にんげんばんじ さいおうがうま



"lose track of time"

2017年10月01日 21時24分51秒 | 日記

I don't drink so much during the week.
I save it up for the weekend.


Is that used in a car exhaust? 排出ガス?


Do you like cemistry?

-mnnn used be.

Chemistry was my best subject.
Phisics was my worst subject.

best subject means you get highest performance らしい。

Kenny: I stopped studying chemistry when I was 14.

Kenny は schicology sociaty politicsらしい

what 's new in your life, Gann?

-I'm going to be transfferd to the sales dep from tomorrow.

you want or your company wants?

-my company wants

so "be transfferd" ne.

ーCan I say "be moved"?

yes, but transffer is better. ※better というか、、なんていってたか忘れた

I kind of gave up trying my best.
I've had a good relaxing time.

What's your current department?

kind of marketing

We have to identify people's motivations for changing jobs.

There are a lot of strong personalites in my department.

Are you happy to transffer there?

acutually I have mixed feelings.

After I can get master degree, I want to change my job.

修士ってmaster こんな単語も浮かばなかった(- -;
the before couse of PhDって言ったら、degreeかなとのこと。

ちなみに、MAがmaster of artsで、MSがmaster of sienceらしい。


I have one more year of my master's degree.

I would like to do my PhD overseas.

In my opinion, being system engineer is the best job in the world.
It will be very important for the foreseeable future


they have a lot of advantages in the labor market.

the labor market
manual labor= working with your hands

I was lucky I could book all 4 classes on the last day.

pardon me?

me neither...

sounds tough!


I went to China and came back to japan yesterday.

My flight was delayed so the gave us bentos.

internal flight

it took 3 hours.

I went to Hongkon from 中国のどこだったか, it took 2 hours to get through customes.
and you know we can get through it by car, it's my first time, so interesting.

I wasn't motivated,
so I took some time off work.

How long did you take off?


Did it work?

-yes, it did.

she bought herself a Luis Vitton bag for graduation.

those bags are well-made.

lasts a long time

where do you want go to next?

りらべんと って単語。まったくわからん。人生に関わるらしい

you've had that bag forever.


ここいちでのsave moneyの仕方。
You can get 1 free order of curry sauce



analogy = similar to

I sometimes wonder what the most important appliance is.

He watched youtube for about 2 hours.
His wife wanted him to rearrange some funiture while she went out.
His friend sent him a link.

"lose track of time"  (楽しいことで)うっかり時間を忘れる

when I drink, I lose track of time

what is important funiture?

-I think curtains are very important.
I use 段ボール (as curtain), I never got around to buying curtains.

usually I dont stay in my room during daytime,
but sometimes I think the sun is too bright.

what floor are you on?

-6th floor.

I never knew that doctors would need help when they want to change hospitals.

What's new?

-Nothing as big as that, but our department got a new guy.

quality assurance

= make sure everything is good

I work at airline company.

I didn't got to speak english outside of jabble.

got to = have an oppotunity

I couldn't be botherd to read an e-mail.

I couldn't be botherd to do anything.


I didn't feel like doing anything.

usually I get off on friday and sunday.

They aren't back to back.
they aren't consequetive. 連続してないのね って言いたい。

current department is mentally stressful, but physicary good.

I want to find a job where I can take time off whenever I want.

⇒take time off だと、数時間から数週間などなんでもあり。
 take day off だと1日だけって感じ

flexi time フレックス制度って、こんなにシンプルにいえる

commissions were paid out quaetely.

after reaman shock, everything changed.
We couldn't make any placements.

We only worked on consignment not retainers.

I would have no company to poach them.

poach ってstealみたいな。

we were much client side recruiters, and
the clients were 4-5.

We are more candidate side recruiters.


verval contructらしく



その人が I had mistake,,などといっても it's OK, don't worry.とかいうらしい



