1957年に日本昆虫学会総会で国蝶に選択しましたよ ♪
花の蜜を吸わないで 広葉樹の樹液を好むようですね ♪
鳥のように 力強く羽ばたいて 羽ばたく音が聞こえる ♪
で見られます ♪
Does a Japanese country butterfly know it?
I chose it to a country butterfly at Entomological Society of Japan general meeting in 1957 ♪
I seem to like sap of the broadleaf tree without smoking the honey of the flower ♪
I hear a sound I flap like a bird powerfully, and to flap ♪
The photograph
is seen ♪

花の蜜を吸わないで 広葉樹の樹液を好むようですね ♪
鳥のように 力強く羽ばたいて 羽ばたく音が聞こえる ♪
で見られます ♪
Does a Japanese country butterfly know it?
I chose it to a country butterfly at Entomological Society of Japan general meeting in 1957 ♪
I seem to like sap of the broadleaf tree without smoking the honey of the flower ♪
I hear a sound I flap like a bird powerfully, and to flap ♪
The photograph
is seen ♪