爆弾を、搭載している様子が映っていた。シリア国内でこのタイプの航空機を運用しているのは、ロシア空軍だけだ。2016年8月にイドリブ県で行われた空爆と残されていた残骸のビデオと写真には、117発の焼夷子弾を散布するRBK-500 ZAB-2.5SM焼夷爆弾が写っている。ロシアはこれまで、焼夷兵器の使用を否定し続けてきた。

Human Rights Watch documented 18 incendiary weapon attacks in the opposition-held areas of Aleppo and Idlib between June 5 and August 10, and additional attacks since. For at least a few weeks in mid-2016, incendiary weapons were used on a near daily basis in opposition-held areas.


Incendiary weapons hit a field hospital in Daraya, in the suburbs of Damascus, on August 19, 2016. A doctor in the building at the time of the attack later told Human Rights Watch, “Fires erupted and burned the whole building, along with the equipment…. Now it’s out of service.” He added, “Plastic, wood, everything burned. The fire ate everything.”

2016年8月19日にダマスカスの郊外ダラヤに設置された野戦病院が、焼夷兵器による攻撃を受けた。攻撃当時の建物にいた医師は後にHRWに、「爆発的な火災が発生し、建物全体が備品と共に焼けました。・・・ 今はもう使えません」、と語り「プラスチック、木材、全てが焼け、炎が全てを飲み込みました」、と付け加えた。

Docherty will present her findings at a side event at the United Nations in Geneva at 8:45 a.m. on December 13 in Conference Room XXIV.


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