"まる" の日々☺ hand-made-day🙌

"まる" の日々から➰趣味(🔰)の作品➰感じた事➰そして私って変? と自問する時に記したくなる✒️

Tokyo 2020 ➰ Paralympic!

2019-10-05 | #まる子の日々~
- From Tokyo 2020 Paralympic.

Too bad so sad!.....😢⤵⤵ _(._.)_
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Thank you for your interest in purchasing the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games tickets.
The demand for tickets was incredibly high, and unfortunately, you were not awarded any of the tickets you requested in the lottery.
You can confirm the details of the ticket lottery results from the "My Ticket" section in the the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games Official Ticket Website.

