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North Korea’s Latest Missile Test Reportedly Failed

2022-03-19 | Japan: Foreign affairs

This time I would like tentatively to share the contents of the article of Stephen Silver, a technology writer for The National Interest, a journalist, essayist and film critic.

His theme is “North Korea’s Latest Missile Test Reportedly Failed”.

North Korea has carried out at least ten missile and projectile launches in the early months of 2022, leading to denunciations from the United States, South Korea, Japan, and other nations. 

However, North Korea’s latest launch reportedly failed.

According to the New York Times, the South Korean military claimed that a projectile fired from outside Pyongyang on Wednesday failed “immediately after liftoff.” 

The report added that South Korea and the United States are “analyzing data from the failed launch.” 

Citing an image it had seen, NK News appeared to confirm that the launch failed. 

The launch came from Sunan, the same place where rockets were launched on both February 7 and March 5.

