


2021-08-13 10:10:16 | 日記

 英語圏のゴルフ動画はたくさんあると思うけど、たぶん、英語でhow to swingとかdriver swingなんかで検索するとすぐに英語によるゴルフ動画はヒットすると思う。ただゴルフの動画を見るだけでなく、英語を学びながら、言葉で理論的にゴルフも理解できそうな気がする

① we know that  when I'm hitting on the outside in swing path I'm most probably going to hit the ball left

so I keep the club face open to compensate and that will create a big slice shot

②when i set up nicely with a good grip 

i have a drill for you over here which is what i call the motorbike drill

all right the motorbike drill it's gonna look like that okay if I'm riding  a motorbike where

we're accelerating we're actually rotaing our wirst like that but i want you to feel 

like you're doing the opposite with your left hand okay opposite with your left hand

so it's gonna look a little bit like that you can see my logo of my glove is pointing at you

right now okay we're not doing this but we are doing this 



