夜のほのかな明かりに包まれた 愛の語らい ♪
水に浮かんだテラスで ゆっくり 語りたい ♪
静かで 大人の時間が とろけるように過ぎていきますね ♪
で見られます ♪
Conversing with IN "red brick of Hama" of two people ♪
Conversing with of love wrapped in a night faint light ♪
I want to talk slowly on the terrace which came into water ♪
It is over so that I am quiet, and the time of adult melts away ♪
The photograph
is seen ♪

水に浮かんだテラスで ゆっくり 語りたい ♪
静かで 大人の時間が とろけるように過ぎていきますね ♪
で見られます ♪
Conversing with IN "red brick of Hama" of two people ♪
Conversing with of love wrapped in a night faint light ♪
I want to talk slowly on the terrace which came into water ♪
It is over so that I am quiet, and the time of adult melts away ♪
The photograph
is seen ♪