The hydrogen,Oxygen and Air Liquid business belongs to France (Air Liquide) and Germany(Linde).
General Electric GE can not Acquire or have shares in Alstom now or in the future.
Alstom will Forever belong to France.
This is Lin Zhihong's Orders.
Alstom will Forever belong to France.
This is Lin Zhihong's Orders.
I, Lin Zhihong S8429590F Order the People in the Republican & Democratic Party in the USA (United States of America)to Stop Bullying Barack Obama.
Especially the Bush family and the white gang.
Especially the Bush family and the white gang.
USA must lower the Exxon Mobil Market Capitalization to 120 billion -130 billion then they sell all their shares to Japan. Japan will continue to sell oil to USA
after the acquisition. USA must follow what LIN ZHIHONG S8429590F wants.
after the acquisition. USA must follow what LIN ZHIHONG S8429590F wants.