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Ukraine Reveals the Limits to NATO Expansion

2022-05-14 | Japan: Foreign affairs


Ukraine Reveals the Limits to NATO Expansion.
NATO and the United States need to adopt a different tack on the purpose and future of the Western alliance beyond endless expansion to ever more distant countries.

I would like to share the insights and analysis dated April 28, by Mr. Wesley Jefferies, a graduate student at Walsh School of Foreign Service’s Security Studies Program at Georgetown University in Washington, DC.
His commentary originally appeared in The National Interest.

As the Russians shift their war aims to the Donbas after failing to storm Kyiv and conquer Ukraine outright, the Western alliance has been presented with a historic opportunity to arrive at a political settlement on Ukraine and the future of Europe. In order to accomplish this, the United States and its European allies will need to recognize that their policies toward Russia and Ukraine have been a manifest failure in preventing or deterring conflict, their reliance on sanctions and punitive measures toward Russia has not changed Putin’s calculus, and that NATO’s continued expansion is not in their interests.

