上野特派員から 2012年元旦の「宗谷岬」の写真が送信されて着ましたよ ♪
上野特派員は 毎年 極寒の「宗谷岬」で年越ししていますよ ♪
今年は 「初日の出」がぽっかりと開いた隙間から見られたそうですよ ♪
で見られます ♪
"The first sunrise of a new year" of "the Japanese northernmost part" ♪
The photograph of "Soyamisaki" of New Year's Day was transmitted in 2012 by Correspondent Ueno and wore it ♪
The Correspondent Ueno makes seeing the old year out every year in "Soyamisaki" of the severe cold ♪
"The first sunrise of a new year" seemed to be seen big this year from the opened gap ♪
The photograph
is seen ♪
上野特派員は 毎年 極寒の「宗谷岬」で年越ししていますよ ♪
今年は 「初日の出」がぽっかりと開いた隙間から見られたそうですよ ♪
で見られます ♪
"The first sunrise of a new year" of "the Japanese northernmost part" ♪
The photograph of "Soyamisaki" of New Year's Day was transmitted in 2012 by Correspondent Ueno and wore it ♪
The Correspondent Ueno makes seeing the old year out every year in "Soyamisaki" of the severe cold ♪
"The first sunrise of a new year" seemed to be seen big this year from the opened gap ♪
The photograph
is seen ♪