1818年創業の「柊家旅館」の玄関に掲げらている言葉 ♪
我が家に帰った様に くつろいで頂きたいとの願いだそうです ♪
私が取材していたら 戸を開けて頂き パンフレットも頂きました ♪
で見られます ♪
来者如帰 (RAI SYA NYO KI) ♪
It is words at the entrance of "HIIRAGIYA hotel" of the establishment of a business for 1,818 years ♪
It seems to be a wish that I please relax as having returned to my home ♪
I had a door open out if I reported and had the pamphlet ♪
The photograph
is seen ♪

我が家に帰った様に くつろいで頂きたいとの願いだそうです ♪
私が取材していたら 戸を開けて頂き パンフレットも頂きました ♪
で見られます ♪
来者如帰 (RAI SYA NYO KI) ♪
It is words at the entrance of "HIIRAGIYA hotel" of the establishment of a business for 1,818 years ♪
It seems to be a wish that I please relax as having returned to my home ♪
I had a door open out if I reported and had the pamphlet ♪
The photograph
is seen ♪