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Non Hydrogen powered Electric Cars For Economies in Countries Mentioned(Don't IMPORT Hydrogen)

2015-10-12 06:46:15 | 日記
For Countries Mentioned Below Kindly Do not use Hydrogen For Electric Cars ,Motobike & Automobile.
(Don't IMPORT Hydrogen or Buy Hydrogen From Foreign companies/Countries Within the Country)

South Korea
Hong Kong

World should not only try to solve food problems but also find solutions to stop food wastages

2015-09-14 06:19:40 | 日記
I feel that all the Countries in the World should not only try to solve food problems but also find solutions to stop food wastages. I think food wastage is one of the most serious problem the World is facing now. The distribution of food from Countries that has surplus to poorer countries should be considered. In the distribution channel, the food should also be of high quality . There should not be contaminations or bacteria that will cause food poisoning in the end user who consumes them.


2015-09-12 17:27:30 | 日記

THE COMING OF THE HYDROGEN ECONOMY Based on Thermalcatalytic process or Fracking of Hydrocarbons from Oil base for sales to other foreign countries.

An age of "hydrogen economy" is near. The "hydrogen economy" refers to an economy based on hydrogen, a clean and resourceful energy. Hydrogen, whose atomic number is 1, is now regarded as a major next-generation energy source for Korea’s future economy and society. The current age of the “carbon economy” based on petroleum and coal will end. This will make way for the age of “hydrogen economy” in 10 to 15 years.
Then, why hydrogen? An almost inexhaustible supply of hydrogen exists on the Earth. It never causes air pollution as does oil or coal, but produces energy efficiently. In a word, hydrogen is an economical and democratic energy.
The term "hydrogen economy" was first coined by Jeremy Rifkin, a professor of the University of Pennsylvania in the United States, in his book entitled "The Hydrogen Economy" (2002). In the book, Rifkin predicts that the world will see a reduction in oil production by the year 2020, which, in turn, will inevitably cause conflicts among world countries to secure oil reserves. He adds that hydrogen will come into the spotlight as a new energy source that can be obtained most easily on the Earth and never causes air pollution.
Under these circumstances, enterprises and auto manufacturers, in particular, are moving fast to rise to the occasion. Major auto manufacturers, such as Ford, GM, Toyota, and Hyundai, have introduced new models of hydrogen-powered automobiles one after another. They will commercialize those vehicles in earnest by 2010. Electronics manufacturers are developing prototype models of fuel cells that will replace existing batteries for electronics products.
In 2003, Korea established a task force for the commercialization of hydrogen energy. The task force has worked out a four-stage road map for the realization of a "hydrogen economy." During the first-stage (by 2012), the country will focus on R&D on the production and storage of hydrogen; during the second stage (2013-2020), it will create a fuel cell market; during the third stage (2021-2030), it will expand this market; and during the final stage (2031-2040), it will build a full-scale "hydrogen economy."
Once the hydrogen energy is commercialized, no country will attempt to use their natural resources as "weapons" because of the wide availability of the new energy. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) will lose strength. The oil dollars the oil-producing countries currently hold will run out in the near future. In contrast, technologically advanced nations that can produce hydrogen energy at minimum costs will emerge as resource-rich countries. This is why major countries around the world are focusing their efforts on developing hydrogen energy.

petroleum 석유 / make way for 길을 내주다 / inexhaustibly 무진장으로 / coin 새로운 용어를 만들다 / inevitably 불가피하게 / conflict 갈등 / rise to the occasion 새로운 상황에 대처하다 / prototype 원형 / fuel cell 연료전지 / task force 사업단 / work out 고안하다 / wide availability 널리 이용 가능함 / Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) 석유수출국기구 / run out 고갈되다

Kindly Void the comment on Goo for 2014-04-13 10:17:12, i Support Susan Rice instead.

2015-02-13 16:06:37 | 日記
Kindly void the comment for

I support Condoleezza Rice to be the President of United State of America (North America)
2014-04-13 10:17:12
I Lin Zhihong S8429590F give my 100% support to Condoleezza Rice to be the President of United State of America (North America) in 2016 election.

Kindly Change to support for Susan Rice.
I Lin Zhihong S8429590F give my 100% support to Susan Rice to be the President of United State of America (North America) in 2016 election.
