ZOUK BELEZA (ズーク ベレーザ)

ブラジリアン ダンス (ズーク ランバーダ・サンバ・サンバ ジ ガフィエィラ)がどんなに楽しいか お伝えします

3/21 パーティ 重要

2023-03-20 10:29:25 | ダンスパーティ

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2023-03-18 23:31:46 | ダンスパーティ
As it is anticipated that more people would come for the party on the 21st than the capacity of the venue, we would like you to make a reservation by Sunday, 21st 18:00. Please make a reservation request at the workshop venue or by sending email to Mr. Mori at zoukbeleza%gmail.com (please change “%” to “@”, subject: Party reservation, body: full name). In reservation priority, we would also like to consider private-lesson taking and group-lesson participation, so those who plan to come only to the party might not be able to make a reservation, and we would sincerely like to ask your understanding for this as well.
Regarding the group lessons, no reservation is needed, but as there would also possibly be many participants, attention to and consideration for other participants around is highly appreciated.

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220% Zouk Beleza Dance Party with Ariel & Lety chan

2023-03-18 23:28:26 | ダンスパーティ
楽しく、ワイワイ素敵な時間をを一緒に過ごしまSHOW TIME(*’▽’)
① ダンスイベントへの参加はFBの「参加」ボタンを!もしくはzoukbeleza@hotmail.com か 
メッセンジャーmori sawako宛にメッセージを。
② イベント会場での検温37.5度以上の時、参加者の体調が悪い時、日本国内に入国2週間以内の場合、コロナウィルス陽性者、また主催者の感染拡大防止策に協力しない場合などは入場をお断りする場合があります。
③ 参加者は入場時に洗面所でのハンドソープによる手洗い及びアルコール等での消毒をお願いいたします。また踊り終わった時や休憩時には接触個所の消毒もお願いいたします。
④ 飛沫防止のためにマスクまたはフェイスシールド等の着用をお願いいたします。(熱中症対策も考慮に入れて外すことも可)
⑤ 会場内は土足禁止といたします。靴を入口にて履き替えてください。外履きを収納する袋(コンビニ袋等)を持参ください。
⑥ 飲食については、持ち込みは自由ですが他人との飲食物や皿、コップ、箸などの共有はしないでください。ゴミは必ず各自で持ち帰るようお願いいたします!!!

★220% Zouk Beleza Dance Party with Ariel & Lety chan★ (ダンスパーティ)
   スタジオ G-BOX
☆★☆ PLS join us with nice music and friends and so on ☆★☆
Bring your dance shoes,extra T-shirts,own your bottles:D
Have Fun!!!
220% Zouk Beleza Dance Party with Ariel & Lety chan (dance party!)
We have a special demonstration of Ariel & Lety chan on this party,don't miss it!
No samba on this party,sorry!
Entrance Fee:4000yen
Place:Studio G-BOX
4-4-11Ebisu Taiko Bldg. B1
Shibuya-ku Tokyo
"Ebisu St." JR Yamanote line or Hibiya line
Don't forget bring your Dance shoes,mask,drink and food!

Please observe the following notes, Thank you(^_-)-☆
① Please give me a join button or a message(zoukbeleza@hotmail.com or to messemger
mori sawako)
②Do not enter temperature above 37.5 degrees at the time of admission.
If you are within 2 weeks of entering Japan, you may be refused admission if you are positive for coronavirus or if you do not cooperate with the organizer's measures to prevent the spread of infection.
③ Participants are requested to wash their hands with hand soap and disinfect with alcohol at the time of admission. Also, please disinfect the contact points when you finish dancing or when you take a break.
④ Please wear a mask or face shield to prevent splashing.
⑤ No shoes are allowed inside the dance studio. Please change your shoes at the entrance and bring a bag (convenience store bag, etc.) to store your outer shoes.
⑦ You are free to bring your own food and drink, but please do not share food, drinks, plates, cups, chopsticks, etc. with others. Please be sure to bring your own trash with you.
E-mail zoukbeleza@hotmail.com

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