2011年の夏にニュージーランドのミッドカンタベリーで開催される第14回国際親善少年サッカー大会 (14th International friendship Soccer Championship 2011)の予定が以下のように日本、NZ間で調整されています。公式以外の大会を加えると20年以上の交流となっています。継続は、大変な皆さんお力だと敬意をあらわします。
It is good to hear from you and I hope all is well with you.
Thank you for the wonderful trip you organised for our team this year, they had a wonderful time and we look forward to hosting you in 2011.
The tournament dates for 2011 are Wednesday 27th July to Friday 29th July. This will be the first week of your School holidays and the second week of ours. If these dates are not in your holidays please let me know. Your teams will want to arrive in good time to prepare to play and it would be good if your teams could stay on for the Saturday and Sunday after the tournament to allow us more time to show your teams around. But this will depend on your flights.
Could you please let me know you receive this and how many teams you think will be coming.
I look forward to heasring from you and to seeing you next year.
Kindest regards
David Brown
It is good to hear from you and I hope all is well with you.
Thank you for the wonderful trip you organised for our team this year, they had a wonderful time and we look forward to hosting you in 2011.
The tournament dates for 2011 are Wednesday 27th July to Friday 29th July. This will be the first week of your School holidays and the second week of ours. If these dates are not in your holidays please let me know. Your teams will want to arrive in good time to prepare to play and it would be good if your teams could stay on for the Saturday and Sunday after the tournament to allow us more time to show your teams around. But this will depend on your flights.
Could you please let me know you receive this and how many teams you think will be coming.
I look forward to heasring from you and to seeing you next year.
Kindest regards
David Brown