Hot topics in Japan and World

Issues in Japan (updated, 2022/02/17)

2022-02-17 | Issues in Japan

Japan (Politics): Communist Party's Change of Tactics

This time I would like to focus on the The Japanese Communist Party's Change of Tactics, along with the article contents of the Sankei Shimbun web news posted on February 13.



Japan (Economy/Industry): Intellectual Property Strategy

The topic this time is: 
Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Dispatches Experts on Intellectual Property to Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Startups.


UFO: No Longer Occult !!!

The topic this time is “UFO”.
I would like to share the article contents of the Newsweek Japan posted on January 17, with the title: No Longer Occult: Pentagon to Establish New UFO Investigation Organization.



Japan (Politics): Mr. Ishihara, "Patriot" not 'ultranationalist'

This time I would like to share the article contents written by Jason Morgan, Associate Professor at Reitaku University, which was posted on February 14.
The title is : Is Mr. Ishihara an ultranationalist? 
Many of the obituaries in the English-language media for the late Mr. Shintaro Ishihara used the cliché "ultranationalist" to describe him.


