I also hear that British spirits in the US military bases in Japan are still active as spirits in the bases and complaining about this. (It won't be clear if the other person is not spiritually sensitive.)
The spirits of the pro-Ch*na Japanese security police who were shot dead near an artificial beach on the west coast in the 1990s also look similar to the current head of the Shim*zu family. They are the spirits of dead spies who were plotting to destroy Japan.
Although some women from the Shimazu family married into the imperial family, the above-mentioned security police are not related to the Shimazu family. There are people with similar faces all over the country. To mislead people.
It is impossible for those who do not know to understand that they are foreign forces that have destroyed the history of Japanese unification, and recently (in Osaka) divided Japan into East and West and destroyed the idea of inviting immigrants to Japan.
Although they look somewhat similar to the current head of the Shimazu family, they are anti-Japanese spies who misinterpret history as "the Satsuma clan that invaded the Ryukyu Islands."
However, since the Kamakura period, the unification of Kyushu has been a long-standing goal of the Shimazu family, and was achieved despite being hindered many times by generals who appeared in history.
The Tokugawa clan, who had the Satsuma clan govern and manage the Ryukyu Islands, pacified the whole of Japan.
The more you know about the history of the Satsuma clan from the Kamakura period to modern times, the more you realize how elusive it is.
Speaking of elusiveness, the Meiji Restoration, the theory that Emperor Meiji was replaced, and the theory that pro-*hina was rampant in Japan all sound like "excuses."
In other words, it is none other than the Japanese who are causing Japan to split internally into a state of warring factions like Russia.
The spirits I observe in the spirit world, regardless of their nationality or race, are often like the above. They are the sacrifices themselves, who have loudly proclaimed that sacrifice is an "ideology" in order to avoid responsibility.
Back to the beginning.
I heard that from a nearby port, the anti-Japanese MI6 once chose an anti-Japanese Japanese of Korean descent and tried to escape the country together by boat.
However, I heard from his spirit that he was killed by a Ch*nese assassination squad at sea.
However, the anti-Japanese female agent who was with him was killed by MI6 before the Chines* warship found him. Anti-nationalists are so barbaric that it is difficult for them to coexist with each other. That is why even their own children are sacrificed to them.
As a modern person, you know that they are self-projectors and only have the power to anger each other. And humanity never learns that sacrifice is not a means of survival.
Today, to you who are unashamedly imitating the Ch*nese Com*unist Party's methods of manipulation, everyone is an enemy, whether they are Chinese, Korean, or MI6.
Trouble always occurs, and therefore neighbors who are not directly involved are caught up in it. (The same is true, more or less, of the Korean abduction issue.)
And I would like to warn you again and again that by associating with such Japanese people, the British Royal Family will be taken over from within.
They simply live their lives peacefully and comfortably until "that day" comes.
What is the point of saying, thinking, or believing in something "p*o-Ch*na"? And no matter what the color of their skin, anti-national people are just like you who are pro-Ch*na.
Intellectually questionable people who have agreed to be sacrifices will always need sacrifices. I strongly warn you that I am not a sacrifice for anyone, because I am not a pervert.
Since the spirits of the Japanese anti-Japanese public security police who were shot and killed near an artificial beach along the west coast in the 1990s appeared before me a few years ago, I have come to understand on my own why there are no memorials for intelligence agents in Japan, let alone former Prime Minister Abe.
Even after becoming spirits, I learned that they were aiming to overthrow the state, as they were not satisfied with a joint memorial for the police. Beings like them are hated by pure Japanese people all over the country. Of course.
I was also surprised to learn from the stories of spirits in the spirit world in recent years that they had infiltrated their wives (collaborators) as employees in order to take over my mother's store.
Let me confirm again that they went to the provinces as public servants and were shot to death with the cooperation of antisocial forces (including Korean agents) in the places where they were dispatched.
In the end, they were comrades who wanted to turn Japan into a state of division with many warlords, and they simply suffered the consequences they deserved.
And because they are unaware of the flow of sabotage activities that were carried out in certain areas before their time, they are only being subjected to the continuation of past torture.
In other words, the people they have worshipped for generations are the "residents of the local antisocial (police) towns," which have been a hot topic in Myanmar recently.
For a long time, Japanese people have made the "residents of the local antisocial (police) towns" and "Koreans in Japan" active in Japanese society.
In order to complete the antisocial (police) town, it seems necessary to torture and kill people, whether they are pro-Japanese or pro-Chin*se, whether they are related or not, in order to avoid the crime of inviting foreign aggression, and to enjoy making an example of them.
To become a town builder, one must assassinate spies and foreigners and bury them in a foreign grave in Japan, or bury them in the mountains or fields, or sink them in the sea to use them as fertilizer.
In particular, Japan may be taking revenge after the United States destroyed its soil through agriculture and forestry after the war.
(Japan's post-World War II generation does not know the true delicious taste of vegetables, which should have been available to everyone at any time.)
Bases for anti-national spies and activists are built along major national highways, for example, and the formation of "anti-social towns" begins. (They want to register the names of people who are their memorials as the names of apartment buildings.)
The destruction of Japan by incompetence has been carried out in this way for many years, and there is even a news report that it has finally been made into a city plan in Myanmar.
Or perhaps the people of Japan's neighboring countries are saying that this is the result of looking back on the history of Japanese invasion by territorial expansionists (white people) who have colonized the world?
Or is the whole historical region that has destroyed and divided Japan with the help of pro-Chi*a Japanese spies called the "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" in modern times?
If so, the people of Southeast Asia are being led by the ghosts of Japan's past (like Mrs. Dev* of the Dog and Cat Party) who are connected to the keyword "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere of the Great Japanese Empire".
Even the extraterrestrial Greys know that humanity is nothing but communists who put land before human life and money.
That is why in postwar Japan, they have even dared to denounce, loudly saying that "those who fight (landowning) communists are righteous".
It is the same for anyone to project themselves onto others and criticize loudly, regardless of where they belong, but I have observed and learned from spirits in the spirit world.
By the way, in the 1990s, small amounts of money were given to white Western spies from anti-Japanese spies with "Shimazu faces" like the one mentioned above.
The Japanese public security police, surrounded by communists?, had nowhere to stand when they were sent to the countryside, and it was a drop in the bucket...
So what on earth are the foreign agents (the only women?) who are the core of the destruction of Japan, a paradise for spies, focusing on in the internal affairs of Japan's operations?
Either Japanese money (subsidies), power (liberalization of gun control), or honor (the graves of American soldiers buried in the foreign cemetery = foreigners who buried their bones in Japan of their own free will).
For me, it's a really boring story that I'm not personally interested in. Because it means that Japan has to provide job advice to the firefighters from Europe and the US who were cut off by President Trump.
Even though it has become such a big social problem, the idea that Epstein can still be done in Asia is only possible because of the spies who are fired and come to Japan, and the Asian world that never learns.
(Since there are time differences on Earth, why not separate countries by latitude instead of calling them Asian peripheral countries?)
I would like to warn you again about the existence of white people who have finally decided to go to construction sites in Japan and carry out sabotage activities while working there. (I know about it!)
They want to continue to promote intermarriage and bring foreign manual laborers into Japan. (They are Westerners who live in the US military bases in Japan or in the surrounding area and came through them.)
The target of the hell spirits I have observed is the buildings of the Japanese police (SDF) and the guns inside them. They are currently accomplishing what they were unable to accomplish in their lifetime by syncing up with the people who are still alive.
I also hear that British spirits in the US military bases in Japan are still active as spirits in the bases and complaining about this. (It won't be clear if the other person is not spiritually sensitive.)
They start by sending a large number of field workers around the buildings, claiming to repair the exterior walls of high-rise buildings and huge apartment buildings. Even though the work was done unnaturally for a long time in a building where compulsory education is conducted, it never became a social problem, so it probably doesn't matter to the Japanese.
The incompetent and ugly Japanese who will eventually have no place in Japan will sell the country to beautiful foreigners who are also incompetent, even if they are hated by them.
Also, the incompetent Japanese who flow into Western society will surely try to take over a foreign royal family in the name of the Emperor, without calling it a subversion.
The part of the building where the hitman who shot former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in the heart is presumed to have been hiding seems to be a symbol of the "work scaffolding" that Western anti-Japanese intelligence agents disguised as construction workers set up on the side of buildings.
I also heard from the spirits that the sniper was white. I asked many times if this was not the case because white people stand out in Japan, but they said it was a so-called DS white person.
The spirits may be explaining who the direct instructions are or who the boss is.
By the way, the "Emperor Meiji substitution theory" that is popular among idiot foreigners is circulating in Japan.
We live in an age where DNA can be tested, but Japan, which touts a single male lineage to organize family lines, does not do so again. It is inevitable that public opinion will be manipulated by the idea that "Japan is targeting the royal families of other countries."
Since Emperor Meiji, the real father of Ms. Mako Komuro, who lives in New York, does not seem to be of the imperial bloodline (a person who is said to be the younger brother of the current Japanese emperor).
The responsibility of confirming the facts is avoided, and it is not made public, lowering the consciousness of people in other countries that the imperial family is a family that can be replaced as much as they want.
In other words, it is "the members of the imperial family since Emperor Meiji, who were replaced," who are looking down on Japan.
No matter what they say, no matter how much they criticize the Komuro family and Mako Komuro, I have determined that they are in fact in agreement with the fact that the Imperial family will eventually become black (apparently because they are the "ancestors of mankind").
There are Japanese people all over Japan who are the legitimate descendants of the successive Emperors of the past 2,600 years, but it can also be said that they are sacrificing them for themselves (depopulation and ethnic extermination).
There are many beautiful stories about Japan's past Emperors, but because they are being used by foreign powers in this way (active genetic genealogy research, organization, and disclosure), there is no progress in the talk of restoring the former Imperial family, and they do not mention that the destruction of Japan is not stopping, so it is a deliberate crime.
If I were a foreigner, I would only see the consciousness of the "replaced" Imperial family as "a great Japanese family that is the Imperial family" as "artificial."
In other words, since direct and collateral male lineages are the same Japanese people, the current situation is designed to give room for foreigners who want to mix, even if it slightly upsets the order of succession to the throne.
In other words, rather unconventional Western spies and uncultured and uncommon-sense collaborators who think that "it's okay for me, a foreigner, to be the emperor," are used in Japan's espionage activities.
The fact that the results of DNA testing of Nor*h *orean abduction victims are all false reports must have been thought to be a fact of life by anti-Japanese operatives in countries surrounding Japan, so DNA related to lineage should be properly made public.
It is rumored that the ancestors of the families of North Korean abduction victims are from Ko*ea, S*uth Ko*ea, and Ch*na. If this is an important material for North Korea to consider the causal relationship of the abductions, it is an essential confirmation point for other Japanese citizens to correctly judge the issue of North Korean abductions as a national issue.
In today's world, when researchers are no longer able to move forward with new discoveries, why has the abduction issue not been studied in Japan as if it were a secret for Japan?
Also, it is somewhat similar that the extraterrestrial Greys are being held hostage in NASA and military bases in the US and the UK, like North Korean abduction victims, and are being exchanged for extraterrestrial technology.
Why does Japan and humanity make Japanese abduction victims and the extraterrestrial Greys into "protectors (sacrifices) of Japan and the Earth"?
It should never have been called classified, and who was it that joined the other side in calling it classified?
The reason why "events that are inconsistent as an intellectual problem" are classified is because the people who call them classified are stupid. It is an area that is not verifiable, but cannot be verified. The reason why they still want to call it classified is because, to put it simply, it is a criminal plan.
The extraterrestrial Greys have always been open, so humanity (N*rth Ko*ea) who wants to call it classified and lock up the Greys (Japanese) is only malicious.
They want to put the extraterrestrial Greys in a zoo as intellectually inferior life forms, but how is that different from how they treat the victims of the North Korean abductions?
Soon they will start saying that U*Os were made by humans, but the people involved in the "secrets" of extraterrestrial life will be the ones who get fired for stealing from aliens and not doing the work of humanity.
(AI-generated images and non-AI-generated text)