the Gateway Punditとthe People's Todayは、フェイクニュースサイトです。
People's Todayは、クレムリンのフェイクニュースサイトです。
The Gateway Punditは、ニュースサイトじゃ無くてblogですが既に破産していますのでね。
Total Fake News Worldがちょくちょく引用と言うか丸ぱくりしていますがどちらともにフェイクニュースサイトと米国英国での評価です。
フェイクニュースの引用丸ぱくりが多いTotal News WorldをTotal Fake News Worldと言っても間違いは、在りません。
US far-right outlet Gateway Pundit declares bankruptcy
Website announces bankruptcy amid multiple defamation lawsuits related to 2020 presidential election.
Al Jazeera
Notorious far-right blog The Gateway Pundit declares bankruptcy over 2020 election-related lawsuits | CNN Business
The People’s Voice - Conspiracy Watch
The People's Voice, formerly known as NewsPunch, is a disinformation website.
Conspiracy Watch
The internet's biggest fake news producers are gaining traction through Twitter Blue accounts promoting their disinformation about Ukraine
Some of these falsehoods can be traced back to propaganda from the Russian government and Kremlin-controlled media, according to the BBC.
Business Insider
The People's Voice (Newspunch) - Bias and Credibilty
QUESTIONABLE SOURCE A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no
Media Bias/Fact Check