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Issues in Japan (Security/defense): Quantum Technology Strategy

2022-02-23 | Issues in Japan


The topic this time is “Quantum Technology Strategy”.

I would like to tentatively share the contents of the article of The Sankei News posted on February 19, 2022.

Quantum technology is expected to dramatically improve the functionality of sensors and cryptography, and the Ministry of Defense has begun to study strategies for its military use.

The government as a whole has also formulated a strategy for the use of quantum technology, and has included related expenses in its supplementary budget plan for the current fiscal year.

However, the Ministry of Defense has allocated no funds for this purpose.

This seems to be due in part to the Ministry of Defense's unique reluctance to use civilian technology for military purposes.

AUKUS has raised the issue of 'quantum'.

At the inaugural meeting of AUKUS, a new framework for military cooperation between the United States, Britain, and Australia, in December last year, they declared cooperation in quantum technology as well as artificial intelligence (AI) and cyber warfare capabilities.

Against this backdrop, a senior defense ministry official said, "Japan is no stranger to this. We have to consider what we can do with quantum technology."

Quantum technology is being put to practical use in some areas.

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