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Joe Biden’s Apathetic Approach to Putin Is Alienating America’s Allies

2022-03-29 | Japan: Foreign affairs


I would like tentatively to share the insights of Mr. Nile Gardiner, Director of The Heritage Foundation's Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom and Bernard and Barbara Lomas Fellow.

His theme is “Joe Biden’s Apathetic Approach to Putin Is Alienating America’s Allies.”
The article originally appeared in the Telegraph.

One of Barack Obama’s advisers famously described him as “leading from behind” on the Libya crisis. His Democratic successor in the White House is doing even worse. In fact, Joe Biden has been sleeping from behind on the Ukraine front from day one. His leadership on the world stage projects a staggering complacency that lacks urgency, foresight or any kind of strategic vision.

As he heads to Europe this week to attend a vital NATO summit in Brussels and meet with Polish leaders in Warsaw, there are growing concerns in Europe with the lack of leadership from Washington. Many British and European officials I have spoken to in recent weeks are dismayed by what they see as a distinctly lackluster and at times apathetic approach from the Biden White House with regard to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.


