

英語でゴルフ ダウンスイング

2021-08-14 08:13:49 | 日記



しゃべりの中で、am going to 言い方を頻繁にすることがわかりますね。

そしてwhat i'm going to 関係代名詞what も多用されてます。





ボールに対して(towards the ball)打ちに行くような動作になってしまい、反時計回り




now what i'm going to share with you today you've probably never heard ever anybody else 

talk about . make sure watch till the end of this video because you need to understand the 

whole thing to see how to fix your swing

now if you're like most golfers you probably start the downswing with your hands moving

out toward the ball what does that look like if you got to the top of your swing and

you look at on video and you see your hands moving this way out toward the ball to start the

downswing that's a death move and there's couple things that you're doing i'm goint to share with

you in the next video that are causing this to happen but what i'm going to share with you first 

is what this needs to look like if you look at the best players in the world the pros instead of 

their hands moving out toward the ball to start the downswing their hands appear that they're

moving straight down this elusive hand drop this path of the hand movement is a make or 

break deal in your golf swing and you have to learn how to do this and i'm going to teach it to 

you in this video but first let's take a look at some tour pros the best players in the world

so we can see this motion in action let's start with Tiger Woods here when we contrast with this

the amateurs in just a moment this is going to blow your mind how different it is but

what i'm going to do first is just play tiger's swing here and i'm going to just trace basically

the butt of club his hand path as it goes up and you're going to see it's going to do literally

the exact opposite of what the amateurs do ant it's going to look like his hands actually go straight

down as you watch them move through this path and in fact what you'll see is it actually looks 

like they're moving clockwise again imagine the clock from your perspective you're looking at

a clock on the wall back behind you and so clockwise would be this way counterclokwise 

would be rotaing this way so if you watch his hand you're actually goingt to see them travel 

in a clockwise fashion so they're going to go back on a path that is more outside than 

what they do on the way down so you'll see this motion this is critical you can see

just how much his hands have moved further deeper into the downswing...



