- Iranian authorities have used excessive and lethal force against predominantly Kurds crossing the border from Iraq with goods for resale.
- High rates of unemployment and poverty are among the drivers for people to work as border couriers, known as Kulbars, legally or illegally, which is a physically demanding and dangerous work.
- Iranian authorities should develop sustainable economic opportunities in border regions to reduce dependency on border courier work for these communities to economically survive.
- 転売のための商品を担いでイラクから国境を越えて来る主にクルド人に対して、イラン当局は過度で致死力を伴う武力を行使してきた
- 身体を酷使し危険な仕事である国境運び人(通称クルバール)として人々が、合法あるいは非合法で、働かなければならないのは、高い失業率と貧困に原因がある。
- コミュニティが生きるための国境における運び人依存度を減らすために、イラン当局は国境地帯での持続可能な経済的機会を創出すべきだ。
(Beirut, July 8, 2024) – Iranian authorities have used excessive and lethal force against predominantly Kurdish border couriers, known in Kurdish and Farsi as Kulbars, transporting goods between Iran and Iraq over rugged terrain, Human Rights Watch said today. The couriers have limited access to justice or remedy for these violations, and Iranian authorities have mistreated those they have detained.
(ベイルート、2024年7月8日) 「イランとイラクの山岳地帯で物資を担いで運ぶのを生業とし、クルド語やペルシア語でクルバールとして知られるクルド人(以下 国境運び人)」に対して、イラン当局は過度で致死力を伴う武力を行使してきた、とヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ(以下HRW)は本日述べた。運び人たちはそのような人権侵害に対して法の正義や救済措置を殆ど受けられず、イラン当局は抑留した人々を虐待してきた。
Iranian authorities have long repressed and marginalized Kurdish communities. High rates of unemployment and poverty are among the main drivers for people to work as border couriers, legally or illegally, which is a physically demanding and dangerous work even beyond the additional dangers posed by Iranian security forces. United for Iran, a human rights group, said that the border couriers are mostly men and boys ages 13 to 65. But that they include some women. Iranian authorities have claimed that they have used force to stop smuggling but have also said they want to regulate the border couriers’ economic activities more broadly rather than violently repress it.
“Iranian security forces’ excessive use of lethal force against Kurdish border couriers is one more way that authorities repress socially and economically marginalized Kurdish communities,” said Nahid Naghshbandi, acting Iran researcher at Human Rights Watch. “Iranian authorities should develop sustainable economic opportunities in border regions to reduce dependency on border courier work for these communities to economically survive.”
Between October 2021 and April 2024, Human Rights Watch interviewed 13 Kurdish border couriers who were survivors of and/or witnesses to Iranian security forces’ use of excessive and lethal force or relatives of victims. Witnesses said that Iran’s FARAJA Border Guard force and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) were among the units that targeted the border couriers with lethal force.
Incidents documented occurred along Iran-Iraq border areas in the Iranian provinces of Kermanshah and West Azerbaijan. All 13 people were Kurdish, interviews were conducted remotely in Kurdish and Farsi, and interviewees described incidents that occurred between 2014 and 2023.
Six people interviewed said that Iranian security forces aimed at them and shot them, and that they had seen others shot. Two said that Iranian security forces shot and killed their relatives who worked as border couriers. One lost a leg after stepping on a landmine. Human Rights Watch reviewed medical records and court documents of six survivors of landmine and gunshot injuries, including two people who lost limbs after landmine explosions. Three said that Iranian security forces detained and beat them while shouting insults.
Ebrahim Raeesi, the recently deceased president, suggested in meetings with Kurdish communities that authorities should regulate Kurdish border couriers work rather than deeming it illegal. Since 2020, there have been plans in the government and parliament on regulatory measures for border couriers’ work, support for border communities’ socioeconomic needs, and calls to limit the use of lethal force against Kulbars.
Yet, officials in Iran’s security forces have framed this activity as a security issue. On December 16, 2018, Espadana Khabar News Agency, quoting General Qasem Rezaei, the commander of Iran’s border guards, saying that “borders are defined by law; any unauthorized crossing of the border is considered a crime....”
According to a July 8 report by the Centre for Supporters of Human Rights (CSHR), a nongovernmental organization established in the United Kingdom dedicated to advocating for sustainable peace and democracy in Iran and the broader Middle East by promoting human rights, many border couriers are involved in legitimate cross-border trade and not engaged in unlawful activities.
In June 2023, a member of the Iranian parliament’s National Security Commission announced the completion of a review of pending legislation, with proposed amendments that not only broaden the range of authorities authorized to use firearms but also the conditions under which they can do so. If passed into law, the amendments would put the couriers at even greater risk.
Iranian authorities’ use of lethal force against those crossing the border has led to deadly consequences for hundreds of these workers. The Kurdistan Press Agency, known as Kurdpa, reported that at least 44 were killed and 463 injured between March 21, 2023, and March 21, 2024. According to the report, military forces were responsible for over 80 percent of these casualties, and that at least 28 of the casualties were children. In a separate report, Kurdpa provided statistics indicating that from 2011 to 2024, at least 2,463 couriers have been killed and injured from the Iranian Kurdish regions of Kurdistan, Kermanshah, and Western Azerbaijan.
Access to remedy and justice for the border couriers remains severely limited, exacerbating their social and economic marginalization. Despite the frequent and often fatal assaults they face, legal recourse is minimal and accountability for state agents is rare. Iran’s legal system prioritizes national security over individual rights, leaving the victims with little protection under the law. Efforts to seek justice are often thwarted by systemic biases, lack of transparency, and the broad discretionary powers granted to security forces.
The UN Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials states that law enforcement officials shall not use firearms except in self-defense or defense of others against the imminent threat of death or serious injury, to prevent a particularly serious crime involving grave threat to life, to arrest a person presenting such a danger and resisting their authority, or to prevent their escape, and only when less extreme means are insufficient. In any event, intentional lethal use of firearms may only be made when strictly unavoidable to protect life.
「国連の法執行官による力および火器の使用に関する基本原則」は第9条で, 「法執行官は、特に人命に重大な脅威をもたらす重大犯罪の発生を防ぐ目的、そのような脅威をもたらすと共に、法執行官の職務執行に抵抗する者を逮捕する目的、あるいはその者の逃亡を妨げる目的でかつ、銃火器の使用に比し強力でない手段ではその目的達成に不十分である状況において、命を失う、あるいは重傷を負う差し迫った危機から自己あるいは他者を守る場合を除き、人に対して銃火器を使用してはならない。いずれにしても、致死力を伴う銃火器の意図的行使は、人命保護のために不可避な状況に厳しく限定される。」、と言明している。
The United Nations Fact-Finding Mission, as well as the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran, should monitor and report on the treatment of Kurdish border couriers in Iran.
“Instead of enabling even more lethal force against Kurdish border couriers, Iranian authorities should restrict the blatant use of lethal force against them, ensure their due process rights, and hold the forces who unlawfully attack them accountable for these violations,” Naghshbandi said.