Is Nuclear Power Generation Beneficial?
There is an idea that nuclear power generation should be utilized as a countermeasure against the global warming problem. Certainly, nuclear power generation does not emit any warming gas, so there is no doubt that it is one measure. However, nuclear power generation has fatal problems such as accidents during natural disasters such as the Great East Japan Earthquake, radioactive contamination due to equipment damage caused by war and terrorist attacks, and risks related to the disposal of nuclear waste.
When we consider from a management point of view, it is difficult to estimate the magnitude of the impact of an accident such as a meltdown and the amount of damage (risk cannot be calculated), so we must judge that commercialization of nuclear power generation is impossible.
It is said that the cost of maintaining nuclear power generation, which is not currently in operation in Japan, is covered by adding it to the electricity bill. In the Great East Japan Earthquake, the damage to the power generation facility caused many economic and psychological damages such as radiation leakage, evacuation of residents, radioactive contamination of agricultural products and soil, marine pollution, and brand deterioration.
I also have heard that many people died in the process of evacuation.
In this country with many earthquakes, I wonder if nuclear power generation is really an beneficial technology.
Considering Japan's land, it is a volcanic country with many mountains and is surrounded by the sea, so there are many options such as micro-hydropower, geothermal power generation, wind power generation, and ocean current power generation.
Focusing on the development of renewable energy from the flow of SDGs is of great significance and must gain the great support of the Japanese people as a whole.
Rather than trying to proceed with nuclear power generation, for which risk calculation is almost impossible, while the country and the people are in conflict and with fear, the route of renewable energy development that the country and the people can proceed at ease and on cooperation is considered to be very effective.
Finally, I think that businesses (nuclear power generation) that it is almost impossible to calculate risks and should become public goods should not be left to private companies.