にんげんばんじ さいおうがうま



Demand is going to increase over the next 5 years.

2018年05月29日 15時20分26秒 | 英語は勉強中

Accoding to some analysts
its(american economy) going to continue growing
over the next 5years.

and also, prices will rise over the next 5 years.

economy ←→ growing
prices ←→ rise
demand ←→ increase


Which countries do you sell to?

Who buys imported lumber?

Historically, imported lumber has always been ceaper,
but now it is changing.

The goverment is going to give them some money from public found.


How about focusing on the American market,
instead of the Japanese market.

Demand is going to increase over the next 5 years.

It would be beneficial for our company.

Is this a recent concern?

yes, it's from last year.

Demand started to increase last year.

The US hausing market was stangnant for 10 years following the collapse of Leaman brothers.

If you change your job, what industry would you like to work in ?

I want to work in arkitect industry.

I've been out of the industry

for 10 years, so I'm not sure if I can do what I used to.

What do you mean by raw markets?

※by があると、柔らかく感じるものらしい。

I mean natural resouces.
